Mathil's CoCSlam - It's exaclty what it sounds like.
Head on over to for live stream goodness and to have any questions answered that weren't covered here.
Brief: CoCSlam was born due to the idea of a witch ground slamming and casting a bunch of AoE based spells being somewhat of a novelty to me. Though the build is now Scion based rather than Witch, it is still the same novelty it once was which is still a surprisingly strong Cast on Crit build. CoCSlam is Cast on Crit Ground Slam with the idea being to stack AoE and have your main damage dealers be physical based spells like Bladefall, Glacial Cascade and Ethereal Knives, which also lets you scale the damage quite substantially with the addition of Hatred. It can now be done in both life and low life versions, both of which I think are best suited to a Scion. Videos for CoCSlam: Intro video to CoCSlam Core/Atziri & Video Guide - during talisman league 2.2 Ascendancy Discussion 2.2 made the build easier to make and gave you some freedom in what choices you make on the tree, in gems and on flasks. The 2 options I can narrow the build down to are Scion (Berserker/Assassin) and Shadow (Assassin). Scion for me seems like the best choice as it gives you a permanent 1.5% leech to all your spell damage, 10% more damage for everything, 1 % base crit to ground slam and spells and lastly a different way to sustain power charges on curse immune maps - the assassin 10% power charge on full life (it works somewhat well). With Scion you get to leech all the time meaning reflect becomes less dangerous no matter where it is. Previously you'd have to use a Vinktar flask to have reliable survivability but that's now a luxury. Shadow is also a strong contender. By taking Assassin you'll gain 3 base crit to both groundslam and spells due to having 6 power charges as well as having a reliable source of power charge generation from unstable infusion. This will allow you to perhaps drop some crit nodes like Disembowling or some crit from gear and by choosing Assassin you'll have to commit to Blasphemy Warlord's Mark as your source of leech. This is obviously a problem for curse immune maps or monsters so be aware of that when choosing shadow. 2.2 Scion Passive Tree 2.2 Shadow Passive Tree Passive Tree Discussion: - Passive tree may be started as Shadow or Scion depending on your preferences. - There's quite a lot of travelling between Shadow, Witch and Templar. It's best to do it early on in the game while leveling as it'll feel less painful while gaining fast passives. - Some points may seem inefficient but we do our best to grab as much crit and life as possible on the top side of the tree. If you're going Assassin for example you could probably afford to drop Disembowling and reallocate those points elsewhere. - Area is taken in both Templar and Witch areas as it is important for your Ground Slam and to scale the damage/size of your spells. - Quite a few jewel sockets have been taken since they are the most efficient source of extra damage for this build. A lot of your spell power/crit multi/area damage is likely to come from them. - Vaal Pact becomes necessary after hitting certain levels of damage to be able to deal with reflect. Take it when you feel like it becomes necessary. Gear: Talisman SC Character, now on Standard league - CoCSlammer - A pretty good representation of what ideal gear looks like
Dps Comparisons When I'm looking at how my gear/damage progresses I typically just look at the Bladefall average damage and how it increases based on gear/passive changes. Current bladefall in town with Hatred/Heralds: 8k average Current bladefall buffed with power charges/frenzy: 11.5k average These numbers are without an Ascendancy on the standard character. Expect to go a few thousand higher like 13-14k buffed on bladefall in pretty ideal gear. Gear Discussion: Weapon - Vagan Scepter - There is no competition. You basically have to use a Vagan Scepter for this build. It gives you Hits Can't Be Evaded meaning you have 100% hit chance. Without a Vagan mod since we're at the top of the tree you'll have garbage accuracy and need so much on gear it becomes ridiculous. Can either go slow and high crit (crystal scepter) or fast and lower crit (karui scepter). If going for multimod just regal the blue mace and hopefully hit a prefix meaning you can craft spell damage/crit/attack speed. If no multimod then aug the blue mace, regal and craft crit. Helm - Rat's Nest - Rat's nest is by far the biggest dps option for this build as it gives attack speed, crit, movement speed and some good evasion. The tree doesn't get all that much crit or attack speed so Rat's Nest is pretty vital for filling out those stats for the consistency of critting. Chest - Carcass Jack, Belly of the Beast, Rare Hybrid Chest - For me the choice is between wanting more AoE/damage or life and survivability. Either choice is fine but Carcass Jack is just a nice staple for giving you some life/resists and clear speed in terms of larger groundslam/spells. Boots - Rare boots - High life and triple resist is advised. Boot slot is a large majority of your resists for the build. Movement speed is nice to have but not essential as most of your movement will be done through whirling blades. Gloves - Maligaros, Facebreakers, Shadows & Dust - Gloves are another good slot for filling out a bit more crit which the build needs. Maligaros are a safe easy option that also helps give you dexterity for the high requirement from Vaal Haste and Bladefall. Facebreakers should give the most dps but don't help you crit any so only take those if you have really good crit already. Shadows and Dust should yield highest clear speed and situational damage. Belt - Rare leather belt - High life and triple resist is advised. Another slot that will be most of your resist so try to get a good one. Rings - Elreon Diamond - At least 1 Elreon diamond ring is highly advised as it will substantially reduce the cost of your ground slam. Wearing 2 -8s will give you a free ground slam which is what I did as it lets you reserve all of your mana and ignore any concern for -regen or no regen maps. Some life and resists on these go a long way. Amulet - Rare Dex Amulet - Dext is helpful to have on your amulet for Bladefall requirements. Try to get high life and crit/crit multi. Offhand - Rare Spell Dagger - A Kris type dagger is your best choice here as it gives 80% global crit implicit which applies to both ground slam and your spells. A typical spell dagger is what you need here so aim for high spell power, spell crit, crit multi and cold/fire/lighting damage to spells. Attack speed is also beneficial for whirling blade speed. Jewels: What you're looking for in jewels: - Max Life % - Area damage - Damage - Physical damage - Spell damage - Spell damage while dual wielding - Spell crit multi - Crit multi while dual wielding - Global Crit Multi - Attack speed - Attack speed with maces - Attack speed while dual wielding Gems & Links: 6L ideal chest setup - Cast on Crit - Groundslam - Multistrike - Bladefall - Glacial Cascade - Ethereal Knives 3L Scepter - Cast when damage taken lvl 10 + Immortal Call lvl 9 + Increased Duration 3L Dagger - Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify Boots - Hatred + Summon Ice Golem + Enlighten lvl 3 Helm - Vaal Haste + Vaal Grace + Increased Duration + Blood Rage Gloves - Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark + Herald of Ice Bandits - Life (Oak)--- 8 Attack Speed (Kraityn) --- Power Charge (Alira) Low Life CoCSlam 2.2 Scion Passive Tree 2.2 Shadow Passive Tree Gear:
More to come for lowlife version. A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily Editado por útlima vez por Mathil#3128 en 22 mar. 2016 15:24:29 Reflotado por última vez en 9 ene. 2018 15:07:01
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Is a Varunastra version of this build a viable contender, considering how it can be considered a mace for Ground Slam yet receive crit modifiers from dagger nodes?
Editado por útlima vez por Serzet#3444 en 22 mar. 2016 8:34:15
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what auras would you run if you can afford a lvl 3 enlighten?
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" I would think it possible but not optimal. He did state that a Vagen Scepter is essential for the Hits Can't Be Evaded. |
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Could you post the low life version of the passive trees for both Shadow and Scion?
Thanks |
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" Listed em at the bottom, hope to update with actual guidelines later. A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily |
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I've been running the life based scion version of this build in perandus, lvl 88 atm. One suggestion I have is to move your enlighten 3l to one of your weapons and then make your cwdt into a 4l by adding temp chains. Seems to help a lot when I dont have power charges up and coc doesnt proc. Gives me a little time to recover from that so I don't die as much to those random times when coc just bricks.
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I've actually been leveling a character for a build almost perfectly similar to this, although I moved a few points around to afford Acrobatics as a defensive option, which also let me reach down to the Ranger's crit nodes. Considering the very large increase to crit multiplier I've found that all of the crit multi nodes are very worth it, and leveling with this build has been pretty easy considering I can go with almost any build as long as there's a decent crit chance.
I was only planning on Bladefall and Ice Nova, but seeing your build I think Bladfall and GC will be a better duo. I don't think a third spell is necessary, especially considering I won't be adding any projectile speed to assist EK's range. My 6L should look like: CoC-BF-GC-GS-MS and the last socket would allow for any quality of life buff. Crit Multi for bosses, Increased Crit for just about anything really, Inc AoE for better area clear. I almost feel like the changes to Increased Crit make it a necessity, especially with the insane amounts of crit chance a build like this can achieve. Again paired with the new buffs to crit multi, there's almost no need for % increased damage (spell, physical etc) especially due to the nerfs to BF's effectiveness. Anyway, it's cool to see others who share the same mindset. I love CoC in general and I'm always looking for new ways to make it fun and viable. |
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Hey Mathil, great build, thx for sharing it. I'm Shadow-Assasin slammer, having 95% crit chance with the weapons below and all charges up. Do you think i should get other scepter and roll attack speed on it instead crit chance for spells? Or get other dagger with crit multi instead of crit chance?
LE: thinking also to run blaspemy+warlord mark for the leech, but dunno which other auras to run: HoI+HoT+Ass Mark+Curse on hit? Dont have enough mana to reserve the auras i want. What do you think? Editado por útlima vez por JoopO#1469 en 23 mar. 2016 11:49:07
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Hey guys, I just found myself a Divinarius. Would love to make a build around it. Do u think Divinarius is a good option for the offhand?
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