[2.6] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI Whispering Ice EleRaider - Viable for Everything
Which class do you think is the best option for this build? Can witch ignore elemental reflect completely?
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" yes, but only barely. ele reflect returns 18% (map mod) or 20% (monster affix) of elemental damage dealt. by 75% fire res, one therefore takes 4.5-5% of damage dealt. the elementalist version of this build has halved ele reflect taken, making this 2.25-2.5%. a lvl 20 arcic armour plus the reduction effect of paragon of calamity combined add another 0.8 multiplier to this damage, so that one takes 1.8% against the map mod and 2.0% against affixed reflect. the life leech gem gives 2% leech. so when attacking a reflect mob that isnt affected by warlords mark (either out of range or hexproof), the leech will counter the reflect, but there is no more healing left to counter any damage one takes in that fight. against ele reflect maps, only 0.2% leech remain after reflect when the mobs arent in WM range. thus, without fortify permanently triggered, things can escalate quickly. so yes, it does work out, but I strongly recommend to pay attention to keep everything in WM range and/or to keep fortify up all the time when doing ele reflect maps. and if you encounter a curse immune reflect mob in a reflect map, you better be quick on the ruby flasks. ;) the scion eleraider version of this build probably wont be able to safely do reflect maps. single reflect mobs probably dont pose too much of a threat unless your fire res isnt maxed. Editado por útlima vez por Black_Gun#7476 en 12 jun. 2016 1:37:30
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" You can do Normal and Cruel lab while leveling through the next difficulty (i.e. Normal when you are in A3-A4C, Cruel when you get to A4M). You can do Merc and Endgame Lab once you wear the gear you are going to use for mapping. Argus? He's nothing special. Perhaps you are not using the proper gear/gems or not taking the nodes in the right order? I have just leveled my Witch in Prophecy and updated the leveling guide for the Witch version with a lot of details. Check it out. Scion and Witch use the same gear at roughly the same levels, just take different nodes at different levels. |
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" Eleraider takes less damage than Elezerker, and that was already fine in ele reflect maps. Of course, you have to be careful. There is a large paragraph in the Dealing With Map Mods section about it. Witch Elementalist is definitely much safer. I'm going to do some YOLO stuff with her soon and find out just how much safer. Editado por útlima vez por Kelvynn#6607 en 12 jun. 2016 23:56:39
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Do you have a guy in prophecy league atm? mind if I whisper u my gear?
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" And the answer is... Reflect? What reflect? (Yes!) I've also run a T13 map with 18% ele reflect mod and didn't notice it was reflecting at all. My ES bubble fluctuated a little more on a random rare (pulled it alone to test) and the boss (60% reduced effect of curses), but it was still easily outleeched. I didn't even have to pop a Ruby flask. So: the Scion has an awesome clear speed but has to deal with reflect; the Witch is not afraid of reflect but has a slower clear speed. " My char in the league is Ice_Prophecy. You can also check the updated leveling guide in the Witch version, it has the actual gear and stats that I had while leveling. Scion won't be much different from that. Editado por útlima vez por Kelvynn#6607 en 13 jun. 2016 3:17:18
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I'm wondering if I made a mistake going scion rather than witch. With the new Kiara's Determination flask (immune to freeze, stun, and curse), there isn't really a need to go on the side of the tree to get unwavering stance. Also, Kiara's Determination kind of eliminates the need to go with Auxium. Only benefit I see on that side of the tree now is the extra resists and int
Also, why would we use elemental focus in our Whispering Ice instead of controlled destruction? You get such a dps boost from shocks and elemental focus doesn't allow us to shock Editado por útlima vez por Spokodude#2355 en 14 jun. 2016 13:58:12
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Used this build in Perandus League and reached my higher lvl. Was using a coc this league but decided to play this build again. I got one question.
1-With the change of controlled destruction - life leech gems do we have to use orb of storms to trigger EO? As i see we dont need that cuz we're already procing like crazy. This is changing on higher levels? ps: sorry if this asked/answered earlier and thank you for this amazing build again. Editado por útlima vez por Drvi34#7062 en 14 jun. 2016 15:15:43
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What is a good ES pool to have at 88? I'm currently saving up for the unique ring for more int but I'd lose about 300 ES because of it (putting me back down to 7.4k). To counteract this I've been changing up some of your skillpoints, like grabbing more ES than damage. I currently don't die much (if at all) unless it's due to lag or I just get really really lazy.
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" Kiara's Determination lasts 2.5 sec (2.85 if you take Alchemist) and consumes 40/60 charges on use. There is no way to keep that up against bosses. I think it's designed to be used in combination with The Overflowing Chalice, but that only works while constantly killing. That's good for mapping, but it will fail you when you need it the most - at the boss. So no, flasks won't replace US or Auxium. " What shocks? We don't deal lightning damage. Besides, EF's suppression of status ailments doesn't seem to affect Icestorm, probably because it's not a gem linked to EF. Or maybe it just suppressed chill/freeze because Icestorm is a cold skill, and it's not aware of damage conversion. You can see in my videos that everything gets ignited by Icestorm. " Yes, OoS is still needed. Without CD the crit chance of Icestorm went from the minimum possible 5% to 6.5%, and it's still too low. The crit/non-crit roll for skills like Icestorm/Firestorm is determined on cast, not on hit. When your cast crits, all hits produced by that storm crit, and vice versa. We don't cast often enough to reliably trigger EO. Orb is the way to go still. " I don't remember lv 88, but by lv 91-92 you should have somewhere around 8.5k ES with decent gear. You only need as much ES as you can lose in 1-2 hits. Then it gets leeched back. So you don't really need a lot unless you are going to Core or Uber. Your leech is a function of your DPS (Int, penetration, Izaro's). I've been trading raw ES for DPS ever since splitting from the original build by Baalorlord. If I stayed with that one, I'd be pushing 15-16k ES right now but would still have to dodge hard bosses instead of facetanking, carry Vaal Disciplines, and probably die often anyway. DPS, leech and curses - so much better. Don't worry about ES, worry about DPS. Editado por útlima vez por Kelvynn#6607 en 14 jun. 2016 17:24:18
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