[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

omgree escribió:
Guys, what u think about Arctic armour instead of clarity (if the map dont have reduced recovery rate)?

Due to the amount we run around, and kite, we wouldn't gain very much defense from AA, as someone that needs to stand still to do damage.
omgree escribió:
Guys, what u think about Arctic armour instead of clarity (if the map dont have reduced recovery rate)?

I have no issues at all with mana even without clarity. If you're in the same situation, might as well run AA for the cold trail on ground and chill when hit. Otherwise excess mana is just sitting idle.
omgree escribió:
hankinsohl escribió:
Well, I found a (temporary) use for my Cospri's Will:

Chains is a nice quality of life and should help leveling now that I can play more aggressively.

thats good one! I would even sacrifice andvarius implict to +1 curse and getting for 6-l +enfeeble, or its not possible with rings? (than on amulet)

+1 curse Vaaled-implicit is only on amulets; a +1 curse amulet with rarity, life and a resist or two would be killer - but would be killer expensive as well :-)
Whuff, you guys were busy here while I was sleeping.

ChronoExile escribió:
@Serleth - Grats on getting the two big bads completed. Did you stick with Acro or use a few points and spec into IR? Also what was your Pale Court drop?

Also, I've had three map related prophecies 'active' for a while now, and none of them have triggered. Do they not trigger in T1s or am I too low level(76) or is it just random, and they just haven't hit the dice yet? Any help on this is appreciated.

I tend to play through till the last day of the leagues. Because of this I do not feel rushed to get the rings or the bow in the first ~5 days of a league(but it is still impressive to all those who do).

The atmosphere here has always been really supportive, which is one of the reasons I like to show my slower progress.

a) Acro. I got the Gloves for Pale Court. I did switch out of my Andies/Goldwyrm though to rares with life in order to break 5.3k life, which while it probably wasn't necessary for Izaro, definitely made it more comfortable. I kept full MF gear for Pale Court. I think I flasked.... three times? Pale Court is easy as pie.

I think keeping an eye on PoELab.com is super helpful for it though, there are certain buffs Izaro get which make him ridiculous in the Uber lab, most notably the Charge Disruptors. If you don't perfectly time usage of the disruptor, thus leaving him with charge buffs, he can easily one-shot you. I think a switch to IR in cases such as those would be necessary.

b) Please specify what prophecies. I need more information to answer this. I've completed most Prophecy types so I can definitely help you here.

c) I tend to just 40/40 and out, so for me progressing faster in the build is definitely worth the investment. I've actually changed my mind and bought a 6L to craft once TreeOfDead gets Catarina 8 for his service.

I'll be selling my 5L +3 here for relatively cheap for those who are interested. I will be looking mostly to just recover half my investment cost on it (paid 3ex, spent about an ex of fuses, so I'll likely sell it for 2ex).

But yeah, point being, one of the beauties of this build is that even with pure rare items getting up to ~100% IIR and just Goldwyrm, you can still keep consistent currency generation and progress at your own pace. Nothing wrong with that at all.

hankinsohl escribió:
Is 10.7K in a 5-link without Item Rarity?

I must say... single target DPS is not bad at all with CA nowadays. It's been quite awhile since I've played CA (it was poison arrow when I last played) so maybe I'm misremebering - but I thought that with poison arrow we had a lot more problems with single target DPS.

Yes. Also, yay more Noxic story!

But yeah, the single target's a lot better, mostly because of all the debuffs you can trigger at once. Vuln, Occultist -res, Vaal Lit Trap, Wither Totem. Bosses melt pretty quick, especially as you get higher gem levels. Even ones that used to take forever to knock down (Gorge Kraityn, Underground River, Residence) die pretty quick.

Fully buffed/debuffed, CA's dps became better with 2.2 than it was even in 2.0.

ChronoExile escribió:
The bow Serleth posted a while back has crit as a suffix, and that does nothing for the cloud damage either. Getting the +3 is likely more important

Correct. The only suffixes we're truly interested in would be resistances to help out with equipping Carcass Jack.

Other slightly helpful suffixes include LGOK, MGOK, and IAS.

omgree escribió:
1. Best way to obtain ID scrolls? Cuz i've spending tham so much. Farm museum + selling orb of transmutation?

Guys, what u think about Arctic armour instead of clarity (if the map dont have reduced recovery rate)?

I've never had a problem with id scrolls because I pick up a Portal gem.

I only keep about 80 transmutes at any given time, and enough scraps/whetstones to 20% one item. I vendor all the rest that I find for wisdoms.

AA has almost no benefit for this build. If you read the gem, the defensive buff requires that you are standing still in order to get the armour buff. We're an extremely mobile build, constantly on the move. AA would just be taking up mana reservation for no reason. other than to occasionally affect enemies chasing you with the chill business.

Sidenote: I fricken LOOOOOOOVE poe.trade's live search. Bookmarking the specific upgrades I need then just letting it idle makes life so much easier.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Editado por útlima vez por Serleth#4392 en 8 jun. 2016 13:42:33
Serleth escribió:
Also, yay more Noxic story!.


Poor Nelber - he had it coming though!
@Serleth - I'll post the actual details when I am home from work, but the map prophecies I have active, but not triggered are (some artistic license in here), Defending from beyond monsters, +6 additional strongboxes, and +4 exiles. The second and third ones specifically say when in a map, but the beyond one does not, even though it references the golden gears of the map device. Also thanks for the additional information on the two end game encounters.
ChronoExile escribió:
@Serleth - I'll post the actual details when I am home from work, but the map prophecies I have active, but not triggered are (some artistic license in here), Defending from beyond monsters, +6 additional strongboxes, and +4 exiles. The second and third ones specifically say when in a map, but the beyond one does not, even though it references the golden gears of the map device. Also thanks for the additional information on the two end game encounters.

I triggered the beyond one in a map with the Otherworldly affix.
a) Make sure that it says they need to be completed in Merciless. They probably do, but just in case. There is one Prophecy I had that said "In a map" but it worked fine in regular content. And there's others that really ARE just in maps.

b) For whatever reason, they just aren't triggering then. Some take longer than others to show up, and it's no guarantee that any given zone will have it happen. Beyond monsters, +6 boxes and +4 exiles all eventually just happen. Sometimes it takes me 5+ maps before one decides to proc.

However, there seems to be an order of probability for prophecies to be triggered so if you're constantly refreshing your available prophecies, it's possible that those ones are just continually being pushed to the back of the queue. I noticed this because whenever I have a Plague of ABC prophecy up, that is ALWAYS the one that procs first.

I'll wait for clarification from you when you're off work but that seems the most probable things that are happening.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.

And it is complete.

Just need Empower now.

5L +3 available for 2ex
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Serleth escribió:

And it is complete.


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