[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
I think (not sure?) that only a few image hosting sites are supported for the tag on poe.com
Either way, yeah, it's a known bug that it won't reflect on the expanded tooltip as you've highlighted there. Don't worry, though! It's only a tooltip issue. Mechanically, it works just fine and you ARE getting the benefit of that extra 10% pierce chance. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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What follows is a tale about Noxic, my aspiring Caustic Arrow Scion in the Prophecy League. Skip if not interested.
A Prophecy for Noxic ============= Noxic, the younger sister of Fog, was so-named because of her temperament: quick to anger, argumentative, full of disdain towards authority. Indeed, it is this last quality which saw Noxic run afoul of authorities on Oriath. Consequently, Noxic too was banished to Wraeclast, just as her sister Fog was some years ago. And yet... And yet, Noxic is not a bad person: kind to strangers, devoted to her sister, hard working. Noxic's name and outward demeanor belie a gentle soul frequently kept well hidden from view. ============= As a young girl, Noxic showed great skill in Totemry - that is, magical placement of carved-wood idols imbued with various powers. Noxic was particularly adept with dagger-totems; when summoned, these totems caused daggers to rain down from the sky, dealing great damage to any foe caught in their downpour. After a time, Noxic mastered the ability to summon three such totems at once. Few others could match her skill. And yet.. And yet, Totemry wasn't satisfying to Noxic. Instead, Noxic longed to master the bow. Her life's aspiration was to become just like her older sister Fog - master of the poison bow. ============= A short time after Noxic's banishment, the Gods sent one of their Fates - Navali - to Wraeclast. A Fate is a demi-god, immortal and able to see visions of the future. A Fate's nature is mysterious; why the Gods sent Navali to Wraeclast, no mortal knows. And why Navali began to foretell the future for common folk in exchange for a silver coin or two, that too is unknowable: Caprice? Part of a larger plan? No one could say with any degree of certainty. ============= Noxic wasn't much-impressed by the Fates. In Noxic's opinion, Fates were just figureheads for the Gods, part of the authoritarian regime she despised. And yet... And yet, Fates could foretell the future. And Navali was willing to reveal a person's destiny for a single silver coin. ============= Noxic was desperate to know when - or indeed if - she would become a master bowman. And Navali could foretell the future! Unfortunately, Noxic was flat broke. A silver coin was as far beyond Noxic's reach as that hoped-for day long in the future when she would take up the bow. And yet... And yet, thought Noxic to herself, a small stone, polished smooth, and then dipped in lead would, for a time, appear remarkably similar to a silver coin. Such a lead-stone would easily fool Navali. ============== And so it was, a few days later that the still-broke Noxic found herself in front of Navali. "Oh great Seer," Noxic began, "I desire to know my future. When will I become a skilled bowman?" "I can see your future, child," replied the Fate - at the mention of "child" Noxic nearly lost her composure. Child indeed! "For the price of a silver coin I will reveal all," finished Navali. Navali held out her hand into which Noxic pressed an object which appeared to be silver. "Listen closely child, this is what I portend: you will become a great bowman, greater even than your sister Fog. But first, you must slay Steelpoint the Avenger. Then, you shall take Steelpoint's bow and fulfill your destiny." - so said the Fate Navali. Noxic was elated! Never before had she felt such joy. She almost - but not quite - regretted tricking the Fate. "Oh thank you great Seer! Thank you, thank you!," exclaimed Noxic while brushing a tear from her eye. ================ Later that same day, Noxic set out into the thicket where Steelpoint was known to reside. Totems were summoned and a great battle ensued. Near death several times, Noxic survived only by quaffing a healing draft. Meanwhile, daggers rained down upon Steelpoint, eventually dealing mortal wounds. Shortly Steelpoint would succumb and Noxic's greatest wish would come true! Suddenly though, the world stopped. Something was wrong! YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED FROM THE NETWORK SERVER. THE REALM IS DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE. ================ Noxic learned an enduring lesson that day: Fate is not to be trifled with. Editado por útlima vez por hankinsohl#1231 en 6 jun. 2016 19:40:53
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I'm pretty sure my favourite part of this thread in recent months is your stories.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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" /blush Thanks Serleth! |
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How is it going guys? Anyone tackled the Uber Lab yet? ;)
Things are going slow for me, but that's mostly becasue I only played 8 hours since the start and this while being very tired after work. No amazing drops yet, just a +1 cold wand sold by Nessa at level 1, thanks Nessa :) I have been swiching back and forth between Frostbolt and CA for levelling in Act 2, 3 and 4 Normal, after I dropped Death's Harp. Went with Frostbolt and Bladefall totem eventually, but I love the run-and-gun CA playstyle (my "adventure" with ARPGs started with Diablo 3 and a glass cannon kiting Deamon Hunter, so I guess I have kiting in my blood). Anyway, I can't wait to switch to full CA, if I find a +1 bow I might do it just then. Currently sitting in A1C and my biggest worry is that some Prophecies, which I wasn't able to complete in Normal are still sitting there and I will have to seal them to make room for Cruel ones. But some of them are part of a chain (Library texts, I think this is the one leading to the Pale Council and the Plaguemaw or whatsitsname), I hope I'll be able to complete these chains in Cruel / Merci!? I will be back to farming in the evening, hoping to put in more hours. Happy hunting! BTW. I see people here are members of various guilds and while it is probably too much to expect to form a single guild for all CA MF lovers, is there a way to have a chat/voice channel to communicate in-game? A discord channel might be the way, I'll have to do some more research about this. Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist, with her gilded purple boots. "You want my sockets?" Editado por útlima vez por Jadran#7994 en 6 jun. 2016 6:48:29
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Hi! Things are going pretty good for me this league - I've been very fortunate with drops and made some steels in the market before prices started going through the roof. I skipped prophecies for the most part while leveling; I had some cruel prophecies that I knocked out quickly. Probably that nice chain normal one you have just continues in normal. But the non-chain ones could probably be knocked out quickly and then you can get merciless ones in their place. ====== A chat channel sounds fun; let me know what you find. Editado por útlima vez por hankinsohl#1231 en 6 jun. 2016 7:12:58
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@Hank, I think I am going to agree with Serleth on this one. Your stories are pretty good reads, and add a fun life to the thread.
@Serleth, I was ahead in challenge ticks for a short period of time, it was folly to think it would last. @Jadran, A discord server would be easy enough to set up. Or just create a channel in the reddit server. Both would work, just not sure what would be better. Also for your prophesies if you can clean out the normal ones in a few minutes or less, that might be better than sealing them. But it will be a time vs silver argument depending on which one you value more. Also I started Plaguemaw in cruel, and was given the next parts in Merc, so I am not sure exactly how all of them work, but some do not seem to be fully restricted. The interwoven adventures of the first weekend:
The reason there are interwoven adventures is because I play vastly more than my guild does. The guild I am a member of is made up of all friends I have in real life who also enjoy playing this game. We have a standing ~4 hours we play together on Thursdays, mostly spent in maps or master missions. The first Thursday of the league is spot quest completion, and maps. Depending on when we get to maps there might already be a Zana involved, which is pretty convenient (esp for those with less time to spend in Wraeclast). The league starts with KrillsonSenpaiNoticeMe pitifully flinging swords at a giant, lobbing cold orbs at the undead, and attempting to dodge some flightless birds. We get that far, and a guild-mate buys a few CA gems for me and I start leveling them. Progression continues with the cold orbs until Kuduku is slain, and a rare 2link +1 bow drops. I promptly switch, the group composition at this time is a fire trapper, a flametotem, and myself(CA and Split Arrow). Our merry band continues on, completing random prophecies here and there on our way through Act 1. Progression in Act 2 speeds up a little as the group splits at town to collect the different waypoints. Luck is on my side as we kill Fidelitas, a 3link +1 bow drops. One more support, and I can mostly drop the Split Arrow. I find a Lochtonial Caress, switch to Frenzy and boost the damage of the party by 12% more. Nothing much happens until we hit Cruel difficulty, trapper switches to Ice Trap, and Flametotem switches to SRS (the upgraded sounds for that skill makes me want to play on mute). A2C and we decide to call it for the night. I still have one more normal prophecy, so I double back to complete it. It is the evangelist will drop a unique, and a Tabula Rasa is obtained. First evening done, and decent progress made. I wake up sixish hours before we agreed to meet for continuing. And this is where the I play more problem starts. I want to keep a character in the +/- five levels of the group until we all hit maps, but still want to play. Time to start a second character. Tabula Rasa + Frost Orb here we go. Leveling was super easy and in no time I am caught up to where the rest of the group has left off. My two guild-members I am playing with sign on, and I just continue playing with frost orb. We spend most of the day getting to A2M. In the down time, short lunch break, and the stop for dinner (which turned into stop for the night) I run my CA character to the the beginning of Merciless. Sunday, and one of the guild-mates was co-opted to do errands by the ladyfriend, so I continue on with CA. Eventually the other player is on and we continue. By the end of the day I have two characters not yet to maps, CA is 66 and Frost Orb is 60. This is a folly of trying to keep with friends sometimes. But once everyone is to maps I might just make a culling set up for group play.
CA Progress
Nothing too fancy, was looking to buy a pair of Goldwyrms, but the seller was in that map for HOURS, apparently. Also given the potential of linking and such I'm wondering if buying a +3 will be better for me for the league. Guess I will need to just wait and see how it all plays out. No disponible post script, the achievement/challenge tracking on the account page is amazing now! but it only works for the current league at the moment. Editado por útlima vez por ChronoExile#0033 en 6 jun. 2016 7:58:32
Algunos objetos de esta publicación no se encuentran disponibles actualmente.
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thinking of running a defensive flask over the eternal life flask or one of the QS flasks, what you guys think is good? not sure btwn Jade and Basalt. also running grace + arctic armor, cwdt IC
IGN: EchelonTL, neophyte
Guild: Team Liquid |
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" My preference last league was to drop a QS flask for a Quartz Flask of Adrenaline. I like the additional Dodge change, weather actually helping or not I feel safer around Porcupine Golaiths in closed quarters with a Quartz. The ability to run through packs at shrines or strongboxes is a nice bonus too. |
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" Thanks CronoExile. Sounds like you and your friends are having fun. |
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