Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
" idk, put something like that in it should be a lot better than your jewels Editado por útlima vez por blg_RealiZe#1295 en 24 oct. 2018 11:43:56
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Is there a specific 3.4 SSF FilterBlade, I mean an updated one compared to the one included in https://pastebin.com/iK3YVTkF ??
thanks a lot, loving the build in SSF Editado por útlima vez por cloudscraper#4014 en 24 oct. 2018 12:22:41
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@Enki91 and/or others who can give some feedback on it aswell,
thought this was interesting, was googling a bit today on elementalist builds and arc stuff in general and came across this thread on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/9nufbl/kinda_hit_a_wall_89_elementalist_any_advice/ a guy in there says: "I will never get why Enki advised Paragon of Calamity + Liege of the Primordial... That's so much worse than going Mastermind of Discord. Drop Clarity and pick up Herald of Thunder. You are skipping 25% Lightning pen, which is absolutely huge, for a small 0.5% leech than can easily be found on a ring (Berek's Pass, Valako's Sign) or a craft on the weapon. Plus you will get 8% cast speed, and 75% Elemental damage half of the time. I see that you are not using Vaal Arc, which is a direct upgrade to Arc, get one ASAP. For the Tree, something like this : poeurl.com/b7is Doing all that above should net you around 50% MORE damage. what do you guys/Enki think about this? Would be interesting to hear feedback on this and if this guy is correct/wrong or if its situational? we lose the elemental reflect immunity from this and one extra golem but we gain 50% more damage and 25 extra% lightning penetration? another question also I havent even used vaal arc myself yet as I havent needed it so far but is it a skill we can use constantly or have to wait between cooldowns or something or is there some way to counter this? if its possible to use it 24/7 then its no point using regular arc at all I guess? and some gems like spell echo support do not work on vaal skills so when should it be used? thanks ! Editado por útlima vez por secret_service86#3947 en 24 oct. 2018 15:22:09
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Guys, I'm playing on hc delve, helmet with enchant arc chains an additional time is freaking expensive. Does it really that good, or increased arc damage is not worse?
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@tsuu_9 & Kirian42
Many people seem to switch in Tempest Shield. You could also put the Cold Snap from the other CwDt setup in there and use a Vaal aura in that free'd up socket, reason for the switch is the Inc Duration in the other setup affecting the Vaal aura.
Replace Added Lightning Damage, Empower outdamages it if the end result is a Lv26 Arc.
Main reason why your boss damage is so low is because you're missing Beacon of Ruin, which means Hypothermia isn't working yet and you won't be able to put meaningful shocks on bosses. Just speccing Liege over to Beacon will almost double your damage.
Next point are flasks, having the correct setup and all properly rolled is very important. The Overflowing Chalice is trash for everything but Pathfinders, a regular Sulphur is much better. Two Life Flasks is also excessive, replace one with Basalt. Then, start rolling for the listed prefixes/suffixes and get the Alchemist nodes. It's a huge difference if for example your Basalt Flask lasts 5.4s and has one use, or lasts 5.8s and has two uses, let alone the extra phys mitigation through flask effect Alchemist gives. The same goes for all other flasks, it's a good DPS and defensive gain. Remove Crackling Speed for this, it's not worth the 4 points. Last but not least Mana Leech on OoS can be replaced with Culling Strike to kill bosses faster, you got a leech Watcher's anyway.
I mean, why exactly would I? The PoB is directly below the videos, i've just done the recommended gear changes mentioned in the Uber Elder video. Read that mini guide and maybe look through my VODs on twitch, been doing Uber Elder in Delve since first week on stream.
Spec out of Ash, Frost & Storm and put that into Elemental Focus or the last jewel socket. Could use that new socket to get Clear Mind and drop Clarity. These two changes will have a considerable impact without much investment.
Getting a new sceptre is more tricky, as barely anyone outside this build is using actual caster sceptres, so there's not much good crafts for sale. Lightning/Elemental%, flat Lightning to Spells and Cast Speed at good values is enough to outdamage Cerberus, Penetration/Ele as Chaos would top it off but probably hard to get it all together.
Except for quality on your Atziri's Promise there's not much you can do. Overall pretty gg setup.
My standard char is overall the most highend due to some legacy gear and overall more investment put into it. It still has lots of room for improvement, such as getting my sceptre, shield, gloves and belts from my Delve char eventually.
Spiritual Aid is something i've been testing since Lv98 with good success. It's a potential improvement for 3.5, if I can integrate it into the passive progression in a reasonable way where it actually ends up as more damage over the board, and not just at 95+ and with that basically being a damage loss for most players. For gem corruptions just check in Path of Building, you can see the direct impact of each change. For most of the gems, Lv21 should turn out as better. Added Lightning Damage is the gem to replace for Empower in a Lv26 Arc setup. The Mastermind of Discord debate is something i'm actually really tired of already. I just can't help but feel all the people who suggested it are completely misunderstanding the purpose of this build and fail to see the consequences of that change. Mastermind actually used to be a part of this build in the past, but it heavily limited the build and feedback showed that people weren't happy with it. Requiring specific items to make the build work at all just makes it completely dysfunctional to start a league or the game with, and it would require SSF chars to farm said items with a different char first. And using the leech gem in the meantime results in a damage loss compared to this builds setup. Warlord's Mark is also not a good idea since Enfeeble is a crucial part of this builds defensive concept and taking Whispers of Doom would also come with other sacrifices. Then there's how to reliably apply the curse, it would either require a yellow-map+ gated ring that likely won't have other good stats, means damage loss on other slots to cap resistances, or Blasphemy, which together with Mind over Matter, Herald of Thunder and Essence Worm is a clear no. Reflect Immunity is also a bigger deal than those people always give it credit for. This build is mainly aimed at new players, players who want to explore the game and not be told "You can't do these bosses because your skill will 100% kill you" or "You have to level/buy a different skill just for these fights, switch to them and still have a chance to die to their reflect". Losing Liege of the Primordial is also bigger loss than immediatly obvious. The node + two golems outdamage Pendulum of Destruction if Lightning + Flame is used and are more consistent in doing so. Almost all highend bossfights have purely elemental AoE/ranged skills, the elemental damage immunity our golems gain assures we don't lose the huge damage and mobility boost and don't have to recast all the time during those fights. Considering all the above, Mastermind would overall only be a ~4% damage boost for my current char, while losing consistency, defenses and the ability to run some content. As a two-pointer it would be ok to pick, but as a four-pointer it's just a huge noob trap for single element builds. Sorry for the rant but just gotta give a reference point somewhere for everyone asking this question. Will probably write it up in a pastebin document at some point.
Atziri's Promise is usually enough for us to coutner chaos damage while mapping, and the few chaos boss skills that hurt shouldn't be tanked to begin with. Chaos groudn effects can be countered with Flame Dashing over if needed, but mostly they won't do that much damage.
Your character tab is private so can't check your char unfortunately.
blg_RealiZe already gave a few good suggestions, one thing i've noticed is that your flasks are missing quality, and you should try to roll the magic ones properly. Could also ugprade the ring to get a life roll and a little damage from that slot. Together with the other suggestions that should give a noticeable boost.
Huge damage loss, just use Culling Strike on OoS after getting a leech Watcher's.
I'm with you on the bigger hit & explosion damage rather than too much cast speed, speeds up map and delve clearing a lot and is the sole reason why i'm able to do Delve Cities at ~600 depth.
Check out the filter command on my stream, will also put the updated link in the pastebin guide later on. Filterblade also auto-updates the custom filters with applicable changes made to the filter it's based on.
Arc Damage enchant is a little bit worse, but you gotta decide if the difference in DPS is worth the difference in price. Another option would be Lightning Golem Buff Effect, gives good DPS and mobility.
@everyone not mentioned above: Thanks for all the feedback, it really means a lot to me and it's great to see the builds intended purpose is successful! Got lots of ideas saved up the improve the guide further, can't promise yet when i'll implement them but it will probably happen during this week! twitch.tv/enkivt
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guys, please explain to me why this shield is so good? it seems to me that it is very weak in terms of its characteristics and it drags 2 gems along ... but what do we get as a result? ... maybe it's better to take a yellow shield? sometimes i die .... thanks |
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" Mobility is a big part in Path of Exile, and especially important as additional defensive layer in this build. Permanent Onslaught is unbeatable for that, giving both 20% movement speed and 20% attack speed which both scales Shield Charge while also giving 20% cast speed, one of the most important DPS stats for Arc. All other ways to gain Onslaught can't compete, jewel mod is unreliable in bossfights where you need mobility to dodge, Silver Flask is limited by charges and takes a flask slot, that we could use to gain a bigger offensive + defensive boost than two jewel sockets usually give. On top of that comes good total life and +3 maxres, which is a huge survivability bonus, especially stacked with all the other damage reductions in this build. twitch.tv/enkivt Editado por útlima vez por Enki91#7725 en 24 oct. 2018 17:18:46
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" okay, ty Enki for fast answer for my Q! |
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Thanks a LOT for the detailed answer and also for having the energy and patience to keep answering us noobs :) I will stick to your guide and keep looking at your witch(es) for inspiration and as said am planning to sink a lot of currency into this build over time and probably in standard after this league ends aswell, possibly going for a hardcore version as that is my favourite way to play but I really have to learn the mechanics of all bosses and mapmods/etc first which will be quite some time, the mastermind of discord debate is kind of what I expected, if you just want raw damage etc then you can do a lot of different things and change the build up but for league starters/SSF and overall balance it is not the wisest choice, really liking being reflect immune and again thanks very much for the best guide out there and taking the time to answer probably the same question a million times, in different forms :) PS! one last question is about Vaal Arc, I have not even tested it yet but how and when do we use it since it needs souls from kills to be able to be used, on single target bosses for example? in mapping I can see it but otherwise? (im talking completely without experience and knowledge in vaal skills here but to hear your explanation would be great!) and that is probably the last question I will have on this build in a long time ! cheers and good luck to you and everyone here! Editado por útlima vez por secret_service86#3947 en 24 oct. 2018 17:59:04
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" Vaal arc is extremely good in clear pack, open box situation. Its so good when clear those pack with immortal aura or totem around the pack as it give unlimited chain. At best, I did clear 2.5 screen size mob in one single vaal arc blow as mob stand close to each other. In saying that picking between 21/0 arc or 20/20 vaal gem, I would still pick arc 21 gem as it give huge dps boost against boss fight. If I go first, I'll wait for you in the other side of the dark water. Editado por útlima vez por Ukanta#3876 en 24 oct. 2018 18:29:56
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