Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
@Newbell: Spellblock works exactly as the name suggests: if you for example have 75% chance to block spells in your character sheet, you have 75% chance to block any spells and won't take any damage from them. Just look at the Atziri video linked, at some point i get hit by a flameblast there and take 0 damage, that's thanks to spellblock.
That said, yes keep Lazhwar BUT get good liferolls AND resistances on the other slots, any gear that doesn't have both of these stats while also not being any of the recommended uniques in this guie is worthless for us. @chapppy: Flasks can't be alched, they can only be Normal, Magic or Unique. You can basically drop the Topaz Flask if you not gonna run ele ref maps, but if your DPS surpasses a certain treshold you might need it for simple reflect rares. Basalt is best for staunching since most bleed comes together with phys damage, so you get kind of a 2 in 1 protection plus if you put it on any life/mana flask, the bleed immunity will stop as soon your the respective pool is refilled, whil on a Basalt it lasts for the whole flask duration. @saxuk: I remember some people who did this setup used stuf like Leap Slam + Fortify + Faster Attacks and Blind in their Orb of Storms setup. @Khallach: There's no more life passives you can take, so you're left with jewels and eventually better liferolls on gear. The mana passives behind MoM are also really good, they will give you approx 1k mana. Drop Warped Timepiece and use a rare amulet with life for now, and switch one Quicksilver with a Basalt. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Hey @Enki91
Been playing quite a bit recently and reached a point where I'm pretty happy with my character. Can farm shaped T11-T13 maps pretty comfortably. I was wondering if you see any obvious upgrade for my character to get much stronger. Getting a proper helmet enchantment seems difficult and I don't want to invest into a lvl 4 Empower. I was thinking of getting a Oak Flask like I saw on your character but a decurse flask seems quite useful, considering I'm still not familiar with what all the mobs can do. Other things were getting the last ascendancy points or an Opal Ring. I haven't tried doing Uber Lab yet since this build struggles a bit against bosses, but I'm guessing my character should be geared enough for it. Both of these don't really seem like huge upgrades though if I understand the build correctly. And regarding my struggles against some bosses in my last post, I think the problem was that I ran some maps (for the first time) with bad affixes which made the already hard bosses more challenging. Thanks for the fun build and all the help so far. Editado por útlima vez por CouldRay#4753 en 8 sept. 2017 17:38:59
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@CouldRay: Only upgrades i can see right now would be a 4% block Lazhwar, belt with open prefix for 5% movespeed and as you figured, an Opal Ring. You possibly can switch the mana flask with a Wise Oak. If you got some time you could also farm the resistance penetration boot enchant in Merciless/Uber lab, which will be a nice single target boost. Took me ~50 Merciless runs to get mine.
Uber Lab should be easy, either wait for a day with easy buffs (Portals, Idols, Lieutenants) or just disable his buffs for that run. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Is it worth corrupting my gear if the stats on them are good? Does it add more bonus stats or does it change my current stats
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" There's a few outcomes a vaal orb can have, incase of gear it's either adding/replacing the implicit mod, turning 1+ socket white, completely rerolling the item to a random rare or nothing. In either case you can only alter the item with Vorici Lv8 at high costs afterwards. Usually you only corrupt if you aim for a certain new implicit, and if you can afford the potential loss of that item. Not all gearslots have any possible corrupted implicits for this build, the few that do are listed in the guide and can usually be bought with that corruption for a relatively cheap price. tl;dr: Don't corrupt your gear, buy a Stone of Lazhwar with Block corruption and you're set. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Editado por útlima vez por louis0121#1577 en 11 sept. 2017 2:01:56
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First of all I want to say thank you Enki91!
I was absent for almost four years and have now started again. My first two chars back in 2013 were.. well.. "interesting". Following no build and trying something on my own failed my ranger and I stopped playing. But I never put PoE aside completely, I always watched the latest news and a couple of streamers regularly. Now with 3.0 I felt "ready", but this time with guide and that's how I found you. I have to say the "Leveling this build section" is extremely useful for new player who doesn't know what's going on or what they should do where. Mostly following the quest line, but the "throw gem X away and link y to z" is awesome. After Kitava I was around level 71 and started mapping: desert and jungle valley, both are quite fast to clear. But I had trouble two times killing mobs: the first one was "Drought-Maddened Rhoa" in Zana's first map. I couldn't do any damage to him, not even a bit. The second one was a triple essence spider in the jungle valley map.. same issue. It seems I made something wrong in my setup or am I missing something? Also I wanted to ask if you (all) can take a look at my gear.. if I missed something too obvious or should check for something else to improve my survivability, clear speed, ... My gear:
Rotgut was just in for a test.. but the 35/50 charges consumed every time are annoying and I will switch back to my old one which I can use three times. Also trying to 5L my other Pledge of Hands currently.. didn't succeed though. Finally some more questions.. First: Is it worth to run lab over and over until you get some good enchants on your gear or is it just a nice but not really needed boost? Izaro isn't the problem, but I often are too stupid to navigate through spikes, everything else is no problem but somehow spikes are my nemesis. Second: How do I map properly? Currently I run tier 1 maps, but already have a couple tier 2. Do I just switch when I cleared the bonus on the map or it gets "too boring"? Third: Pricing.. I use the PoE Trademacro to price check items but mostly it's just 1 Alt, I guess the stuff I find isn't worth much though but are there some pre settings which I need to make? What should I keep looking when.. life, resists, sockets, ...? Forth: Is my X high enough? I'm running at 4,5k life with almost 1k ES. My arc does (buffed) approx. 15k dps (mouseover). My resists are way over 75, I think it was 130ish. Is that good, bad, too low...? Thank you! ...
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@jochen_wuerfel: You're on a good way with that setup!
I think at this point you can easily switch over to the Kitava's Thirst setup, and maybe even fit in Stone of Lazhwar and/or Essence Worm if you're still res capped and above 4k life. Switch the Granite with a Basalt Flask (flat Armour isn't as good in endgame unless you layer it with things like Fortify, Endu Charges and a Basalt) and get your hands on a Wise Oak or Atziri's Promise. The lack of single target is due to your Ball Lightning's level, at around Lv18 it should feel better in maps. If you don't wanna wait until it levels that high, just get a cheap corrupted 20/20 Ball Lightning, and if you want also a 20/20 Arc so those are set until you go for 21/20 eventually. Running Merciless lab is good to get a proper boot enchant, for helmet enchants you may need 100+ runs to get the right one due to the huge amount of possible enchants, and even then it's just a significantly weaker version of the Uber Lab enchant. Might be worth it still to get a reduced Ball Lightning Speed enchant on a Kitava's Thirst. Glove enchants aren't impactful enough to be worth it. For mapping i'd recommend just try around a bit to see which map layouts you like and fill the atlas up that way, then keep running your favorite maps. Often it's better to run a lower tier map with a good layout than a high tier one where you spend lots of time backtracking. Cells is prime example of that, do it once for Atlas then never enter it again, unless you really like it of course. Once you reach red maps you can decide if you want to unlock all red maps or farm shaped maps, which means you shouldn't unlock too many/any red maps to force only shaped map drops. There's a small guide about pricing stuff in the "First steps for new players" section, it may be outdated a bit but it should still help you understanding what makes certain pieces valuable. In general it helps if you check which builds are popular in the current meta and what items they use. Some things like high physical damage weapons, or high elemental damage one-handed weapons with high attack speed are always valuable regardless of the meta. Same goes for high life + res gear. Jewelry & jewels are much harder to price, general baseline should be "Are the affixes on it synergistic with each other?", "Does it have master-crafting potential?" and "Does it have a good liferoll?" - all of these things can raise the value alot. Uniques are probably the easiest to price, just keep in mind rolls can heavily affect the value such as a low increased phys damage taken roll on Abyssus. When you pricecheck uniques and aren't sure about the rolls, check on wiki first and then check similar rolls on poe.trade. Also keep in mind there might be pricefixers, so don't just go by the cheapest listing but rather check what the average price seems to be. Unfortunately can't give advices about the trade macro as i'm not using it. twitch.tv/enkivt
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I am? Puuuh!
Was worried that I made too many mistakes. I didn't follow your skill tree 100%, but 95% - maybe I can respect some points later. Main issue there are I think the missing good jewels. You have linked good ones in your 1st post, but they are very expensive. Already bought Kitava's Thrist a couple of weeks ago, but it didn't trigger anything because my skills are "too cheap": Ball Lightning is with the 5L at 70ish and Arc and 60ish. Does it make any difference if Spell Echo is linked.. mathematically? Stone of Lazhwar is pretty cheap, but I don't get what it's good for. Is the 50% block to spells that good? I do get Essence Worm, a free +2 level aura but 40% increased mana reserved! Currently I run Warlord's Mark and Enfeeble via Blasphemy which are 70%, wouldn't I end up at 98% mana reserved or do I calculated something wrong? Also.. you are not playing with Enfeeble, so better threw it out? Will switch to Bastalt, thank you! Purchase of Wise Oak or Atziri's Promise will follow. Is it wise (haha) to run both? But while you mentioned armor.. is it even worth looking for some armor based gear or is it better to focus completely on life/ES? I really didn't do any damage, I have tried everything while my decoy was up.. Ball Lightning, Arc, cursing before, while, ... nothing. Never happened to any mob before, I could always see some effect on the enemies life bar. A high level BL or ARC is quite some investment, too much at the moment. I will just level to 20 myself, then flip them and vaal them later. I'm not in a hurry ;) That's what I thought/read, so basically try getting something worth on the items, but not stress too much with lab. I guess the lower the BL speed, the more the enemy is hit by it? What would you suggest to do first? Switch auras, trying PoH to 5/6L, get a 6L for BL, get some more levels? How - if I may ask - are your resistances looking in game? I guess they are all 75+ but are they just a bit over 75 or closer to 140? Mapping check! Pricing check! Thanks again! ...
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Just get some 2- or 3-mod jewels for now, only thing that's important is that they have life and atleast one damage mod.
For Kitava's Thirst to work without 6L's you will also need a Fevered Mind jewel, this will make the build overall much faster to play and free up your mana pool to use Fevered Mind without suffering from its downside. Make sure you switch to the Kitava's Thirst-specific gem setup when you go for this. Enfeeble is just a switch for Conductivity when facing harder content, same as you can switch between Flesh- and Bone Offering depending if you require more speed or block. Stone of Lazhwar doesn't give you literally 50% spellblock, but rather 50% of your current block chance added as spellblock. With Bone Offering up, this will be a significant survivability boost towards any spells in the game, especially in bossfights you will end up taking much less damage if they're spell based. To run both Wise Oak and Atziri's Promise you'd have to throw out the Hybrid and Topaz Flasks from the recommended base setup. It would work, but at some point you may deal too much damage with Arc to survive single reflect rares without Topaz up. But that won't happen before you get a 6L and Empower. Neither Armour, Evasion or Energy Shield really does anything for us since we don't scale them, i only recommend Energy Shield-based gear since it's much easier to get the right colours on it, especially once you get a 6L chest. If you're going to use the 20% recipe on your Arc & Ball Lightning, make sure to level a backup copy of each with you right now in the secondary weapon slots so you have something to actually deal damage and level the 20% gems back up again. You're right about the enchant, Ball Lightning hits the enemy every 200ms, the longer each ball stays within the hitbox and range the more damage it will deal. My resistances are at 102/93/124 without Wise Oak, which then overcaps me enough for Ele Weakness. As conclusion, work on the Kitava's Thirst setup first, add in the other uniques if possible, get useful jewels one by one and work on the 5L with fuses you get drop in the meantime. After all that is done, you can think about the bigger investments. twitch.tv/enkivt
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