Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Having tested it Penetration > Faster casting
Bhaladas escribió:
@Darknesdance & wendyy17


Try using the wiki:


It is really helpful. ;)

Yes, I've looked at the wiki and according to it, the gem is only sold to Witch characters in act 6 but this guide is instructing us to buy it in act 4 (from Siosa, no less, who's not even listed as one of the vendors)?

Where in the guide does it show to buy Immortal Coil at act 4?

From what I can read it says get it in act 6:

Act 4 Hide

‣ Enter the Dried Lake, kill Voll and enter the Mines
‣ Free Deshret's Spirit in Mines Level 2, progress to Crystal Veins and get Waypoint
‣ Get Passive Skillpoint in town and optionally farm Dried Lake a bit
‣ Complete the first Labyrinth, you can enter it through the Sarn Encampment
‣ Read up on the Lord's Labyrinth and Izaro to get an idea what's going on
‣ After finishing the Labyrinth, ascend to Necromancer and get Mistress of Sacrifice
‣ Now get Bone Offering and Desecrate and link with Faster Casting
‣ Go back to Crystal Veins, enter Kaom's Dream and kill Kaom
‣ Now enter Daresso's Dream and kill Daresso
‣ Get Spell Echo in town
‣ Optionally get another Spell Echo if not using Storm Burst
‣ Replace Controlled Destruction with Spell Echo on Arc
‣ Replace Faster Casting with Spell Echo on Lightning Tendrils, if used
‣ Replace Controlled Destruction with Spell Echo on Ball Lightning, if used
‣ Kill Piety in Belly of the Beast, and finally Malachai in the Harvest

Passive Tree Goal

Act 6 Hide

‣ Clear the Twilight Strand to unlock Lilly as Skillgem Vendor
Buy Cast when Damage taken and Immortal Call and link them (keep at Lv10 & Lv12!)
‣ Get to Mud Flats and kill the Dishonored Queen
‣ Enter Karui Fortress, kill Tukohama and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Finish Trial of Ascendancy in Prison and kill Shavronne
‣ Enter Prisoner's Gate, kill Abberath and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Riverways Waypoint
‣ Enter Wetlands, kill Puppet Mistress and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Add Enfeeble to the Blasphemy setup once you have Whispers of Doom
‣ Light the Beacon and kill the Brine King

Passive Tree Goal

Good luck!
Bhaladas escribió:

Where in the guide does it show to buy Immortal Coil at act 4?

From what I can read it says get it in act 6:

Good luck!

Oh wow I think I confused myself. Thank you, I really thought i'd been going crazy!
Might be a silly question but, I can't find any of the jewel's recommended on the wiki/google. How do I obtain them? Even poe.trade doesn't list them.
@Bhaladas: I know that feeling, then again it's a great learning experience and testing unconventional stuff and pushing it as far as possible is where part of the fun in this game lies for me.

You have learned with this build for example that no matter how many secondary defenses you have, a lifepool of 3ksomething is just not gonna work above a certain point.

Hope the new build works out better for you!

@Darknesdance: As Bhaladas wrote, you don't actively need to have the curses on your skillbar, and if using Kitava's Thirst also don't need Desecrate and your offering skill there since it all gets procced through other skills/items.

@Moonheart_Starpirit: The AoE nodes are mainly for our single target spells - it increases the range the bolts of Ball Lightning can hit, which together with Slower Projectiles is very effective, for Storm Burst it increases the size of explosions and increases the chance for them to overlap, and Lightning Tendrils simply gains more range which is useful in combination with Conc Effect.
We also gain a bigger Orb of Storms and when using Kitava's Thirst, our curses can potentially affect more targets due to bigger AoE.

That Vaal Pact tree can work if you take all nearby jewel sockets, in comparison with my example Lv90 tree in the Path of Building setup you'd lose about 200 life, 500 mana and 120 mana regen/s, but gain a small amount of DPS an instant lifeleech.
The issues i can see are a potentially less smooth build progression while pathing over to VP, lower mana regen causing some issues at more difficult bosses and the lack of life regen feeling pretty bad whenever you encounter DoT damage without a way to leech (lab traps, burning/desecrated ground etc.).

@guVzera: I would go with Stone of Lazhwar, you can easily overcap yourself with a Wise Oak flask and additionally disable any resistance-reducing curses with the right flask mod.

Static Blows isn't bad, but not worth the investment when you can take 3x 2-node jewel sockets instead, which will give you a better damage increase and through that indirectly do the same as the 15% shock effect, very important life rolls and if wanted, also shock.

@Golgho: Faster Casting would possibly let you clear a little faster, but Penetration is the better overall damage increase. Definitely keep the latter for your single target spell.

@wendyy17: You're not crazy, i used to have it in Act 4 but corrected that idk how many days ago.

@strongy3: Did you look for the rare (yellow) jewels by name? Rare items in PoE randomly roll their name out of a pool of words, independently from the stats on it.
If you want to look for jewels just copy & paste the listed mods into poe.trade, choose "Count" in the dropdown and put 1-3 as minimum, depending on your budget.
I recommend to put life into a secondary filter group since it's the one stat you want on each jewel.
Editado por útlima vez por Enki91#7725 en 4 sept. 2017 12:34:37

Thanks again.

I did push the life up to 4k but the mana sustain became a problem with the build so Bone Offering could not trigger as I took damage; mana gone, no sustain = can't cast cant flame dash to back out & regen, = no block = life gone = RIP! Ha!

I could probably have done it if I had concentrated really hard, but it was way too much effort and cost to keep trying.

Anyhow I am happy it could at least clear T11 maps and some bosses.

I may go back to that build with a Pledge of Hands. That 100% extra mana and free spell echo just looks so good.

Once I try my current build out I will have a look at the one you kindly theory crafted for me.

I just can't follow conventionally though. It's not in my nature and not really what ARPG's have ever been about for me.

I'll keep you..... posted. (Excuse the, intended, pun).


GJ for acknowledging errors too. Respect. :)
Editado por útlima vez por Bhaladas#0329 en 4 sept. 2017 8:50:34
Is this build viable with Inq? We use elemental skills so it should boost us so much
What do you think about my current gear/gem setup?


What would you improve?

@freken: No, Inquisitor doesn't really give us anything as this isn't a crit build.
The current setup only exclusively works with Necromancer.

@Newbell: Chest, both rings, gloves, boots, belts, all jewels, all flasks and the gem setup.
You barely have any life with that gear, and by running Wrath without Essence Worm you reserve the majority of your MoM pool, making it almost useless.
Using the proper flasks and gems will also increase your survivability more than anything else.

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