Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Nishrek escribió:

Thanks for updating build, I would like simply to understand why you've made so drastic changes

I would like to understand the huge changes also!

Is the old build not good enough?
HalfBomb escribió:

Is the old build not good enough?

imho, definitely not, compared to the new one.
I struggled so much vs heavy bosses and t15 with that version in the essence league
Editado por útlima vez por Giammafix#2456 en 5 feb. 2017 13:14:08
@Nishrek: Hi there! I've dropped CotB from the main setup because it was simply gimping damage output too much. Mastermind of Discord kind of fixed the issue, but feedback made it clear that this was too tedious for many to keep up.

Elementalist didn't really offer much aside from Mastermind and the reduced reflect taken, which isn't really needed with the new setup. Arc deals substantially less damage with this and isn't a huge threat towards reflect anymore, but still enough to kill packs fast.

Occultist on the other hand gives us a good way to sustain EB MoM without much investment, something the old mana MoM setup struggled with unless you had Acuities. It also allows us to reserve all mana without too many drawbacks and drops the need for Orb of Storms + PCoC.

@HalfBomb: If you haven't invested into too much specific endgame gear for the old setup yet, i'd recommend start with the new build. It has its issues, but honestly each build has some kind of drawback or things they struggle with, most are simply not as transparent about this.

Overall it feels more balanced and starts working on a much lower budget.
I have been using 2 void battery's . is this still a good choice ?
Hi, thanks for your time making all these builds! I am still in trying to gearing the old build ; ) i wonder can you do a fast cons/pros compared to the old build? Because i am still on the old build and cannot directly compare to your new main build.
gxtro2002 escribió:
I have been using 2 void battery's . is this still a good choice ?

It is for the old Void Battery build, but the new build doesn't focus on Power Charges.
Issues with running Void Battery with the new build is that it doesn't grab any Power Charge nodes so you would have to sacrifice a good bit to grab them.

Hi, thanks for your time making all these builds! I am still in trying to gearing the old build ; ) i wonder can you do a fast cons/pros compared to the old build? Because i am still on the old build and cannot directly compare to your new main build.

New Build:
.Less issues with running out of Mana with Occultist ascendancy + Eldritch Battery
.Mitigation via Evasion/Dodge in tree and on gear
.Less mana issues means smoother gameplay and survivability due MoM
.Better single-target that you don't have to switch gems for
.Vaal Haste for increased survivability
.Vaal Discipline for better survivability/Damage due to removing any possible mana issues

Basically, new build deals with a lot of the old builds shortcomings.
Editado por útlima vez por zell580#3564 en 7 feb. 2017 10:04:37
Ahh wow, a lot has changed!

Very interesting, I got kinda bored with the previous build (first time playing PoE) so I started another character. But I may revisit this build!

Never would hav guessed evasion and eldritch battery (I played with eldritch battery using the old build, but alas I couldn't get it to work sufficiently).

Great job, and thanks for keeping with the updates!
So glad to see the new ideas!
Enki91 escribió:
@Nishrek: Hi there! I've dropped CotB from the main setup because it was simply gimping damage output too much. Mastermind of Discord kind of fixed the issue, but feedback made it clear that this was too tedious for many to keep up.

How does CotB reduce damage and by how much?
GabeScrumbles escribió:
How does CotB reduce damage and by how much?

CotB reduces damage because it converts half of your lightning damage to cold.

It might just sound like you went from 100 lightning damage to 50 lightning/50 cold damage, but it's not that simple because you also have to account for enemy resists. If you went 100% lightning, and added a Lightning Pen, boom enemy resists.

But if you went half? You'd either have to take both pens (which is a waste of one link), you'd take one pen (and then basically lose half of your damage after it's affected by enemy resists), or you'd have to use Mastermind of Discord. Which was a bit of a hassle for me to do too.

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