Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Why is it better to use Vorici's 2B instead of 3B for chroming the coil? I'm about 500 chroma down, wondering if I should switch to 3B...
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Ouch, kinda expected that sort of reply. Knew my gear is way behind my levels but on a bright side (and given the luxury of a full respec) I now have the opportunity to fully build up my character anew.
Due to all skill points being reset my gear is not accounted for (red in-slot). Therefore I have no clue as to my HP/mana tally. Expect them to not be too fantastic though.. |
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" Hahaha don't despair, you can get good upgrades for cheap if you hunt around on poe.trade. The 6L chest will easily be the most expensive gear upgrade for you. Once you've got that stuff covered you'll be running maps up to T8 to T10 easily and quickly and then you can use the currency you earn on further upgrades to push into higher tiers. #Increased Critical Damage test; My Empower gem hit Lv.3 finally (what a grind!) unfortunately it didn't corrupt to Lv.4 but that's no surprise. The surprise was the 12.5K DPS increase from Lv.2 to Lv.3 bringing my DPS to 118K without pendulum spell damage boost. One thing was bugging me, Mastermind of Discord + Cold Penetration... With this combo we are going over kill on cold penetration (up to 82% penetration with frost bomb) and from what I've learned once you reach 0% resistances on a mob, penetrating further into the negatives actually has some pretty harsh diminishing returns. Swapping Cold Peneration for Increased Critical Damage (ICD), as well as using Facebreakers + Dual Void Batteries, I'm sitting at 151,241 tooltip dps with 9 power charges up and without pendulum spell damage boost, with pendulum spell booster it's a bit over 167,000. The purpose behind Cold Penetration was to ensure we were freezing mobs and assist with DPS, I've noticed my freezing of mobs is actually more reliable with ICD, easiest way to test the difference was T9 Orchard maps with Porcupines, with ICD they never fired spines on death, with cold pen a few still would. The other benefit of this gem change is ICD works on all of our DPS not just cold damage half of it. With a large crit multi the critical hits are huge and are also applying shock for longer as status debuff length is based on the damage that applied it. I ran a bunch of maps from T6 to T12, regular mobs are still being frozen and shattered and bosses are dead within 10 seconds at the most, anything T10 or below they are dead before Vinktar's expires. It definitely feels like the optimal choice once your DPS gets near 100K. The downside you ask? I don't think it's realistic to get a 5blue-1red Lightning coil :( Just for a laugh I also tested ICD with Herald of Thunder and Wrath. Result was 202,000 without Pendulum boost. I wasn't sure it was possible to reach over 200K without Pain Attunement but there you go! @Wimpy, who said Arc was weak! :D Editado por útlima vez por Sectiplave#3030 en 1 nov. 2016 3:43:32
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Is this build still viable? and if so what does your passive tree have to look like. i would hate to have to start from scratch but i will if needed.
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Dove headlong into trading and managed to secure the following:
The problem is I seriously underestimated the # of fuses it takes to hit 6L, let alone the fact that once that milestone is reached I must contend with the chroming.. I'm running low on fuses and may have to give up on LC. Out of the alternatives, should I follow the order listed? |
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" Just get a 6L rare with life and res. They're reasonably cheap and will last till T10 maps just fine, which you can farm for currency and chaos orb recipe. Personally, I don't see much point in trying to 6L armour yourself. Yes, you may get lucky, but what if you don't? Gambling is not a good idea if you're short on money. You need 1500 fuses for vorici 6L, current exchange rate is around 183 fuses per exalt (even lower in standard), so that's about 8 exa in fuses. You can buy a 6L for like 5-6 exa, I've seen prices go as low as 4 exa for cloak of flame. |
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Yup without good luck, don't expect to get a 6L in under 1000 fuses, yeah sure plenty of people are lucky and do it with much less and LOTS of people in global chat will talk rubbish about that one time they did it with 5 fuses.
In the mean time I would buy an ES chest that is already 6L, don't worry too much about it having high ES just go for life and resists, and then get that empower gem in there, if possible buy one that's already Lv2 or 3 so you get an immediate gain. Doriyani's will do the job for now, but defo still look for a pair of wands with the stats I mentioned. |
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I just started this game and this was the first character I created is using this build. I apologize if this has been asked in this thread, but with 245 pages I wasn't sure how to just search this thread. I was wondering why Cast when damage taken and Immortal's Call had to be held at 10 and 12 in order to work. I'm not anywhere close to that, but I figured I would ask ahead. Thanks for any response and for making this build.
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@evantas1a: You could get some Acuities and Vinktar, assuming you don't have the latter already.
If all that doesn't help, maybe give my current testing setup for 2.4.2 a try, which you can find in my chars tab. @790: I just forget to update that. The cost for 3 guaranteed colors was reduced in 2.4.0 from i think 275 to 120, now it's of course the much better way to go. @Sectiplave: Going to give that and a few other gems a try after hitting 93, although it's not a realistic option for coil users. @DeadlyMouse7: Yes still viable, but will get a rework for an overall even better build soon. @NaineNoire: Nice upgrades you got there. I would also recommend to buy a cheap 6L first, and in the meantime throw any spare fusings you get through mapping, trades etc. on the coil. If you don't wanna gamble too much, stop at 5L and sell that one while saving up for the 6L. Another option is a 6L Cloak of Flame, or a rare 6L with Essence of Horror mod (could be expensive in Standard). @chadbishop: We keep them at those levels to have a good balance between procs and duration. CwDt requires much more damage taken to proc the linked gems at a higher level, and the gained extra duration is not worth it if you don't heavily invest into endurance charges. However, i'm going to completely drop the CwDt + IC setup with next patch, freeze eliminates the biggest dangers and for the rest, having 3 endu charges up is better. _____________________________________ Got a bit more time to play the next days, which i'll use to refine the new setup and level the char to 93 or 94. Killed Colosseum Daresso deathless, was expectedly harder than twinned Abyss Kaom, but doable. Unfortunately got none of the other T15s right now. twitch.tv/enkivt
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" Thanks :) because at the moment, it seems that at level 92 there aren't enough points to reach the double curse node, unless dropping some nodes other than the storm weaver :) as regards the mana issues, I removed the arctic armour gem and placed the enfeeble in the blue socket, considering that I'm still leveling the Enlighten, this is the "not enough mana" message on the screen: ![]() maybe it's perfectly normal, because the auras keep running but I simply can't cast another one, but since I'm noob i don't know if it works this way :P Editado por útlima vez por Giammafix#2456 en 1 nov. 2016 20:59:34
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