Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

While checking out the pob I noticed the skills are not done. It's missing a ton I haven't haven't hit level 66 yet and there is nothing left for passives
keith9004 escribió:
While checking out the pob I noticed the skills are not done. It's missing a ton I haven't haven't hit level 66 yet and there is nothing left for passives

I do not understand what you are seeing. I just imported Enki's build from the paste bin link and everything appears normal. Enki has created separate passive trees for each act plus level 80, 90, and 100 and you can select which tree to view using a drop down on the lower left part of the screen. The tree at each level looks complete with nothing missing. Can you provide more detail?
Would using a wand with Increased Cold Damage ruin wave of conviction, or it has to be damage added to spells? Thank you. I have both weapons equiped in slot 1 and 2 for comparison. Thank you.
Would you say the percentage mana on block shield or ritual gloves is the higher priority to get first?
AndesChucky escribió:
Would you say the percentage mana on block shield or ritual gloves is the higher priority to get first?

you need both but personally id go shield

shield = defences , and mana on block is real nice
This is a great build and it got me to 85 - a level I never would have gotten to without it.

I hit a wall at 85 beyond which I'm unable to progress, though, and it's primarily a mechanical one. I'll play for three or four hours and make good progress and then make one technical/mechanical mistake and BAM all XP in the current level is lost. It's so demoralizing.

This build is rock solid, though, and I recommend to anyone who's looking for a beginner-friendly build that's had a great deal of thought and time put into it. It's worth your time to check it out.
Hello everyone, i decided to give it a go at this game for the very first time, and i enjoyed leveling until act 10 with this guide. It is an excelent guide for leveling, but now i have a few questions, since i am a very very noob player. I found myself trying a map to finish the quest and i got destroyed. If i walked 20 meters from my starting point it was a miracle. I read the entire second part of the guide, but it doesnt tell how u get there.
So my first questions are:
1) I obviously have crap gear, and with the 30% resist debuff i still need fire and cold resistances (around 25% each), lightning is capped. My question regarding resists is: Do i modify/craft resists on my current gear or do i farm for better and then craft?
2) Regarding Health and mana i am in a bit of a pickle as well since i only have 2.7k HP and 2.8k MANA, so the question is the same. Do i farm and craft, or just modify my current gear (all these questions is because i dont know what is more effective currency wise, as i saved a lot from the chapters).

Would very much appreciate the feedback from more experienced players since i feel lost now. Thanks.
unipn in your acc setings Hide Characters tab so ppl can see your gears and give u advice
lmsoul escribió:
Do i modify/craft resists on my current gear or do i farm for better and then craft?

If you have a good number of transmutes I would spend some by crafting level 1 resists on your current gear just to get you through some farming.

At this point the easiest method to upgrade your gear is through trade. You would be surprised how little basic effective gear costs. For 3 to 5 chaos each you can get armor with 4 links (5 links for body armor) and 70+ life and 50+ mana with resists--all which are big improvements to your current gear. That may sound like a lot of currency for you but if you are doing the chaos vendor recipe (vendor a full set of rare gear with item level 60-74 you will receive one chaos) you can earn that amount in no time.

Are you using a loot filter? Are you saving gear that are almost but not quite upgrades in case you need a different mix of stats at some point? Sometimes you get a new piece of gear you want to use but you lose some max mana or resists or whatever and you need to search though your backup gear to see what meshes the best with it.

Personally I would improve your resists first with some level 1 bench crafting. Then find a map you can comfortably farm and collect rares for the chaos recipe. You can reset the map instance by holding CTRL when you click the map waypoint so you run it over and over. Once you get a few chaos search the trade site for 70+ life, 50+ mana armor with the socket colors you need. If you have a decent number of chromatic orbs then you can use those directly or with the crafting bench to get the colors need instead. I would search for a 5 link body armor first. Then 4 link helm/boots/gloves. If you can get resists in better shape then swap one of the rings for an Essence Worm + Wrath for 5 chaos. With 5 link body plus Wrath your damage will be greatly improved and with 70+ life and 50+ mana on all your armor (belt too) your survivability will be as well.

After you have this base level of gear I would save for Atziri's Foible. It is inexpensive (30-40 chaos) for an end game piece you won't have to replace.

Also equip spare weapons/shield in your alternate set of hands so you can level gems you are not currently using. Gems in the alternate weapons will still gain experience.
Editado por útlima vez por Exchequer_#2682 en 30 may. 2021 16:24:39

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