KapiteinTOET escribió:
tried to make the enhanced Goat's Horn but when i'm putting in the items I get an other result. What am i doing wrong?
Be sure the wand is a magic (blue) item.
Another solid build for 3.10. Currently running red tier maps and delirium with no issues. Followed guide to a tee with no problems, make sure to read properly guys everything is explained. I'm nowhere near maxed out but its definitely viable. Cheers Enki for yet again a great build. Much tankier than last league!
Hows mark of the elder for this build tho? Is it a good upgrade or am I better using two nicely rolled vermillion rings?
BeastmanDan escribió:
Another solid build for 3.10. Currently running red tier maps and delirium with no issues. Followed guide to a tee with no problems, make sure to read properly guys everything is explained. I'm nowhere near maxed out but its definitely viable. Cheers Enki for yet again a great build. Much tankier than last league!
Hi BeastmaDan,
I have just checked your account and holy shit, you have a really nice setup. All in all it seems to be worth around 50ex easy right? Can you give me an advice what should I go for first? A ring with Assassins Mark? Diadem? This crazy 20ex amu? I have no idea how you guys manage to amass 50ex in one week while I have my poor 10 ex eq and I struggle to kill Drox level 5 :/. Any advice how can I improve would be much appreciated. Also how do you farm for cast socketed skills mod? I have troubles with chancing it.
All the best
alegaly escribió:
Hi Enki,
Thank you for creating this amazing guide. It helped me to get back with my favorite elementalist witch! I feel she has been in a bad shape for quite some time now. Same with self cast arc. I have followed your guide pretty well and had no trouble until I arrived at tier 15 juiced maps (I can clear them but with all the traps and explosions from Delirium i get killed a lot and it takes up lot of time to complete a map). As you said it would be good to have 1mil Shaper dps and 5k hp. The hp one is not that difficult but I struggle to improve my dps further (a golden rule for all games: when in doubt - increase damage). Could you give me a hint which piece of gear should I upgrade next? I have around 6ex in my bank now but I will need 2 to improve my staff with multimod. Could you advise me what should I buy next? I was considering either a Watchers Eye with increased lightning damage or Devouring Diadem. The highend stuff you posted would probably go for 10 to 20ex a piece so I don't know when I will be able to afford that.
All the best
P.S. I am using Zealotry Wrath and Flesh and Stone thanks, but I was thinking on switching to Hearald instead of FaS. That would further improve my dmg but would it be worth it?
No, don't drop Flesh and Stone, your survivability will drop massively. Blind is one of the best defences in this game and the damage reduction for far away enemies is also great. Herald of Thunder looks good on paper, but the real damage is in the lightning strikes and if they don't hit the enemy, then you're not getting a huge amount out of it.
Aldora_the_Summoner escribió:
alegaly escribió:
Hi Enki,
Thank you for creating this amazing guide. It helped me to get back with my favorite elementalist witch! I feel she has been in a bad shape for quite some time now. Same with self cast arc. I have followed your guide pretty well and had no trouble until I arrived at tier 15 juiced maps (I can clear them but with all the traps and explosions from Delirium i get killed a lot and it takes up lot of time to complete a map). As you said it would be good to have 1mil Shaper dps and 5k hp. The hp one is not that difficult but I struggle to improve my dps further (a golden rule for all games: when in doubt - increase damage). Could you give me a hint which piece of gear should I upgrade next? I have around 6ex in my bank now but I will need 2 to improve my staff with multimod. Could you advise me what should I buy next? I was considering either a Watchers Eye with increased lightning damage or Devouring Diadem. The highend stuff you posted would probably go for 10 to 20ex a piece so I don't know when I will be able to afford that.
All the best
P.S. I am using Zealotry Wrath and Flesh and Stone thanks, but I was thinking on switching to Hearald instead of FaS. That would further improve my dmg but would it be worth it?
No, don't drop Flesh and Stone, your survivability will drop massively. Blind is one of the best defences in this game and the damage reduction for far away enemies is also great. Herald of Thunder looks good on paper, but the real damage is in the lightning strikes and if they don't hit the enemy, then you're not getting a huge amount out of it.
Thanks for the advice. I will keep it then. Now i need to think how to improve my dps...
Still waiting on that staff crafting guide guys. Any thoughts?
I'm a new and very inexperienced player, currently following this guide, sorry for the noob question: will someone tell me what the "tl;dr: Leveling Section" is? (posted below the full leveling part of the guide) How is this different from following the other leveling section of the guide?
hi enki, i still consider myself a new player but ive started playing at synthesis league on ps4, im wondering if you have any tips or alternatives to the things pc players have access to, ex. poe.trade doesnt have console items, poe ninja doesnt reflect console trade patterns, how do i use pastebin if i need to be on ps4? etc
Publicado porkcfury#0649en 21 mar. 2020 19:12:00
I'm lvl 73 with the build, and now I get all the skill points for level 70 in build, I will need level 83 to to have points to level 80 in POB, what did I do wrong?