Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Zeeul escribió:
Septimous escribió:
Zeeul escribió:
1: Multimod your assassins mark ring
2: Mutliomodded +3 lightning staff would be stronger
3: shaper, elder, or warlord (i think)? fingerless gloves can roll some nice buffs
4: Your belt looks weak to me, should be able to get a stygian with +90 life around 40 energy shield and some resists for 10-20c
5: Queens hunger is strong, but i think shaper vaal regalia rare with the right mods can be stronger
6: Maybe replace one vermillion ring with a shaper Opal ring for more damage
7: Do you need that +30 strength node? maybe you could get that on the belt if you really need it.
8: More levels of course
Edit: "Crackling speed" is only 4 poiints away which would give a nice damage boost. But in the meantime "Lightning walker" is two points away, if you can ditch that strength node, then you only need 1 level to make it to lightning walker that would be a nice temporary damage boost until you can reach crackling speed.
Thats all I can think of
by multimoding you mean the +3 crafted modifiers thing? cause if so i loose the 4 sec shock on focus on ring cause with +3 crafted it goes up to 3 suffix and wont let me put one. i am using this belt for the chaos resistance mostly. i will look for a belt that has life, str and chaos resistance in order to get that str node off. put it there cause for some reason the place i got the timeless jewel at needs a ton of str
+3 Refers to a modifier you can get on staffs (+3 to all lightning spell gems)
This is not crafted on a bench, but it is rolled on staffs.
You can get a bench crafting mod that is +2 to support gems (see enki guide)
Multimod is a specific bench crafting mod you can get. It costs 2exalted. Then it allows you to craft 2 more modifiers. So in your case you could have something like +50 life and the shock enemiers mod.
To your next question. How do i get multimod.
Goto the market and buy these pieces only about 4c each:
Volkuur's Key
Inya's Key
Eber's Key
Yriel's Key
Slap them in your map device, go fight the pale council (its pretty easy) when the fight finishes pick up the multimod recipie
Yes i have that mod. but i cant put it in because its a suffix and with "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" the ring already has 3. if i replace "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" with "this item can have 3 crafted modifiers" then i cant add the shock one as a part of the "3 crafted modifiers". So only way to not loose "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" and add life to this ring would be to try experimenting with exalteds which i cant afford if i wanna buy a +3 staff
Yes i have that mod. but i cant put it in because its a suffix and with "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" the ring already has 3. if i replace "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" with "this item can have 3 crafted modifiers" then i cant add the shock one as a part of the "3 crafted modifiers". So only way to not loose "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" and add life to this ring would be to try experimenting with exalteds which i cant afford if i wanna buy a +3 staff
So put shock on focus on the other ring...
Use beistiary crafting: add a prefix remove a suffix if you need space on the other ring, or just get a new ring with an open suffix/prefix.
Editado por útlima vez por Zeeul#3295 en 17 feb. 2020 13:47:18
Yes i have that mod. but i cant put it in because its a suffix and with "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" the ring already has 3. if i replace "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" with "this item can have 3 crafted modifiers" then i cant add the shock one as a part of the "3 crafted modifiers". So only way to not loose "shock nearby enemies for 4 seconds when you focus" and add life to this ring would be to try experimenting with exalteds which i cant afford if i wanna buy a +3 staff
So put shock on focus on the other ring...
Use beistiary crafting: add a prefix remove a suffix if you need space on the other ring, or just get a new ring with an open suffix/prefix.
I didnt know that option existed from the bestiary. thanks :)
I think the lack of inspiration is really the issue. I can't see your characters as your profile isn't public, but if you follow the guide, Enki suggests that you drop added lightning for empower if you run it. I think sustain is part of the reason.
Admittedly, I did what you did in a way. I got an awakened added lightning damage like you have. Once that was in, I decided to just roll with it, ignoring empower. Because of this, I ignored the +3 lightning gem levels on my staff and went with more straight stats. (Unfortunately, I don't have the +2 support enchant so I haven't been able to do that yet either. Jun gave me +1, but she's being stingy with +2)
Alternatively, you could try to craft your way out of the mana issues, but if you're already rolling with -20 to casting cost I suspect inspiration might be the only feasible answer. Running an enduring mana flask (I think that's what they're called) could also be something of a solution, but that's really rough on bosses without adds to feed off of.
I have a +3 lightning staff with most of the awakened Gems, but I rolled another +3 lightning staff with 2 red sockets and just wanted try empower. As you said, I just removed awakened lightning damage and added empower as the guide mentioned. The tooltip was a little lower damage and it was a little weaker (that may have been other stats on the staff), but still worked.
My preference is +3 lightning with as many awakened as you can afford (currently I got awakened added lightning damage and awakened lightning pen, but was hoping the price comes down on the awakened spell echo, currently about 5ex) I am suprised to hear you say you passed on +3 lightning since I dont think I have ever seen any combination of mods beat a +3 lightning staff including the +2 support gems doesn't seem to come close according to POB.
ps if you need a +2 support gem craft, msg me and I will craft it for you.
Hi Zeeul,
Thank you for the offer but I’m a PS4 player which is like playing SSF but with trading. Lol.
I have no doubt that a +3 lightning gems staff is the way to go for top tier gearing, but being a console player my options are limited. I pretty much have to craft everything myself. I’ve got a 3rd staff that I’m working on but it hasn’t 6 linked yet. When it does, my plan is to just spend all my alterations to see if I can’t hit solid on the +3 to gems then try to craft out with the conqueror exalt if I have to. (I bought like 700 alterations to try to hit unnerve on gloves I was going to craft then hit it in like 20 alters, so I have a bunch left over.). I’d honestly just like to know how the +3 gem load out feels. I’ve killed everything but Uber elder (getting around to it) and Uber atziri (won’t bother) and the build feels good as it is, but I’d like to see what a level 27 arc can do.
Cost is an issue. Awakened spell echo on PS4: a few days ago there were 2 and the cheap one was 15 ex. That should give you an idea about why literally ever piece of gear I’m wearing except the helm and belt has been somehow self-crafted. It’s the only thing to do on console as everything is ridiculously overpriced.
Hey guys. Any suggestions for upgrades? I have been having having a hard time lately with lots of bosses like the hunter or the elder bosses. To the point i barely manage to kill them before i spent all 6 portals. Havent even tried sirus yet.
I have comparable gear and recently got the Runebinder passive for two simultaneous brands. Seems to work pretty well, gameplay is mostly Stormbrand and some Arc until the boss is down. Not the fastest but it works.
Hi sept,
Zeeul’s advice is all spot on. One thing he didn’t mention unless I overlooked it while reading: anoint your amulet with prodigal perfection. It takes 2 azure and one clear oil which should be cheap if you don’t have them. That will give you a bit of a DPS bump as well.
Hey guys. Any suggestions for upgrades? I have been having having a hard time lately with lots of bosses like the hunter or the elder bosses. To the point i barely manage to kill them before i spent all 6 portals. Havent even tried sirus yet.
I have comparable gear and recently got the Runebinder passive for two simultaneous brands. Seems to work pretty well, gameplay is mostly Stormbrand and some Arc until the boss is down. Not the fastest but it works.
Hi sept,
Zeeul’s advice is all spot on. One thing he didn’t mention unless I overlooked it while reading: anoint your amulet with prodigal perfection. It takes 2 azure and one clear oil which should be cheap if you don’t have them. That will give you a bit of a DPS bump as well.
Oh thx. i actually replaced it recently and forgot to put that back on :)
There has been much ado over staffs with +3 to level of lightning skill gems that I feel it necessary to give a shout-out to the magister's prefix: +2 to ALL spell skill gems. There are several advantages worth mentioning:
1. Upgrades all of your golems. If you're playing a variant that still uses flame/ice golem, that's more free crit chance and damage. Pushes your chaos golem to the level-22 threshold, guaranteeing an improvement in physical damage reduction.
2. Also upgrades Zealotry, if you happen to be running that.
3. Different affix tag allows you to combine this with the +2 to socketed support gems craft, which ultimately results in a higher-level Arc (if using Empower). (Actually, you could theoretically get +3 to lighting spell skill gems and +2 to all spell skill gems on the same staff--though you're probably more likely to find a Headhunter first!)
Admittedly, I'm not running the standard build, but going with the Magister's prefix over the lighting-specific one resulted in significantly more DPS, according to PoB. Interestingly, the +2 to socketed support gems craft was by far the strongest second craft after double damage when focussed--way more than spell damage/non-chaos as extra chaos, crit multi, or cast speed. So check out the options in PoB carefully before you multimod!
Editado por útlima vez por WorderMostFoul#7154 en 18 feb. 2020 9:16:01
How much better is a good Vaal Regalia compared to Queen's Hunger in terms of prioritizing against everything else?
I think the big advantage with the Shaper Vaal regalia is that you can have a high energy shield with hopefully 5 affixes that you want.
The bench craft "Gain 10% of maximum life as extra maximum energy shield" is a great buff which gives a ton of ES in my case +1624 energy shield.
Because of this bench craft, I like to try and get Tier 1 life roll on the vaal regalia to make that conversion to energy shield as much as possible.
As for the shaper mods. A lot of people like to target the "adds critical damage" shaper mod which gives a nice chunk of damage (i think it was about 10,000 to 15,000 tooltip arc damage when I looked at it).
Personally, I prefer "Recover 4% energy shield on kill". It reminds me of having the "soul tether" belt back. If you are dieing, on low life/energy shield sometimes its safer to dive into a pack and kill to get the energy shield back up to max. A very good mod for mapping, feels very strong when your running maps fast, whenever you take a hit, the energyshield shoots back up super quick. (also great in the mines, with an endless stream of enemies coming at you, thats an endless stream of +5% to energy shield)
Without Timeless Jewel (normal) my vaal regalia gives me:
Life: +355
Energy Shield: +1624
Is it a priority for you? probably not because queen hunger is solid, but maybe something to consider in the long run if your interested in the ES or shaper mods.
Editado por útlima vez por Zeeul#3295 en 18 feb. 2020 7:10:05