Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
" Drox it pretty easy when you have had some practice here are some tips: 1: Turn down all volume except voice and listen for his voice, he announces every move he is about to do. 2: Learn the moves and which ones you need to avoid watch this video he shows all drox attacks www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TmjBQMdsqk worst attack is "slam glove" at 2:20 avoid at all costs 3: Sounds like your damage might be a little low but make sure you Unsocket all watchstones before you fight drox to make him as weak as possible 4: Flags are priority number 1 (I keep drox in the corner, so I only need to worry about 1-2 flags (they make drox and adds invincible or close)) 5: when my golems go down I dash away from drox recast golums and go back to the corner 6: Dont forget to use the pantheon that regens the life flask after x seconds of not using it Thats all i can think of, good luck |
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" Drox is the only guy I ever lost to. He’s definitely the hardest one for this build, imo...harder than Sirus for sure who can really only do us in during the last phase with his DIE laser. I’m going to reiterate some suggestions above but also add a few. First, sound is really helpful in this fight. The field is chaotic and it’s much easier to react to his audial clues than trying to pick out the visual ones. 2: Do NOT fight him in the middle or in the arm of the arena where you come in. I always take him to the left wing for some reason but any of the others will work. If you take him down the sides, you really only have to worry about the two flags that spawn in that section. In the middle you have 5 flags to deal with. (Note that the downside to using the side is you have to get really comfortable with dashing through him.). 3. If you do not have flame dash set for max range or “alt behavior” as it says in PS4, set it. To do this, press down on right stick like you were going to change a skill, highlight flame dash, and hit the square button. This ensures flame dash will always move you the max distance. (This is also the reason why move skills like leap slam can be super awkward on console. With no ability to target all our move skills are all or nothing in distance.). 4. Buy and socket a Primordial Harmony jewel in your tree. Even if you just use it for fights like this one, it’s worth it but you’ll quickly discover it’s the best QOL thing you can do in this build. It gives you “summoned golems regenerate 2% of their life per second.” I tried to remove it once and lasted about a map and a half before I put it back in. 5. Embrace storm brand. To deal with the flags, go towards the extreme distance flag at the end of your arena arm and storm brand it. Drox will chase you. Flame dash through him and brand the middle flag of that arena arm, possibly arcing it once or twice as well before drox turns back to chase you again. When he does, dash through him and refresh the brand and arc on the far flag. Rinse and repeat until the flags are down. Once they are, brand drox and continue doing the same thing, only now the brands go on drox himself. Don’t hesitate to throw all three brands out. They will attach to adds and hit drox incidentally. When he does his big fist slam, get behind him. When he does the flag fist slams, get to the side. 6. If you aren’t running one, get a rumi’s concoction flask and quality it up. It basically gives you an extra 15% “oh damn it” chance to survive his fist slam if you trigger it when you think you’ve screwed up. If you’re using a block staff, it’ll turn survival into about a 50/50 prop. Not great but if it saves one portal it can be worth it. Hope this helps, Z. EDIT: Sorry, forgot you were SSF, so point 6 doesn’t do much although you could scour/chance granite flasks if you wanted to as a rumis shot. Ditto the primordial harmony. Sorry about that. Z. Editado por útlima vez por Zestrenocya#9540 en 12 feb. 2020 14:59:00
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A bit late but wanted to say that few days back (Sunday) I managed to finally complete the first 36 challenges. It took a bit longer I wanted and expected but managed to do it. It is the first time I try and complete a lot of the end game content( All Atlas done, Shaper (almost bested him from the first try), Elder fights) and I manage to end up with build that costs more than 15 ex ( not much but still a thing for me.
Again huge thanks to Enki for his great work at this build. I really enjoyed the "NEW" version of the build for than the initial one where I was struggling a lot with DPS. It is really helpful and learning guide as all the in depth things that you have listed made me realise what are the small things that push your build a bit further (e.g enchants, specific combinations and skills). I also learned a lot by some stupid mistakes that I would like to share and hopefully help some poor exile soul. Main ones are: putting my Glorious Vanity to the wrong side and then realising that loosing 200 HP and ~100 ES would give me 300k more DPS trying to add another influence on my Assasin's Mark Ring for 4ex and loosing all the nice HP and other stats but getting lucky and hitting decent DMG output and many more. I will be back to check the new one for 3.10.0 as it sounds interesting and thanks again for the great work. |
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Thanks for the suggestions so far Zeulia and Zestrenocya. After dying so damn much I think I have a handle on the one shot mechanics, but I will turn the sound off to cut down the 'clutter'.
I've been charging all over the place, so I'll try focus on the left wing. I have noticed so far that's the easiest to get a flag down, but somehow I end up getting slaughtered/cornered other wings. Flame dash is indeed set to "alt behaviour". I end up overshooting where I want to go half the time, but it seems safer on average. No primordial harmony from divination cards or drops yet. No Rumi's Concoction either :( I've been trying to storm brand the flags, I'll keep working on that. Targetting on the console is terrible :/ I've got a couple of spare Divine Vessels sitting in the stash so I'll look at my pantheon again and see who I can capture. All that said, here is my gear and spec : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/sony/AAAABAMCAAECBLMFQgj0EQ8RLRFQE3EWbxa_FvMaOBzcHRQgBiL0JKomPCaVJy8snC-dL9oy0TNsNuk6WDsNOz9BckGWRKtFR0WdSU9JsUouTItQQlM1U1JVS1WuVcZXyFiuWfNepWEoYeJmVGaeaPJqG2pDbAttGXBScYVyD3yDfq9_xoIQgpuD24bKidOMNo0ZjmSPGo9Gj6aQVZD6kyeUb5ctmuCbUZuhoS-iAKKjpwinK6elrJiu_7b6uwG8qrzqvorAZsek0PXSxdQH1YvVptfP2V_audrd3I3djN9P323fsOAS42rr7u9L74jv6_Af96b31_k3-tL-sw==?accountName=krustyfur&characterName=Anna_Phylaxis (Hmm it doesn't show jewels, I'll detach them later and link them if I get time) Arc DPS is listed at about 70k (it fluctuates while my lightning golem wanders about). I run 2 stone, 1 lightning, 1 chaos. Crit chance is about 32% and mulitplier about 338 I think. I don't have the multi-mod crafting recipe yet (still working on prophecy chain, I'll focus on that before I go any further). I haven't tried fossil crafting yet, I don't have any 4 slot resonators yet. At about level 125 in the mine. I have not been able to 6-link my chest (I got REALLY lucky on my staff). Should I swap Enerygy Leech Support for Elemental Focus Support (on Storm Brand)? |
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" Hi again, I wouldn’t turn the sound off although maybe the music. You definitely want voices on. Each ability drox throws comes with a specific voice line associated with it. I can’t remember them but as Zeulia suggested, there are YouTube videos with sound. 4 slots resonators are really rare. Don’t hold out for them. If you want to fossil craft, 3 slots should mostly work fine for weapons and body armor. One thing I do notice is that your boots don’t have move speed. I’d either look to alch spam some new ones or fossil craft some. Alternatively you could reenchant the ones you have, but that knocks off life which is less than ideal. Having extra move speed against drox is very useful. I’m not sure about the gem swap but I’d lean towards having energy leech in on both brand and arc. There’s enough damage out there on drox that you’re leeching most of the time, and energy leech is a “more” damage gem which is quite a bit better than “increased”. Z. |
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Is this a global lightning damage? It counts to spells? Or i need to annul again If i gonna need to annul it is it worth adding suffixes cannot be changed to have 50% chance to success? Editado por útlima vez por Ela1n#3184 en 12 feb. 2020 17:39:40
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Hey guys, I'm there again asking for help. I feel like I'm missing damage against some tough bosses, can someone help me out? I don't know what to upgrade now. 4ex budget available.
https://pastebin.com/0N8WftyF |
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" If you run the (crafted) affix: shock nearby enemies when you focus, the added lightning damage from this affix is still pretty decent. |
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" Lightning damage on a weapon does not count towards spells. You need the specific affix “adds # to ### lightning damage TO SPELLS.” Z. |
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Would a mark of the shaper ring setup work with this build?
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