Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Enki91 escribió:
GGG please remove that comment, it's not relevant anymore and the player publicly quit years ago. It's so old, there's not even a report button to get some attention to this!


Leveling this Build

Extensive Version

Your journey through the ten acts can be seen as an extensive tutorial, slowly confronting you with the majority of game mechanics and increasingly more difficult enemies to learn to counter.

This section will help you while playing through the ten acts and shows the recommended
passive tree progression, gem setups, quest progression and exp farming zone for each act.
Keep in mind that it may also include some major storyline spoilers, if you care about that.

If you want to explore zones or do quests not mentioned here, or even want to level with
a completely different skill then do that, this section is just an aid.


General Advices during Storyline

‣ Use a Lootfilter. You will soon realize that there's lots of redundant loot in this game, a good Lootfilter reduces screen clutter and also highlights potentially valuable or important drops.
Here's my custom version of Neversinks Lootfilter, you can further customize it if you want.

‣ Keep your Flasks updated. I recommend to start with 2x Life Flasks, 1x Mana Flask and
2x Quicksilver Flasks, switch to a quest reward Flask whenever the guide mentions it.

‣ Upgrade your gear. While not as relevant at first, it's important to look out for gear with solid life and resistance rolls. Ideally you want to have all three Elemental Resistances capped at 75% at the end of Act 3, only Chaos Resistance may be at whatever value.
Rare or Unique gear pieces are not always the best for this purpose, sometimes you're better off with Magic gear giving life and a single resistance.

You can easily craft your own gear, ideally on already 4-linked pieces you get from vendors or drops, however only use Orbs of Transmutation/Augmentation/Alteration at this point, everything else is a huge waste!

‣ The Crafting Bench allows to refine gear pieces with things such as resistances, attributes, life or mana. All crafts need to be unlocked first, scroll down at the Crafting Bench to see where missing recipes are located.

‣ Great Uniques for leveling are Lifesprig, Axiom Perpetuum, Goldrim, Wanderlust and Tabula Rasa, but prioritize a good lifepool and capped resistances!

‣ We don't use the full gem setup during the acts. If you happen to get a 5-linked or even 6-linked Intelligence-based gearpiece, check the Arc setup in Gem section to know what to add.

‣ Use Portal Scrolls and enter town to refill flasks during bossfights.

‣ Get all waypoints you can find. I mention specific waypoints you will definitely need, but generally it's recommended to get them all, since you never know if you may disconnect or need to get back to that zone for other reasons.

‣ If there's multiple gems listed to get, it means you're supposed to get one of those as quest reward and buy the rest from the gem vendor in town.

‣ The passive tree goals for each act are just a pointer, if you're short by 1-2 points or overleveled that's not a big deal.

Act 1

‣ Kill the Zombie, pick up Fireball and switch left-click to move-only
‣ Get Arcane Surge (keep it Lv1!) from Large Chest and kill Hillock
‣ Get Freezing Pulse, link it with Arcane Surge and throw away Fireball
‣ Start looking out for a 3-linked, all blue socket Wand or Sceptre
‣ Get the Coast Waypoint, kill Hailrake on Tidal Island and get Quicksilver Flask in town
‣ Enter Submerged Passage, look for Flooded Depths and kill the Dweller of the Deep
‣ Get Orb of Storms and Passive Skillpoint in town
‣ Set Orb of Storms to "attack without moving" (left-click icon in skillbar)
‣ Enter Prison, get Added Lightning Damage and link it to Freezing Pulse + Arcane Surge
‣ Start looking out for 2x Sapphire Rings
‣ Complete Trial of Ascendancy in Lower Prison
‣ Kill Brutus, progress to Ship Graveyard and get the Waypoint
‣ Look for Ship Graveyard Cave, get Allflame then get Cavern of Wrath Waypoint
‣ Travel to Ship Graveyard Waypoint and kill Fairgraves
‣ Go to town to get Passive Skillpoint, Clarity, Lightning Warp and Arc
Lightning Warp will be slow until you get its Support Gems in Act 3!
‣ Set Arc and Lightning Warp to "attack without moving"
‣ Optionally get six more Arc gems and level them in your secondary weapon slots
For more information about this, please read the "First Steps for New Players" Miniguide
‣ Also get two Increased Critical Strikes gems and put them anywhere, we need them later
‣ Throw away Freezing Pulse and craft a +1 Lightning Gem Wand/Sceptre
‣ The recipe is Magic Wand/Sceptre + Topaz Ring + Orb of Alteration
‣ If needed, the recipe for Topaz Rings is Iron Ring + Green Skill Gem
‣ Put Arc + Arcane Surge + Added Lightning Damage in there
‣ Set Arc & Lightning Warp to "attack without moving"
‣ Equip Sapphire Rings and kill Merveil
‣ If needed, the recipe for Sapphire Rings is Iron Ring + Blue Skill Gem

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Ledge

Act 2

‣ Once in town, enter the Old Fields first
‣ Start looking out for 2x Topaz Rings
‣ Look for the Den, kill Great White Beast and get second Quicksilver in town
‣ Continue to Crossroads and get Waypoint
‣ Enter Chamber of Sins, complete Trial of Ascendancy on Level 2 and kill Fidelitas
‣ Go back to Crossroads, enter Broken Bridge and kill Kraityn
‣ Back to Crossroads once more, enter Fellshrine Ruins and Crypt
‣ Complete Trial of Ascendancy in Crypt
‣ Back to town, enter Riverways and get the Waypoint
‣ Go to Western Forest, get Waypoint and Captain Arteri
‣ Look for Weaver's Chambers and kill Weaver
‣ Enter Lioneye's Watch and get Passive Skillpoint
‣ Go back to Riverways, enter Wetlands, kill Oak and get Waypoint
‣ Teleport back to Western Forest and help Alira
‣ Make your way to the Ancient Pyramid, equip Topaz Rings and kill Vaal Oversoul

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Northern Forest

Act 3

‣ Start looking out for 4-linked Intelligence-based or Hybrid (Int + other stat) gear
‣ Kill the Blackguards in City of Sarn and enter town
‣ Go to Slums, enter Crematorium, finish Trial of Ascendancy and kill Piety
‣ Get Sewer Key in town
‣ Go back to Slums, enter Sewers, get Waypoint, find three busts and get skillpoint in town
‣ Get Marketplace Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy in Catacombs
‣ Enter Battlefront, get Waypoint and kill Captain Aurelianus
‣ Go to Docks and get Thaumetic Sulphite
‣ Back to Battlefront, enter Solaris Temple and talk to Lady Dialla
‣ Destroy the Undying Blockade in Sewers
‣ Enter Ebony Barracks, get Waypoint and kill General Gravicius
‣ Enter Lunaris Temple, kill Piety and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Imperial Gardens Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy
‣ Go to Library and finish Siosa's quest
‣ You can now buy all unlocked gems at Siosa (currency needs to be in bag!)
‣ Get Lightning Penetration and replace Arcane Surge in your Arc setup with it
‣ Get Blind and link that and Arcane Surge to Orb of Storms
‣ Get Less Duration & Swift Affliction and add them to your Lightning Warp setup
‣ Get Decoy Totem, this will provide extra safety during bossfights
‣ Enter the Sceptre of God and kill Dominus

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Docks

Act 4

‣ Enter the Dried Lake, kill Voll and enter the Mines
‣ Free Deshret's Spirit in Mines Level 2, progress to Crystal Veins and get Waypoint
‣ Get Passive Skillpoint and Summon Lightning Golem in town
‣ Go back to Act 2, get Minion Life and link it to Summon Lightning Golem
‣ Complete the first Labyrinth, you can enter it through the Sarn Encampment
‣ Read up on the Lord's Labyrinth and Izaro to get an idea what's going on
‣ After finishing the Labyrinth, ascend to Elementalist and get Shaper of Desolation
‣ Go back to Crystal Veins, enter Kaom's Dream and kill Kaom
‣ Now enter Daresso's Dream and kill Daresso
‣ Get Spell Echo & Unleash in town and link with Arc & Lightning Penetration in a 4L
‣ Time to look out for some replacement weapons!
‣ The recipe for Spell Damage is Weapon + Magic/Rare Chain Belt + Blacksmith Whetstone
‣ Refine the weapons with your Crafting Bench, Cast Speed or Attack Speed are good to add
‣ Kill Piety in Belly of the Beast, and finally Malachai in the Harvest

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Dried Lake

Act 5

‣ Kill Overseer Krow and enter town
‣ Find the Miasmeter in Control Blocks and kill Justicar Casticus
‣ Get Silver Flask and Skillpoint in town
‣ Replace a Life Flask with Silver Flask and try to roll of Staunching on it
‣ Make your way to Templar Courts, kill Avarius and get any unique jewel in town
‣ Get Ruined Square Waypoint and optionally kill Utula
‣ Finish the quest in Reliquary and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Look for the Sign of Purity in Ossuary
‣ Kill Kitava on Cathedral Rooftop
‣ You will suffer a permanent -30% resistance penalty after this fight

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Chamber of Innocence

Act 6

‣ Clear the Twilight Strand to unlock Lilly as Skillgem Vendor
‣ Get Immortal Call and link either Cast when Damage taken or Increased Duration
‣ If Cast when Damage taken, keeps its level relative to Immortal Call's required level
‣ If you lack Strength, look for an amulet with Strength implicit or use the Crafting Bench
‣ Get to Mud Flats and kill the Dishonored Queen
‣ Enter Karui Fortress, kill Tukohama and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Use Soul of Tukohama for now
‣ Finish Trial of Ascendancy in Prison and kill Shavronne
‣ Enter Prisoner's Gate, kill Abberath and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Riverways Waypoint
‣ Enter Wetlands, kill Puppet Mistress and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Light the Beacon and kill the Brine King
‣ Use Soul of the Brine King for now

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Southern Forest

Act 7

‣ Find the Silver Locket in Broken Bridge and get Diamond Flask in town
‣ Replace a Quicksilver Flask with Diamond Flask
‣ Enter Crossroads, get Waypoint then enter Crypt through Fellshrine Ruins
‣ Finish Trial of Ascendancy and find Maligaro's Map
‣ Go back to Crossroads and enter Chamber of Sins
‣ Kill Maligaro in Maligaro's Sanctum
‣ Finish Trial of Ascendancy in Chamber of Sins Level 2 and enter the Den
‣ Make your way to Ashen Fields and kill Greust, then get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Northern Forest Waypoint and enter Dread Thicket
‣ Collect all Fireflies and kill Gruthkul, then get Skillpoint in town
‣ Use Soul of Gruthkul
‣ Find Kishara's Star in Causeway and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get the Vaal City Waypoint, enter Temple of Decay and go back to town
‣ Finish the second Labyrinth and get Beacon of Ruin
‣ Get back to the Temple of Decay and kill Arakaali

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Northern Forest

Act 8

‣ Enter the Toxic Conduits and kill Doedre
‣ Go for Quay first, find Ankh of Eternity, kill Tolman and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Kill the Gemling Legionnaires in Grain Gate and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Enter Solaris Temple, get Sun Orb then enter Solaris Concourse and get Waypoint
‣ Go back to Doedre's Cesspool and go for the Grand Promenade now
‣ Get Bath House Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy
‣ Enter High Gardens, kill Yugul and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Enter Lunaris Temple through Lunaris Concourse and get Moon Orb
‣ Go to Harbour Bridge and kill Solaris & Lunaris
‣ Use Soul of Lunaris

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Harbour Bridge

Act 9

‣ You can decide to farm a Tabula Rasa through Humility Cards in Blood Aqueduct
‣ It may take hours but is very worth it and will make progress easier
‣ If not, keep it for later
‣ Find the Storm Blade in Vastiri Desert and speak to Petarus & Vanja in town
‣ Look for a blocked entrance in Vastiri Desert
‣ Go to town, talk to Sin and then to Petarus & Vanja
‣ Kill Shakari and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Foothills Waypoint, enter Boiling Lake and get Basilisk Acid
‣ Enter the Tunnel and finish Trial of Ascendancy
‣ Get Quarry Waypoint, enter Refinery and get Trarthan Powder
‣ Go back to Quarry and kill Garukhan and get Sekhema Feather
‣ Go to town and give the feather to either Tasuni or Irasha, get Skillpoint
‣ Enter Belly of the Beast and kill the Depraved Trinity

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Blood Aqueduct

Act 10

‣ Go left on Cathedral Rooftop and kill Plaguewing
‣ Get Quartz Flask in town, replace Quicksilver Flask with it
‣ Go back to Cathedral Rooftop
‣ Now go right, enter the Ravaged Square and go south
‣ Enter the Control Blocks, kill Vilenta and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Optionally find the Teardrop in Reliquary
‣ Go back to Ravaged Square and get its Waypoint in the upper part
‣ Enter Ossuary, complete Trial of Ascendancy and get Elixir of Allure
‣ Get to Desecrated Chamber through Torched Courts and kill Avarius
‣ Finish the third Labyrinth and get Paragon of Calamity, if this is too hard keep it for later
‣ Enter the Canals and make your way to the final bossfight
‣ You will suffer another permanent -30% resistance penalty after this fight

Passive Tree Goal

Exp Farming Zone: The Desecrated Chambers


‣ Talk to Lani for two Skillpoints
‣ Enter Templar Laboratory and get a map from Zana, then buy all maps she's selling
‣ That's it, you've reached the endgame! Now gear up and switch to the endgame gem setup
‣ If you haven't done so earlier, farm a Tabula Rasa in Blood Aqueduct now
‣ If you lack currency, run Currency Delve nodes and/or start doing the Chaos Orb recipe

tl;dr: Version

Freezing Pulse -> Arc
+ Arcane Surge Lv1 -> Lightning Penetration
+ Added Lightning Damage -> Spell Echo
+ Unleash

Orb of Storms
+ Arcane Surge Lv1
+ Blind

Lightning Warp
+ Swift Affliction
+ Less Duration


Decoy Totem

Summon Lightning Golem
+ Minion Life

Immortal Call
+ Cast when Damage taken
+ Increased Duration

2x Increased Critical Strikes (anywhere)

Life Flask
Life Flask -> Silver Flask
Mana Flask
Mana Flask -> Quicksilver Flask -> Diamond Flask
Quicksilver Flask -> Quartz Flask

Kill Kraityn - Kill Oak - Help Alira

Act 1 Passives
Act 2 Passives
Act 3 Passives
Act 4 Passives
Act 5 Passives
Act 6 Passives
Act 7 Passives
Act 8 Passives
Act 9 Passives
Act 10 Passives



Mapping & Bossfights



Before you start mapping, make sure that you have:

‣ atleast 3.5k Life and 1k Mana

‣ Fire, Cold and Lightning Resistance capped at 75%

‣ all Spells and Movement Skills set to "attack without moving"

‣ the correct Pantheon powers activated (unlock extra powers as you map)

‣ a proper Flask setup (check the Flask section above)

‣ a way to sustain mana (check below)

Mana Sustain Options

‣ Hallowed Hybrid Flask or Eternal Mana Flask

‣ Mind of the Council

‣ Watcher's Eye with Lightning Damage leeched as Mana while affected by Wrath

Your first maps shouldn't be an issue with this, just keep on progressing through the Atlas.
Here's a comprehensive mapping guide you can read up on for more information.

Two more things you should read up on are monster mods and map mods to understand what everything does and how they may affect enemies or yourself.

Your character will naturally progress while mapping - your gems level up, which is especially important for the Arc gem itself, your character levels up and you will build up currency for upgrades, even if you just do Chaos Recipe. Don't focus on "what DPS should I have at this level?" or such, as long as you play and follow what the guide says, you can't do anything wrong.

Try to find a good rhytm between Arc, Lightning Warp and flask usage. All enemies give you some cues and time to react. Very often, their skills also lock target on the position you're at during their animation start, so in that case simply move to avoid all damage. Sometimes you can also use the environment as defense and last but not least, don't forget that Arc is a ranged skill.



The same logic pretty much applies to bossfights - they're all mechanical, so your focus should be on learning how to play around them.

Usually a good strategy is to drop Orb of Storms at their feet, then circle them with Lightning Warp while casting Arc between each warp. If the boss gives you enough time to damage for a few seconds straight, drop Orb of Storms, use your damage flasks and spam Arc.

POELab has a section with guides & GIFs for all Endgame Bosses. The Map Reference Guide covers all map bosses but isn't updated for 3.7 yet, boss attribution is still correct but most tiers are off.

For highest tier bossfights, I recommend atleast:

‣ 4.5k Life and 1.5k Mana

‣ 500k sustained Shaper DPS

‣ (surprise) 75% Elemental Resistances

‣ Leech Watcher's Eye or Mind of the Council

‣ some additional Attack- and Spell Dodge

‣ upgraded Pantheon powers

‣ a good Flask setup



While we can run all mapmods, decide for yourself if it's a good idea in that combination or against that boss. Things that are usually harmless can really start to hurt with the wrong mods!

The following mods require special attention:

all Curses: Counter them with your Warding Flask

Projectiles chain: Can be completely ignored with Soul of Lunaris upgrade

Chance to avoid Elemental Ailments: Worst one for us, huge damage & safety loss

Elemental Equilibrium/Resistance/Hexproof/reduced Damage from Crits: Damage loss

Less Recovery Rate: Lowers our recovery from Leech, Regeneration and Flasks

No Regeneration: May require a backup Mana Flask, play cautiously

No Leech: Requires more Life Flask usage, play cautiously

Dodge is unlucky: Safety loss, play cautiously


Additional Guides

First steps for new players - collection of helpful tips to get started
Upgrade Order Tutorial - shows you in what order to get which upgrades
Gear Buying Tutorial - explains how to set up item indexers to find upgrades
Multimod Crafting Tutorial - small guide about creating your own Multimod bases



‣ 18th June 2019: Multimod Crafting Tutorial finished

Only showing the newest change, you can find the full changelog here!


Special thanks to everyone who helped improving the guide or supported it in any other way,
and to GGG for this awesome game and their exceptional support!

Hope you enjoy the build and have a nice day!
Wave of Conviction + Increased Duration instead of Armageddon Brand and Blind.

Assassin's Mark on Hit still beats out Mark of the Shaper, and you can get some resistances, mana and other stuff on it too.

I'd recommend a 5L Inpulsa and buy a secondd one, 6s it and then spam all fusings you find until it 6Ls. Also save up for a Watcher's Eye with Mana Leech, Lv21 Vaal Arc and a good DPS amulet, then continue from there in the Upgrade Order Guide.

Your gear is pretty decent for SSF. I'd recommend to chance Sadist Garbs (which you probably do already) and spam prophecies until you have a Mind of the Council. This can take a while, on my SSF char it took me 5 tries and until Lv98. Also try to craft some shaped gloves and a Stygian Vise next, and run some Merc or Uber Labs for boot enchant.

Sounds like an overall loss honestly, the cold/fire damage parts are not really high enough to be worth scaling unless you really go all out on it. Still, with how cheap Inpulsa's is you won't benefit much from shatters and bosses still won't freezelock.

The build never used Warlord's Mark to begin with. Leech comes from Ascendancy and Watcher's Eye respectively Mind of the Council (not literal mana leech, I know).

Unleash was mostly meant as a way to improve clearing without Inpulsa's, before I could know how cheap it will be this league. If you check the bold line at the beginning of my guide and then my Legion char, i'm not even using it anymore. Will very likely get kicked out of the build if I continue into 3.8.

Yes, all the videos linked in this guide.

Lightning Spire Trap rather. Used it for the 3.6 version and it's awesome for stationary bosses and absolute shit for mobile bosses and bosses with any AoE that destroy them before the traps go off.

Warmy already mentioned lots of things. Jewel sockets are extended lifenodes and one of the reasons why I recommend to take them before some of the nodes you already took, and the Alchemist nodes are really strong both offensively and defensively. Replace the Divine Life and Quicksilver Flasks with a Catalysed Eternal Life and Experimenter's Quartz Flask. Use the right Pantheon and upgrade them if you don't already do this. Eventually, multimodded Tiger Hooks can add another 12% attack dodge chance if you wanna improve tankiness further.

I've done all major bossfights and all challenges I currently have within the first ~2 weeks of Legion, haven't played since. Corrupted Guardians, Shaper and Uber Atziri were technically done on a 4L (5L Inpulsa with Hypothermia, didn't notice my Cold Damage jewel was still "with Shields" after switching to DW so Hypo barely ever did something.)
MrKest escribió:
TheChosenOne_ escribió:
How easy/hard can this build do end game content?

can kill uber elder in 3 mins 1 portal

Would we need super expensive (to me) gear like 5+ex for each gear or can we spend 50c or less on each piece of gear and still beat anything in the game?
Enki91 escribió:
Wave of Conviction + Increased Duration instead of Armageddon Brand and Blind.

Assassin's Mark on Hit still beats out Mark of the Shaper, and you can get some resistances, mana and other stuff on it too.

I'd recommend a 5L Inpulsa and buy a secondd one, 6s it and then spam all fusings you find until it 6Ls. Also save up for a Watcher's Eye with Mana Leech, Lv21 Vaal Arc and a good DPS amulet, then continue from there in the Upgrade Order Guide.

Your gear is pretty decent for SSF. I'd recommend to chance Sadist Garbs (which you probably do already) and spam prophecies until you have a Mind of the Council. This can take a while, on my SSF char it took me 5 tries and until Lv98. Also try to craft some shaped gloves and a Stygian Vise next, and run some Merc or Uber Labs for boot enchant.

Sounds like an overall loss honestly, the cold/fire damage parts are not really high enough to be worth scaling unless you really go all out on it. Still, with how cheap Inpulsa's is you won't benefit much from shatters and bosses still won't freezelock.

The build never used Warlord's Mark to begin with. Leech comes from Ascendancy and Watcher's Eye respectively Mind of the Council (not literal mana leech, I know).

Unleash was mostly meant as a way to improve clearing without Inpulsa's, before I could know how cheap it will be this league. If you check the bold line at the beginning of my guide and then my Legion char, i'm not even using it anymore. Will very likely get kicked out of the build if I continue into 3.8.

Yes, all the videos linked in this guide.

Lightning Spire Trap rather. Used it for the 3.6 version and it's awesome for stationary bosses and absolute shit for mobile bosses and bosses with any AoE that destroy them before the traps go off.

Warmy already mentioned lots of things. Jewel sockets are extended lifenodes and one of the reasons why I recommend to take them before some of the nodes you already took, and the Alchemist nodes are really strong both offensively and defensively. Replace the Divine Life and Quicksilver Flasks with a Catalysed Eternal Life and Experimenter's Quartz Flask. Use the right Pantheon and upgrade them if you don't already do this. Eventually, multimodded Tiger Hooks can add another 12% attack dodge chance if you wanna improve tankiness further.

I've done all major bossfights and all challenges I currently have within the first ~2 weeks of Legion, haven't played since. Corrupted Guardians, Shaper and Uber Atziri were technically done on a 4L (5L Inpulsa with Hypothermia, didn't notice my Cold Damage jewel was still "with Shields" after switching to DW so Hypo barely ever did something.)

Do we need expensive gear to beat everything? How much currency total is your gear using this build to beat the hardest content in the game?
TheChosenOne_ escribió:
Do we need expensive gear to beat everything? How much currency total is your gear using this build to beat the hardest content in the game?

6L Inpulsa, Lv21 Arc, Mana Leech Watcher's Eye and some decent gear and of course a little practice. Took me less than 2ex early league (way higher prices than now) to do everything but Uber Elder, could've very likely done him too but by the time I got my last memory frag, I was already able to afford my multimodded weapons and double Wrath Watcher's Eye.
Where would you recommend new(er) players to farm and how long should we expect to take to make good money from everything including selling drops, currency drops, etc.? Just keep on doing highest tier maps we can handle and do them for dozens of hours?
Editado por útlima vez por TheChosenOne_#3026 en 21 jul. 2019 22:34:04

This is my first post and I am a completely new to Path of Exile (but not to Hack'n'Slash genre). Enki's Arch Witch build is the first to help me get to know the game - although I do not stick to it 100%.

What do you think about using such a ring with this build? Mark of Submission with Conductivity gem? Combined with Essence Worm + Wrath, it seems to complement it?


Kind of new to PoE and have been playing this build since the legion start. I feel like I'm currently standing still and having a hard time seeing where I should out my effort in terms of gear upgrade. I'm trying to get Oskarm, but I feel like my weapons and helmet are bad and I do not use all of the gems as is.

I've been reading this guide like every day but it feels like my mind is melting right now.


Would be so happy for some feedback!

I have only 5 Link Inpulsa. Which gem should I leave out?
After seeing many youtube videos showing how amazingly well Vaal Arc clears the Monoliths, I'm definately going to try this build for this league....... I love my cyclone, but it's slow as fuck when it comes to clearing Monoliths. This will be a breath of fresh air!!!

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