So I've slowly started to locate/buy some of the endgame gear while not spending too much. I spent about 30 or 40 chaos gearing a good majority. It's fine if I overspent, I'm new to the game and experimentation is going to happen.
I noticed that for each piece of unique gear you equip you're giving up a lot of resistances. I made the assumption that uniques are what we want to equip, but then started to wonder if using all uniques isn't what you should do.
I used some of the example uniques the guide suggests, but also read the modifiers in the text.
So my question is, did I make mistake opting to gear almost my entire character in uniques? Atm all I have left to acquire is a Chest, Amulet, and another ring; however, if I replace those slots with more of the suggested uniques my resistances will plummet well below the cap.
Feel free to inspect my profile for reference.
VunterSlaush escribió:
So I've slowly started to locate/buy some of the endgame gear while not spending too much. I spent about 30 or 40 chaos gearing a good majority. It's fine if I overspent, I'm new to the game and experimentation is going to happen.
I noticed that for each piece of unique gear you equip you're giving up a lot of resistances. I made the assumption that uniques are what we want to equip, but then started to wonder if using all uniques isn't what you should do.
I used some of the example uniques the guide suggests, but also read the modifiers in the text.
So my question is, did I make mistake opting to gear almost my entire character in uniques? Atm all I have left to acquire is a Chest, Amulet, and another ring; however, if I replace those slots with more of the suggested uniques my resistances will plummet well below the cap.
Feel free to inspect my profile for reference.
It's ok to use some uniques, but as you have seen you can't overdo it without losing out on other important stats.
Ultimately you won't really want to use more than an inpulsa and an essence worm. Rares will generally be better in every other slot once you can afford them.
If you already bought the uniques then just use them and save your currency to purchase other upgrades.
VunterSlaush escribió:
So I've slowly started to locate/buy some of the endgame gear while not spending too much. I spent about 30 or 40 chaos gearing a good majority. It's fine if I overspent, I'm new to the game and experimentation is going to happen.
I noticed that for each piece of unique gear you equip you're giving up a lot of resistances. I made the assumption that uniques are what we want to equip, but then started to wonder if using all uniques isn't what you should do.
I used some of the example uniques the guide suggests, but also read the modifiers in the text.
So my question is, did I make mistake opting to gear almost my entire character in uniques? Atm all I have left to acquire is a Chest, Amulet, and another ring; however, if I replace those slots with more of the suggested uniques my resistances will plummet well below the cap.
Feel free to inspect my profile for reference.
Your character is not set to public, so I can't view your gear to give specifics. But the post above is correct; Enki includes many of those uniques as possible suggestions, but they need to be balanced around opportunity cost. You are giving up something potentially important with every unique you wear. Here's what you want to ultimately end up with:
Chest: Inpulsa's
1 ring: Essence Worm
Boots: Atziri's Step, later on, optionally Omeyocan
Gloves: Oskarm only until you get a rare ring with Assassin's Mark, then switch to rare
Helmet: Mind of the Council until you get a Watcher's Eye with mana leech, then switch to rare
Everything else: rare
So in the end, you will have 1 ring, belt, gloves, and helmet to get you your resistances, with your amulet and jewels there to assist in shoring up any deficiencies. Try to avoid relying on your boots.
Editado por útlima vez por WorderMostFoul#7154 en 10 jul. 2019 12:57:03
I was wondering, since im just starting off, and since i cant really see the skill tree on my phone and i lack a computer to use pob, is there anyway i can see the full tree that is used for this build? Is there like a link or something i can go to, or would it be best to just try and path it myself? I like the idea of this build and want to try and follow it from start to end game, but the lack of being able to see the passive tree on mobile devices is kinda hard for me to do so.
SKTerran escribió:
VunterSlaush escribió:
So I've slowly started to locate/buy some of the endgame gear while not spending too much. I spent about 30 or 40 chaos gearing a good majority. It's fine if I overspent, I'm new to the game and experimentation is going to happen.
I noticed that for each piece of unique gear you equip you're giving up a lot of resistances. I made the assumption that uniques are what we want to equip, but then started to wonder if using all uniques isn't what you should do.
I used some of the example uniques the guide suggests, but also read the modifiers in the text.
So my question is, did I make mistake opting to gear almost my entire character in uniques? Atm all I have left to acquire is a Chest, Amulet, and another ring; however, if I replace those slots with more of the suggested uniques my resistances will plummet well below the cap.
Feel free to inspect my profile for reference.
It's ok to use some uniques, but as you have seen you can't overdo it without losing out on other important stats.
Ultimately you won't really want to use more than an inpulsa and an essence worm. Rares will generally be better in every other slot once you can afford them.
If you already bought the uniques then just use them and save your currency to purchase other upgrades.
This makes a lot of sense in retrospect. Thanks for the info.
WorderMostFoul escribió:
VunterSlaush escribió:
So I've slowly started to locate/buy some of the endgame gear while not spending too much. I spent about 30 or 40 chaos gearing a good majority. It's fine if I overspent, I'm new to the game and experimentation is going to happen.
I noticed that for each piece of unique gear you equip you're giving up a lot of resistances. I made the assumption that uniques are what we want to equip, but then started to wonder if using all uniques isn't what you should do.
I used some of the example uniques the guide suggests, but also read the modifiers in the text.
So my question is, did I make mistake opting to gear almost my entire character in uniques? Atm all I have left to acquire is a Chest, Amulet, and another ring; however, if I replace those slots with more of the suggested uniques my resistances will plummet well below the cap.
Feel free to inspect my profile for reference.
Your character is not set to public, so I can't view your gear to give specifics. But the post above is correct; Enki includes many of those uniques as possible suggestions, but they need to be balanced around opportunity cost. You are giving up something potentially important with every unique you wear. Here's what you want to ultimately end up with:
Chest: Inpulsa's
1 ring: Essence Worm
Boots: Atziri's Step, later on, optionally Omeyocan
Gloves: Oskarm only until you get a rare ring with Assassin's Mark, then switch to rare
Helmet: Mind of the Council until you get a Watcher's Eye with mana leech, then switch to rare
Everything else: rare
So in the end, you will have 1 ring, belt, gloves, and helmet to get you your resistances, with your amulet and jewels there to assist in shoring up any deficiencies. Try to avoid relying on your boots.
Thanks for letting me know that my profile wasn't set to public. The only option I saw was "Hide character" was ticked so I unticked it. This is good to know. In most cases, the unique were upgrades for me; other than after equipping I went from overlapped reses of 120 to about 76. I'm assuming its good to be overlapped a bit for maps that had penalties to resistances. And of course, I spent like an hour thinking, "how the fuck do I get Resistances now lol" I managed to do it, but ill just chalk this all up to a learning experience. Like I mentioned I didn't spend all that much chaos, I still have 50 left. most of the items were only 1 or 2 chaos.
I will have to study these rares a bit more to know what mods to look for. I studied the uniques so hard looking for deals on that I think a lot of the mods are ingrained in my brain lol so I think hunting for better rares in some of these slots I'll have an easier time with.
"I'm testing an alternative gem setup for more Vaal Arc damage in Legion.
If anyone feels like experimenting with it, i'd really appreciate some feedback!" - Enki
I saw Enki add this to the top of his guide, but haven't been able to find the new setup. I've been using Vaal Arc all league and am interested in playing around with it. Can anyone tell me what he's linking to vaal arc, or where I can find the setup to play around with it?
WorderMostFoul escribió:
VunterSlaush escribió:
I'm currently on the hunt for a Tabula Rasa and have been farming Blood Aqueducts. I got a friend to play so I wasn't able to farm for it prior to finishing the story. I helped get to my point and then we just finished the story together.
6L is absolutely worth 12c. You'll save a ton of time by just farming the currency as opposed to farming Humility cards. It should take less than an hour if you're using the vendor recipe for chaos orbs.
Curious how to get ~12 chaos with the recipe in an hour? -- rare rings/amulet/belt are not that often right?
Editado por útlima vez por wx5945#9232 en 11 jul. 2019 1:34:02
Hi, do you still use Watcher's Eye? Where do you link Wrath?
brettspiel8 escribió:
Hi, do you still use Watcher's Eye? Where do you link Wrath?
Yes, you still want a Watchers Eye, with "Lightning Damage Leeched as Mana While Affected by Wrath" (and, if you can, another wrath-based lightning buff).
You put the Wrath in an Essence Worm ring, which removes the mana reservation cost for Wrath, allowing us to still take advantage of Clear Mind (if you are still using any other reserve skills, such as Clarity, you should stop using it at this point).
[[Edit to answer another question without double posting]]
AstolGladius escribió:
I was wondering, since im just starting off, and since i cant really see the skill tree on my phone and i lack a computer to use pob, is there anyway i can see the full tree that is used for this build? Is there like a link or something i can go to, or would it be best to just try and path it myself? I like the idea of this build and want to try and follow it from start to end game, but the lack of being able to see the passive tree on mobile devices is kinda hard for me to do so.
Yes, you can use the skill tree link given in the guide without PoB; Enki even breaks it down by level but for a "full tree" the link he gives can be found here. It's from the official PoE site's skill tree tool, dunno how "phone friendly" it is though.
Editado por útlima vez por FaeDaemon#7598 en 11 jul. 2019 4:42:13