[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
" Ahh that makes sense then. On another note, when should i start putting points into strength nodes to start using red gems? I'm level 60 merciless right now with ~50 str/int. |
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I have a question related to Chin Sol trap linking. Does the bonus damage from Chin Sol and Point Blank still applies if I swap back to my main bow before the trap get triggered?
IGN: CastleM
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your trap will be instantly destroyed on gear swap if it's in your chin sol.
If not, I'd say no, because of snapshot fix. Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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" Use the 30 point strength and intelligene nodes as you need them. Don't stray into the 10 point nodes. The skill tree of this guide connects to two 30 point nodes each. That should be enough to use some of the gear/gems you need. At some point however you might want to try and get the points from gear, like an Onyx Amulet (with additional stats this is a great source) or a belt with strength etc. Editado por útlima vez por Cr4v3n#1308 en 1 sept. 2015 2:36:08
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Hello everyone Majesti here,
I playing this build becuase my facebreaker duelist becomes boring. Actually my TS makes 14,5k dps with herald and HoA. Now I have gathered 4 ex and thinking about an update. I have seen some nice bows ( Harbinger ) for about 5 ex. But I don't know what I can update for more dps? Can you check my gear and give me a hint? Would the bow boost my dps mutch?( Example 150-350 dps and 8,5% crit ? ) Here my gear: |
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Whatever you do, you already have a 6link ... get a rare Harbinger with 8,8+ crit and 300+ pDPS.
Are already available for 3,5 Ex what I've seen. 9+ crit and 300+ dps are about 6+ Ex (maybe you can lower his price a bit to 5 Ex) I would upgrade that first and THEN look for e.g. Rat's Nest. You could get a lot more Crit Chance on your Quiver as well as Attack Speed (which is better with 1.2 APS harbingers than for Lioneye's) on Gloves for example (if you don't get Maligaro's). The rest of your gear doesn't look that bad to me. Everything else (which means: Better bow) just goes into several (two-digit) exalt prices. I am using this currently: Cost me 4 or 5 exalts if I remember correctly. The only thing I had to do after switching from Lioneyes is to get a lot more accuracy on my gear (Lioneyes = 100% hit chance, harbinger was only about 87% without accuracy gear) as well as switching to attack speed nodes because harbinger feels awful slow. It's only a 5-Link but I can clear even 75 maps without any problems. Rest of my gear: Editado por útlima vez por daish0#3486 en 1 sept. 2015 3:17:14
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" To be honest, I would keep the Lioneye's for now and go for Rat's Nest or Maligaro's Virtuosity if you can cap your resists with one of those. I don't know if you've read this thread: [2.0] Poor Mans Guide to Bows - 114K DPS and Atziri on a 5L If not, do so. I found it to be quite interesting and I got some ideas out of it. Editado por útlima vez por Cr4v3n#1308 en 1 sept. 2015 4:11:16
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Yes, Lioneye's is very good in this league AND you get it very cheap.
It has 300+ dps and very high attack speed. And the reason why 5% crit is not _that_ bad because you ALWAYS HIT. The miss chance is what kills dps on high crit weapons usually. You will see Lioneye's not critting as often, but dps is still on par with 1-4 Ex bows because you attack very often and because of that high attack speed you also have a very high clear speed! BUT: Lioneye's is limited, I don't know if it is a lot of fun in very high maps. At some point you still probably want to switch to a rare with more base damage. |
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" Actually, i'm surprised this is mentioned so infrequently..... All these talks about Maligaro, Rat's Nest, yadayada - it's worth nothing. Open your eyes! Rat's Nest is a crappy unique. Maligaro's Virtuosity is even crappier. Why? Because no HP, and no resists even! It's isnt hard to get high enough DPS in PoE, but you NEVER can get enough life! I'd never payed an exalt for those items... Well, Rat's Best is acceptable for MFing low-level maps, cant find other use to it. Neversink clearly stated this - "build that doesnt prioritize defence, fails". The only unique without life, that is worth using, is Blood Dance. Because it provides huge regen bonus, and i actually find it overall BiS. I also want to show a defensive tree for Ranger: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIAAF4B3AMeBS0FtQYjCC4IiQzyDY0UIBa_GY4fQSF2I_Yk_SaVKgsuUzBxMHwx-jKUNZI31DnUOkI-z0MxR35KfUt4TP9Nkk4qUUdVS1WFVvpaGluvXWhfP2HiYqxlTWyMbWxvO3BSdO11y3b3d-N4DXlofXV_An8rhNmGzod2jDaNfY1-jb-VBZrxm42dqqCfpcum4KlutMW1SLXyt7a9Nr3mvqfAGsEEwTPC7MMzxFjKqdNv037UI9i92cbawd2o45_nVOpi7T_tg-4O7w7vevPq9kj8xf66_94= (109 points - 88 level) https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIAAF4B3AMeBS0FtQYjCC4IiQzyDY0UIBa_GY4fQSF2I_Yk_SaVKgsuUzBxMHwxnjH6MpQ1kjfUOdQ6QjrhPfw-z0MxR35KfUt4TP9Nkk3jTipQR1FHVUtVhVb6WGNaGluvXWhfP2HiYqxlTWyMbWxvO3BSdO11y3b3d-N4DXloeu99dX8CfyuE2YbOh3aMNozPjX2Nfo2_lQWa8ZuNnaqgn6XLplem4KlutMW1SLXyt7a9Nr3mvqfAGsEEwTPC7MMzxFjKqdNv037UI9i92cbawd2o45_nVOpi7T_tg-4O7w7vevJF8-r2SPzF_gr-j_66_94= (121 points - 100 level) Only the best of the best DPS clusters are picked, rest points are put into life and life regeneration. I play with Duelist (that means i have less HP, but reroll into ranger will take too much time), and i have 6k HP with that bow build (just adapted for my class). I can run ANY map mods, except, maybe dual-reflects + reduced maximum resists (or "no regen") map (didnt get those rolls yet, though)... And i dont plan to die ever, cause losing EXP sucks... IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Editado por útlima vez por MortalKombat3#6961 en 1 sept. 2015 7:19:01
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That's all true if you play high level content. That's about 5% tops of the community, imo less. And those don't come here for advise. Once you get there, you'll need to adapt, true. But at that point you'll likely have some currency to do so.
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