Oxi's Big List of Builds & Stuff
i have a lot of bad ideas and finite time to realize them, but here are the few that have materialized. i'll try to keep writing mini guides for them. i don't have a great computer or audio quality right now so probably no full video guides for a while, but hopefully theyre comprehensible if nothing else. no fancy formatting. no fluff. just raw builds. sofcore only. usually trade. some ssf or private leagues. hc only for events.
i tend to focus on builds in the 1 to 20 ~ex~ div budget range, leaning toward the 5 to 10 band, since that's the most fun range for me to work in. if you keep throwing currency at a build, itll eventually work no matter what, so limiting myself to budgets keeps me interested in the challenge of buildmaking. ill go higher though if a build needs particular build defining items to function in the first place and am very keen on trying it out. i definitely source ideas from other people, but try to make them my own in one way or another. will provide source if i go really hard sniping an idea. in general i highly recommend anyone who plays PoE to make their own builds. A big part of the game is in the character design phase, and if you only follow guides I think you're really missing out on part of the fun of the game. if you want tips or anything on how to start building your own characters, hit me up either on the forums, on discord, or in game. ░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄███▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░▄▀▀░░░░░░░▐░▀██▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░▄▀░░░░▄▄███░▌▀▀░▀█░░░░░░░░░░░don't talk░░░░ ░░▄█░░▄▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▄▐░░░░█▌░░░░░░░░to me or my son░ ░▐█▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▌░░░░░▐█▄░░░░░░░░░ever again░░░ ░▌▄▄▀▀░░░░░░░░▌░░░░▄███████▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▐░░░░▐███████████▄░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▐░░░░▐█████████████▄░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▄░░░▐█████████████▄░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░<(°)░░░░░░░▀▄▄███████████████░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░ (|░░░░░░░░░░░░█▀██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░ I am not planning on updating any of these writeups/guides/pobs; I'm making new builds instead. If you want help, message me in game or in dms or whatever and if im not busy (which to be honest i might be, and am somewhat likely likely to be, busy) ill help out with mapping out what needs to be changed for the current state of the game. For the most part though, youre better off using the old ones as ideas to make your own modern builds from rather than real guides as you might be more accustomed to... anyway, builds:
Builds i sort of randomly selected to be written up way back when. Not my faves. Not my best. Just the ones where "eyyy im bored, lets type some shit on the forums" occurred while playing them.
arc ignite elementalist (3.5) poison wander assassin (3.0) ele animate weapon necromancer (2.4) scourge decay bv necromancer (2.4) (mechanically no longer functions)
crit seismic + exsanguinate saboteur (cheap to start, room to grow, feels clean)
cwdt loop tulfall poison blade blast assassin (higher budget, not great dps, lots of fun) double coc DD desecrate + VD (mid to high budget, tons of dps, great defenses, tons of recovery, very smooth play). source idea from jungroan
started as LL wintertide brand occy. really the only special thing I did here was spec for 100% spell suppression, so not gonna make a guide. was cheap to start, had decent growth, fun to play, not very tanky for scourge content.
Made a bladefall bladeblast double coc zerker. Not making a forum post for it since it's basically just the DD VD Desecrate double coc build from 3.15 reimagined. quick writup: chose zerker cause without corpse destruction, we lack attack speed, and zerker blitz+rage gives it back. 40% more is just extra sauce on top. went with full phys to fire convert using AoF, glove mod, and mastery. opted for defense and life/es on block staff masteries (defense was good, life on block was meh). soul of yugul + ele mastery = ele reflect immune. soul of yugul + flask suffix + jewel suffix = curse immune. ran rumis this time to make up for losing bone offering. build was good. did most content. no wave 30, no juiced legion, no feared all at once but regular feared was fine, decent delve depth, good for scourge. Fun build, makes some nice sounds, not better than double coc DD tho. played curse support for a party (cold res focused) (all blasphemy). Interesting stuff with the new patch putting a cap on negative res at -200%. figuring out which situations an enemy will or will not have -200. deciding if eye of malice is worth it. etc. nothing special though. final build was cold conflux ward cwdt. based on this video. only major change was using quality rings, no alt quality cwdt, more flask charges gained, no reduced flask charges used on belt, and creeping frost instead of frostbolt. really fun archetype to make having to balance out ward, armor, damage taken, and flask charge gain. as a not for ward cwdt in general, theres room to do more if you want since grasping mails (from breach ring vendoring) have 100% increased Global Defences as a possible prefix, which lets you drop skin of the loyal so long as the armor it grants doesnt ruin your engine (which with alt quality gems and some fenagling perhaps with increased damage taken it might not.
started about a week or two late, so had the luxury of seeing the market shift before picking my build. crystallized omniscience was ultra cheap despite its power, so i chose to abuse it on my first build, going for an ice nova heirophant. i also saw a pair of forbidden flame/flesh listed for 40c each that gave illuminated devotion, so i snagged them for the free ascendancy on the cheap. otherwise, i didnt push minmax too hard here. just stacked a bit of omniscience on rare gear, picked up a 5l pledge, and cruised. went petrified blood lowlife since i could leech with illuminated devotion and get some nice damage. kept zealotry on divine blessing to keep my mana pool empty for mom. had two empty links so had one frostbolt with the slow proj speed quality and one with the fast proj speed quality to switch between on the fly while mapping. overall really enjoyable and a solid way to start the league.
second build, i dropped an ashes of the stars, and decided i was gonna just go ham with it as a bodyswap unearth ignite build. elementalist, all golems with the buff effect quality, bunch of auras in a devouring diadem (alt qualities there ended up being way more expensive than their value, but the principle is there). two button gameplay for twice the quality abuse. in the end it turned out as a really enjoyable project to put together given my low budget. i hadnt farmed a ton of currency yet so i pretty much started the build with just alt quality bodyswap and the ashes of the stars. over time i slowly amassed better and better gear and changed into quality gems. it gave a really nice character progression while levelling to 90, but boy is there an absolute brick wall for damage between having alt qual unearth and not. i cannot recommend this build if you dont have alt quality unearth lined up, the single target is just not there without it (and your +4 levels gloves w/ empower enhance in them (mine were Lochtonial Caress which were great cause they gave me extra charges on top))... anyway, mapping as the character feels fucking amazing. you have tons of cast speed on bodyswap and can target enemies even with no corpse, so it plays like a flicker strike build with more control in that regard. ignite then proliferates and spreads absurdly far and feels great. then you have a lightning warp with super fast cast speed and super low duration from alt quality to whip around the map. plus the default determination grace defiance setup makes you tanky as all hell by default, but especially so when stacked with the big buffer primordial aegis gives you and a juiced chaos golem. i also picked up all the damage recoup nodes and mods on rings so when i did get tapped i got back to full very fast between that recoup and my super buffed stone golem. overall a really fun build. pob be warned, i assume that both omniscience and ashes (or at least cremation and unearth) are lined up at the gallows for the 3.18 patch since they are absolutely over-performing, so these might go out of date fast. anyway, i ended up quitting the league early due to elden ring and wonderlands dropping and just not coming back. taking the break from poe felt great and im hype to get back into it 3.18 though so hopefully 4 or 5 builds (maybe with proper write-ups again instead of little blurbs) next league.
started off with a poconc pathfinder. super standard stuff abusing flagellant mod and Master Surgeon for defenses. nothing special, but took down maven with easy tanking her cascade of pain and such.
from there I was invited to play as the culler in a 7 man. we were on that secret cloak of tawm'r isley tech for recombinators before it was cool (we think at least one other korean group was clued in on it since we watched a trader spit out magic bases similar to how we were) and then someone dropped a video on it and flooded the market. still ran with it for a laugh, but we think that it was potentially better to swap back to greeds at that point once the market was flooded with magic items. hard to tell though tbh. besides that it was your standard issue mageblood mf culler setup. we have some other tech picks that other groups aren't using, but the group has asked them to not be shared so you'll have to deal with me leaving it at that. after that I hopped around a few builds to level 85 like flicker strike and a ll rf bv door, but settled on remaking my wardlooper from 3.16 but as a scion this time. had plenty of dosh from group play to burn on it and really wanted to crunch out the challenges since ggg had upped the difficulty of them as a trial this league. it, as one might expect, it fucked. however it was pretty much the same build but from a different spot so not much to say about it that hasnt already been said by myself or others. that got me 40/40 and finished out my league. i did play a bit in gauntlet as sunder and then did a toxic rain lab runner for bpl, but those didnt get to high levels and werent interesting respectively so im omitting them. Also spent a lot of time working with regi & others on timeless jewels. helped put it into PoB as well as code review type stuff for early emulators. fidning optimizations and fixing bugs and such. designing data file formats. etc. took up a decent chunk of my time but was a fun project to be invited to work on.
started league as lighting conduit elementalist. skill is op, but there are plenty of guides out for it already so I'm not going into depth. did it as a shoestring budget starter, so didnt pull anything interesting on it and just amassed divines. pretty fun though with a ton of room to grow beyond a starter. even on my small 1 or 2 div budget though it took me through my four voidstones, difficulty 16 lakes, and t14 mapping with ritual. for real the skill is fucking op. 95% chance of nerf next patch.
after that i went for relic of the pact since it was cheap and i hadnt tried it before (never got one in ritual league). played it for a bit and enjoyed levelling but didnt really like mapping. captain lance dropped his video around this time and had some cool tech in it like the inverted reservation rings, so i tried that out, but ultimately i just wasnt enjoying dissolution of flesh, especially since i was running rituals and the degens were driving me insane. scrapped it for a huge profit though. defiantly recommend trying the build since its cute, but be advised that you might hate it so dont feel bad about quitting early. next build was howa venom gyre trickster. pulled divergent gyre from heisting, woke fork from farming maven invitation stuff, and a percent int ring from ritual, so it really just kinda came together. honestly really enjoyed it, so im writing a full guide and making a video: text guide video guide not ready. soon(tm) after finishing the howa build i started amassing currency again and wasnt sure what to do with it... so i figured i might as well make a culler. levelled it using a silly 8 link quill rain to 80 85 ish, popped a few chalupa breachstones and leeched some paradise tiles to 92 then respecced. haven't gotten to use it since howa kills rares a bit fast for me to notice when one has the right mods, but was a fun project nonetheless. one cool thing i opted for was a micro-distillery belt. i pop doedres elixir to suck my life away so that divination distillate can work, then got my mandatory gold flask and a jade flask. stacking a bit of evasion and spell dodge so that maybe i can survive a bit longer just in case, and made sure i have enough accuracy to actually hit. otherwise its a stock standard ascetic culler setup. do have a banging timeless jewel though. 63940 in the left scion socket gives 4 discerning tastes, and i got to use my custom timeless jewel search tool to help find it (as well as every other 4 notable seed i could pick up within range) at a good price which felt good.
started off as vaal arc ignite elementalist cause i haven't done that in a while.
spent the rest of my time workshopping doom blast. did a lot of work calculating how cdr, spell cascade, and cast speed worked together which you can read here. i ended up playing an occultist poison variant of it, though crit hit occultist i think is the superior spec since it can scale further (and the pathfinder version is a lot safer if you're going poison even if the damage is worse btw. i just wanted to play with giga curse effect since its new). didn't end up playing much this league though. Also made that quick poison intuitions/guide video below.
played exclusively in steelmage's chatsf league
started as a poison wander, but dropped a vixens entrapment as well as a +1 int & cdr staff early so swapped to impending doom. Went well. Played with wurms molt which was cute but ultimately wasn't protecting me from the oneshots that fully juiced crucible mobs were throwing out. one of my guildmates pointed me toward someone that was doing ancentral explody totem, so I picked up a redblade sword with the 600% mod on it and my guildmate did the same in the non-private league. I played chieftain first and popped screens using massive aoe infernal cry. Did a ton of damage, but even with all the phys->fire it wasn't too tanky. My guildmate took the build toward hit-based ascendant while I went toward poison pathfinder. We both ended up abusing bloodnotch progenesis for immortality. Explody totem fucks hard. Packs an absurd amount of dps and lets you stack up some solid defenses. Not much to say here. Definitely build of the league both in terms of power and in terms of novelty, but not going to write a guide since its something everyone has already seen (and something that has been hit with a 95% damage nerf plus is crucible specific so won't be coming back) Crafted an 8 link wand with crucible and played a bit of archmage ball lightning with it which was good fun. Ended up quitting the league early due to work unfortunately. Was fun though and will miss all the cool theorycrafting crucible opened up.
Played in a guild private league.
When solo, I played corrupting cry, volatile dead, and poison exsanguinate. In group, I played as our mana/link guardian. After the league ended, I built a wardloop character that cast way too many blade blasts (was actively causing server lag) as well as a shockwave totem to get some challenges done before calling it quits.
Started in a party as the MF culler and swapped into a doryanis prototype tank to try a new strategy.
After party play was done, built up this vaal breach bomber build. honestly, it's not the best build, but it's quite fun. Made a kinetic bolt shotgunner. Managed to hit like 80 times per attack on single targets with insane attack speed. Was enough to make my game lag if I put brutality in my links to prevent the enemy from perishing. Was a fun gameplay loop and did a lot of damage, but hurt my eyes to play (and was a bit squishy before I got a progenesis), so scrapped it after a day of mapping.
Gonna be playing in the Zana Search Party private league (estimated to have200-500 active players)
Starting as katabasis trickster. Diregray has been planning to do the same in trade league, so consider following his journey. If I pop off with the build and really invest, I'll make a video on it.
guide to poison just gives some geometric intuitions as to how different poison stats work and affect your damage both on paper and in practice. Maybe also a guide on making your own, new build from scratch? Maybe a guide on optimizing existing builds? Maybe a guide on more effective use of PoB in general? Maybe a guide on searching for timeless jewels (both in PoB and outside of it) Idk. Im just tossing ideas at walls and seeing if any are al dente, you know. Editado por útlima vez por OxidisedGearz#3098 en 28 mar. 2024 21:33:10 Reflotado por última vez en 11 ago. 2023 5:33:32
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