[3.14] 420+ MS Indigon Darkness Farmer Scion [POB + Alt Lvling Build + Item/Trade Links]
In-Game: @Karmatic (INACTIVE)
twitch.tv/casual_place 3.10 VOD highlight: Depth 175 Magma Fissure ~440ms (old n clunky, but same stuff) Check out my Caustic Arrow + Toxic Rain Trickster Guide for a delve companion. Inspired by Brittleknee's Darkness Farmer The 3.10 Guide: old thread -The Passive Tree and Gems tabs are dated but good info, see the 3.14 POB and gear links below -Core items are the same, trade links still mostly work, cluster jewels below -"The Agnostic" is now on the passive tree, Timeless Jewel removed -Tempered Spirit is now 2ms per 10dex, Transcendent is 3ms but -2 penalty for unallocated dex --5/31 cleaned up Basics and Finding a Route. Gear still needs 3.14 overhaul.
Darkness Farming means exploring the Azurite Mine in the dark,
without entering the "Start Delve" circle to activate the Crawler (mine cart). You can do this on any charcter with only Flares and phasing: as long as you don't run the cart + complete the encounter, or destroy Fractured Walls, the chests + azurite nodes + etc on the path and side areas will reset every instance. This build does only this activity, and cannot kill mobs without gear swaps. It's just flasks, phasing, movement speed, avoidance, and recovery shenanigans for mitigating the stacking darkness penalty until a few hundred stacks. This means the Scion must be fully ascended + leveled with a plain build that can map and Delve, then Regretted into a darkness farmer. Or, be carried. You will need another character to progress in Delve, complete encounters, and actually dig to long pathways you want to run in the dark repeatedly. The core mechanics to passively out-regen darkness and survive mobs: -Non-instant Mana Recovery from Flasks is also Recovered as Life (Indigon) -Flask Effect is not removed at Full Mana (Enduring Mana Flask) A lot of damage is moved to mana through: -% Damage is taken from Mana before Life (Mind over Matter, Hierophant, Watcher's Eye) -While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 20% Mana/sec to Recover that much Life (The Agnostic) The additional Indigon affix is a secondary effect for Mana Flask Recovery, so scaling focus is: -% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks -% increased Mana Recovery Rate -Flasks applied to you have % increased Effect -Flask quality -Flask Duration, Charges Gained, etc. for consistent uptime Movement speed scaling is straightfoward, and similar gear, skill and passive choices as lab/sulphite runners. Of course, scaling flasks also boosts movespeed. This guide isn't a deep dive on darkness/mitigation, or even necessarily an explanation of 'how' I use the build. There's some fun in secrets sure, but really this is most of mine. For now anyway, to go in-depth mechanically or try to pre-troubleshoot issues, would make me even slower to create+update guides
Finding A Route
Fractured Walls take the place of encounter nodes on the map and mine instance.
The gallery of grid pics show how to count walls despite the uneven Delve map. The number of "units traveled" (if you ran the cart), is walls + 1. If there are 2 walls before the node encounter, the total travel distance/units of the route is: 2 walls + 1 node = 3 units (in any direction, including turns). A route with 4+ walls before the node is best, or two connected routes with at least 2-3+ each. Don't reject any specific biome on site: any kind is worth testing if the route is lengthy, but lots of biome crossovers on one long road will generate less sidepaths/loot nodes. Frozen Hollow/Magma Fissure: clean layouts, easiest navigation Fungal Caverns/Sulphur Vents: sometimes looping layouts, easy-moderate navigation Petrified Forest/Abyssal Depths: often mediocre or maze experience The first map here from 3.9 is the dankest darkness farming path I've found. It has 6 walls, and a mine cart cost/travel distance of 7 units to the encounter. It also has a nice short tail that fully generates in the instance, so 9 units total: [-] 1 south, 1 east, 1 south, 3 east, 1 south [-] 2 west Each instance loaded is 5x5 units, or map blocks. If you click the orange marker, without a cart run, the zone will reach 2-3 units in all directions. If you load a cart run going east, the instance will only reach ~1 unit west of start The last map with a Legion node, displays the "5 unit max" rule when the map is generated: the farthest distance in one direction a mine cart route can generate, and a very large instance. If you will follow two routes that make up 5 units in one direction, it will only reach 4 units, and cut off without the second encounter node generated. To clarify: -If you run (w sulphite) + complete a single node that goes 4 total east, --then try to run the cart another 1-2 units east, ---the game would load a new instance instead of continuing seamlessly -If you load the same 4 east node (incompleted), --then run west to a node 1 unit west ---the game should load that node completely, and cut off any further west Each map block is a seeded piece of railroad track, with fixed length of main hallway. Each track's parameters: direction, turns, # of sidepaths/loot nodes, sidepaths size, etc., will vary slightly in every instance, but they always correlate with the map in a static, unique way. After many runs, you notice repeating layouts + quirks, and actually learn the seed. There's a lot of mistake correction with going fast, tho. And sometimes you just get lost. Again, the surfance info available on map: layout, number of walls, number of nodes, biome(s), are only explorative clues, and the only way to know if the feel is right, is to dig there and test. From increased Azurite alone, deeper is always better if you can survive mobs. I usually start this character after digging to 200+. __________________________________________________________________________ ![]() imgur gallery of screenshots below
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Gear + Trade Links
Basic Setup
______________________________________________________ Indigon ■ Any This and the Enduring Mana Flask are the build. The only variable rolls that affect us are increased mana and life recovery rolls, if at all, so maybe just don't buy the worst one. ______________________________________________________ Queen of the Forest ■ Any ■ Any 5L ■ 65+ Res ■ 5L + >65 Res Up to 50% movement speed, capped at 45k evasion. 6L is unecessary. High resist rolls here will make min/maxing rares easier. I don't think extra $$ for a high evasion roll is worth it or necessary to reach the cap. Maximum life roll is trivial. ______________________________________________________ Allure ■ Any Highest MS on a weapon. A second one is okay as a placeholder for Perepiteia. ______________________________________________________ Peripiteia ■ Any ■ (15+ MS) ■ (1 OK Mod)+(Any MS) ■ (56-70 Evasion)+(Any MS) Highest MS on a shield, but 1-20% D: Can have 3 implicits. Any version with 15-18 MS is okay really. T1 FLAT Evasion gives 250-330 total, and indispensable for min/maxing 45k evasion with better gear. For a nice shield, expect to buy for the implicits and divine the MS. A 350%+ evasion roll can't hurt, but don't delete currency over it (or the mana roll). ______________________________________________________ Rare Evasion Gloves ■ (70 Life)+(>70 Res) Evasion base for QOTF. Ideal gloves have an open suffix for crafted (ie changeable) resists. 120 total res is great. You can set "Empty Suffix" to 1 in my search, but would actually hide the 2nd gloves, or any that have full suffixes with a craft you can replace. I recommend browsing the default search first. ______________________________________________________ Rare Boots ■ (>70 Life)+(>30 MS)+(O Suffix) ■ (>90 Life)+(>30 MS) Evasion base for QOTF. Go budget if you're saving for 7-Leagues, baller 35MS boots aren't worth it. The 2nd search is more a chance to snag nice boots cheap. Also, try to build around eventually losing that bonus life/evasion/res. ______________________________________________________ Rare Belt ■ (3 Flask Mods) ■ (Any Life+Mana)+(2 Flask) ■ (MS)+(1 Flask) Like boots, don't overspend if you intend on switching to String of Servitude. Shaper/Hunter belts have an MS suffix. Flask Duration/Gained Charges/Reduced Used help the Silver Flask uptime and overspam on the Quicksilver. 6% Effect gives ~5 MS. Mana Recovery gives darkness mitigation. Don't craft 1ex (7-8) Flask Effect, or the Reduced Gained hybrid. Resists shouldn't be necessary in this slot. ______________________________________________________ Shaper/Hunter Amulet ■ (>7 MS)+(>11 STR) ■ (>7 MS)+(Any Life+Mana) or Karui Ward I've stuck with Solstice Vigil, but these work too. Shaper/Hunter amulets have an MS prefix. You'll probably need ~11 Strength somewhere here (implicit/natural/crafted) to use a lvl 20 Increased Duration, other stats are a bonus. Karui Ward is a budget "any" version. Annoint Freedom of Movement. ______________________________________________________ Essence Worm ■ Any ■ White Socket This is where Grace goes, and required to keep mana reservation down. White socket for style points (or lab setup). ______________________________________________________ Rare Ring ■ (>60 Life)+(>40 Mana/Regen) ■ (>60 Life)+(>40 Mana/Regen)+(Eva) Basic stats here, nothing that will make or break the build. An open suffix is ideal to change resists. ______________________________________________________ Conqueror's Potency ■ Any ■ (Act 9) Wings of Vastari Quest Gives 6-7 MS, and a little buff to Grace and Temp Chains. Good opportunity cost. ______________________________________________________ Rare Jewels ■ (Life+Mana) ■ (Life+Mana)+(1Res) ■ (Life+Mana)+(2Res) Life/Mana alone is an okay socket filler. This is an easy last stop for topping resists. Single res is usually cheap. Double res can get expensive, but you might find a corrupted one for cheap. ______________________________________________________ Watcher's Eye ■ (Clarity-MOM) ■ (Clarity-Recovery) ■ (Grace-MS) Nowadays this market is often expensive + volatile, which I think is kinda fun. Check trade frequently: the deals are out there! I think you can farm comfortably without Clarity mods or WE at all. MOM is a huge mitigation boost. Recovery Rate is kinda only 'noticeable'. 10-15 MS with Grace on its own is OP relative to Conq's Potency. I did most of my farming in 3.9 with the 1st jewel. 3.14 NOTE: Not sure if Mana Recovery is worth spending currency on, over just Grace MS by itself. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ Stuff that doesn't change: Indigon ■ Any Queen of the Forest ■ Any ■ Any 5L ■ 65+ Res ■ 5L + >65 Res Allure ■ Any Essence Worm ■ Any ■ White Socket Conqueror's Potency ■ Any ■ (Act 9) Wings of Vastari Quest ______________________________________________________ Better Perepiteia ■ (56-70 Evasion) ■ (56-70 Evasion)+(1 Good Mod) The flat evasion implicit and good %eva/ES roll will make reaching 45k a lot easier...Any extra mods are great. No guarantee the 2nd search isn't hiding something nice. You can sort by shields in this Synthesis Implicit Database ______________________________________________________ Better Rare Gloves ■ (>90 Life)+(>70 Dbl Res) The main source of resists vs. the potential loss in equipping 7-League and SoS. T1 bases are nice, but hopefully 50-100 evasion isn't breaking your 45k cap. The first gloves are probably overkill, but they were a good deal :D ______________________________________________________ Seven-League Step ■ Any The max speed go to. You'll have to bench socket if ilvl<25. ______________________________________________________ String of Servitude ■ (>24 MS) ■ (>27 MS) ■ (>30 MS) ■ (>33 MS) ■ (36 MS) Pretty big MS value in this slot with any roll. Price per 3% is a bit exponential, value it at your discretion. ______________________________________________________ Solstice Vigil ■ Any Highly variable price. Stacked with Essence Worm, you basically get "Blasphemy has a 40% Mana Multiplier". Not mandatory to function, nor is Temp Chains necessarily, especially at low depths. A 2L Blasphemy w/o Solstice will reserve ~50%, which IMO isn't functionally detrimental. I don't think the MS or rare stats are necessary in this slot. Annoint Freedom of Movement. ______________________________________________________ Better Rare Ring ■ (>70 Life)+(>50 Mana/Rgn)+(Eva) ■ (>60 Life)+(% Life)+(Mana/Regen/Eva) 2nd source of resists, otherwise maxing out useful stats. The Vermillion/Cerulean bases are cute, but in my case a low opportunity cost on this build and not always strictly better. As always browse for cheap treasure. ______________________________________________________ Double Watcher's Eye ■ (1 Clarity)+(Grace-MS) Haven't discovered anything exciting past these 3 mods, so a direct upgrade is basically either Clarity mod + Grace MS. Get your exalts ready. As I said in the previous section, I did most of my farming in 3.9 (to great effect) with just a Mana Recovery WE. ______________________________________________________ Double Res Rare Jewels ■ (Life)+(Mana)+(Multi Res) Third source of resists. A couple of these will probably be required as you trade stats for MS. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
Pro Max 500
This is mainly to break 500% movement speed . Personally I think it's a bit fast to darkness farm smoothly, but you can definitely get a top 10 lab time with this stuff. A major consideration for going this far is QoL of dropping Smoke Mine entirely. Phase Run + Flasks only = smooth. ______________________________________________________ Uber Lab Enchant ■ (Any % MS Enchant) This won't have 100% uptime, but it's "10%" you can't get anywhere else. Out of any xTrEmE maxing, this one is the easiest as it only costs time to run lab. ______________________________________________________ MS Watcher's Eye ■ (Grace-MS) Bit redundant, but this mod is necessary to min/max MS. ______________________________________________________ Transcendant Spirit ■ Transcendant Spirit ■ Tempered Spirit ■ Vial of Transcendance Definitely not necessary, but can comfortably get ~14 MS (20 max) in the Acrobatics socket, or 10 MS above Art of the Gladiator just for pathing. Mana is nice too. Quite expensive, but you can easily Tempered Spirit yourself by farming Alva's for the Apex of Ascension (Sacrifice Room). ______________________________________________________ Corrupted Karui Ward This is from Standard to show the max MS potential, not something I've used for darkness farming. No link cos don't buy it for this build lol. It's BIS for a lab runner, so actually a pretty good needle-in-a-hay-stack-mass-craft, if you're willing to buy+annoint+vaal 50-?00 1c items...one-by-one. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ OLD
Ascendancy/Passive Tree/Pantheon
Kill all bandits for 2 extra points.
Here's a quick overview of important stats you get from the tree and lab, and total values you get from each wheel and/or pathing. Basic Stuff, Lvl 72: core passives+1pt jewels+Timeless jewel Advancedish, Lvl 85ish high-value jewels+goodies off the path, my recommended baseline Start Nodes, what you get for pathing Militant Faith placement+info, The Agnostic tooltip, Devotion count Jewels and their travel cost Ctrl + click for full size images (gallery) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Garukhan for Minor. "Stalker" is the Dig map boss. Arakaali gives ~15 stack buffer, overall best choice. Lunaris is okay if you don't care about degen. ![]()
Example Gear Arrangement
Phase Run ■ Enhance ■ Increased Duration ■ Efficacy ■ Arcane Surge ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Smoke Mine ■ Increased Duration ■ Efficacy ■ Empower ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Temporal Chains ■ Blasphemy ■ Enhance ■ Increased Area of Effect ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Grace ■ Clarity ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Cast When Damage Taken ■ Immortal Call ■ Increased Duration Cast When Damage Taken ■ Withering Step ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Editado por útlima vez por glappoid#0988 en 10 ago. 2022 21:49:26 Reflotado por última vez en 30 nov. 2021 23:43:31
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[3.14 Ultimatum]
POB: https://pastebin.com/qcWXAvpe The Build: -Core Delve+build mechanics functional and relatively unchanged since 3.10 -Tainted Oil makes amulet choices more interesting -As always, is it worth tho??? My Update: -Core items same as OP -Now with full cluster wheel -Contemporary gem combinations -3.14 POB with gems + items + 3 passives trees, based on @ImaBitGay -IRL <5ex Indigon + BV + WoC alt build, viable for T14+ Delve/map/aura'd EXP carry -Recommending minimum Lv90-94 for cluster jewel comfort -2nd Essence Worm with Haste, why not if clever with resists -Stibnite Flask still more reliable than Jade Flask, assuming you hit evasion cap -Chemist's Quicksilver helps with flask overspam Like before, this is more an outline of essentials for wonks, than fully explained guide. Most will struggle most with reaching respec level. Smart planning + investment in the alt build means less time wasted on death EXP penalty. Don't die: stay at appropriate tier content, do Conquerors/Guardians on another character. Aura'd EXP parties are the best option--much faster and still profitable
Gem Level/Quality Quicklist
Check POB before buying, to see if +1 gem level, or 3->4 Empower will increase movespeed.
21/23% Phase Run (buy one) 20/20% Second Wind 20/20% Increased Duration 3/xx% Empower (Lv4 = +1%ms, without Lv21 PR and +1gems corruption) 3/xx% Enhance (Lv4 = +4%ms, worth) 21/xx% Smoke Mine 3/xx% Empower 20/20% Increased Duration 19/xx% Efficacy 1/xx% Clarity (for Watcher's Eye, don't level! 20% Anomolous = 5% Flask Mana Recovery) 20/20% Temporal Chains (if using Solstice Vigil)) 20/20% Blasphemy 3/xx% Enlighten (optional) 20/xx% Grace (Lv21 if needed to cap evasion) 20/xx% Haste (if using) 20/20% Withering Step 20/20% Flame Dash 20/20% Second Wind (optional) 1/xx% Cast When Damage Taken 3/xx% Immortal Call x/xx% Increased Duration 1/xx% Cast When Damage Taken 8/xx% Withering Step
Blade Vortex + Wave of Conviction - PF/Trickster
Cool Facts: -Start tanking and shredding with Indigon at level 69, nice -Solstice Vigil = huge effective skill duration + 'free' Temp Chains aura -Obliteration = indispensable corpse explosion -Half-Trickster = frenzy generation + damage + life/mana recovery + ~stun semi-immunity -"Crystal Skin" + "Thick Skin" + Taste of Hate = 100% chill/freeze avoidance - .. + "Soul of Steel" anoint + amulet corruption = thiccc - 4-5 Max Res + Taste of Hate = decent phys reduction -Activate plain RF unless DPS is unneeded, and use Vaal RF + Grace as much as possible -Take "Winter Spirit" wheel, if not using Hrimsorrow gloves for phys->ele conversion -Don't run Phys Reflect without full 50% conversion from non-gem sources (check tooltip) -"Ele Weakness on hit" glove corruption makes building everything easier -Buy level 21 BV + WoC gems and equip immediately at lv72 -If you have an aurabot, put Herald of Ash in Essence Worm to free mana, ---and unspec "The Agnostic" + avoid plain RF, for usable ES pool -Get your boot enchant and Pantheon done yourself before re-spec -Before character creation, make your plan to get 20/20% gems for Darkness Farmer: --Either grind from 1/0% and flip (Lv1-93ish), or buy 1/18-20% --Check gem quality quick list, get multiples where needed --Use weapon swap to level gems if possible --Low quality here and there no prob, except for Phase Run -6L Carcass Jack, Sporeguard, or Inpulsa's/Explodey chest would all work great -Disintegrator would work amazingly, and open up using any spell -If no Bisco's Leash, use Sinvicta's Mettle swap for Rampage -Pro gamers will manually cast Immortal Call as their Guard skill -If you can figure out Archmage and Indigon, you win the damage -All a joke compared to Penance Brand, probably
Starter Items
-Rush 'Elemental Overload' ASAP, then 'Phase/Acrobatics'
-Purifying Flame until lv12 (WoC) -Orb of Storms until lv12 (Storm Brand) -Use Added Cold/Fire/Lightning as damage supports until lv18+ -Blade Vortex sucks before lv38 (Unleash), use Storm Brand as long as you like -Pre-craft a lv18 Enduring Mana Flask, and a lv30-36ish one -Keep Bleed/Freeze immunity on other flasks, so you can continually upgrade life flasks -You will probably need to change socket colors throughout -Pick up Essence Worm at lv38 if you'd like -Don't lab enchant anything you want to keep low lvl requirement on -Victario's boots are a placeholder to show gems, 7LS are ofc the best option big stats ![]() ![]() ![]() Editado por útlima vez por glappoid#0988 en 29 may. 2021 17:35:12
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Self-Chill and Berserk are coming. ...07/24/2023 wait actually hmmm
Editado por útlima vez por glappoid#0988 en 25 jul. 2023 14:17:27
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Was fun build, but enduring mana flask is nerf from 30% less mana recover to 66% less mana recover, SO NOt 3.15 viable.
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" IMO it's not dead, but there will definitely be some deeper investment to make it viable, or worth playing. And you must play with higher APM. I won't be posting an updated guide until I make the build again. Testing in standard with 2.2k HP/2.7k mana shows me that with: -MoM Watcher's Eye -All flask effect/flask man passives -At least one full 1 + 2 + 2 cluster wheel with mana flask stuff I get the follow approximate results: 75 stacks -Enduring Flask cannot upkeep mana -Lavianga's required to maintain mana -~50 stacks where maintenance with Lavianga's is comfortable 130 stacks -Enduring Flask cannot upkeep life (while also at 0 mana) -Lavianga's required to maintain life and mana --50-70 stacks where maintenance with Lavianga's is sketchy but viable 200 stacks -Likely to die from mob hitting during volatile eHP levels -Upper limit before you must flare. IMO (again) 100 stacks per flare is absolutely viable. You will definitely need to keep a low HP:mana ratio. I probably wouldn't get your hopes up past depth 300. Flask nerfs only affect stats, duration and charge QoL is absolutely fine, given every passive+cluster flask node is applied. Normally mana regen is useless, and I haven't done the math, but a level 20 Clarity with Aul's for no reservation might be an option, and possibly synergize with mana regeneration % scaling for Berserk. The goal here would be to increase the buffer past 75 stacks, where the Enduring Flask cannot keep full mana (for Agnostic to draw from). There is probably a certain automation with flask orbs for Lavianga's, that will help QoL considerably. I definitely can't recommend this as a simple+cheap way to make currency anymore. Still fast with berserk tho, and still a very good lab runner where Indigon is uneccessary anyway. Editado por útlima vez por glappoid#0988 en 17 ene. 2022 5:02:34
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I've managed to farm 300's to maaaybe 400 with this. caps out at only around 215 ms... could maybe squeeze in more, tbh it's still not perfect by an means. But still very much feels the same, and does fine with the delve changes. Actually finding better fossils. |
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