[3.11] Scourge Arrow with poison flavor - (Sirus A8 - fast maps - Uber Elder - Blighted Maps)
Greetings Exiles!
So this is maybe not the most original build. But it is solid enough to deserve a guide and it works already on a low budget, thus you can use it as a league starter. This build shines with good clearspeed, doing blighted maps without problems, breezing through Delve and being able to kill all bosses. Be warned you have to pay a bit more attention to mechanics, so this is not a braindead build! 3.12 Update
Waiting for the Patchnotes
State of the build in 3.11
WE can get Wind Dancer without the Brutal Restraint jewel.
Video Guide Build Summary Offensive Scaling
To understand the damage scaling of this build, you just have to understand how poison damage works:
Poison is a damaging ailment, that is applied by both physical and chaos damage. It lasts unmodifyied for 2 seconds and deals 20% of the base damage that applied it as chaos damage. Each target can have multiple applications or stacks of poison. This means, we can have the following points of increasing the damage of poison: 1. Increase the duration of the poison 2. Increase the damage of the poison 3. Increase the damage of the event that applied the poison 4. Be a pathfinder and use flasks As a pathfinder we have a 40% chance that poisons inflict 100% more damage during flask effects. Combined with the passive recovery of flasks, even when we don't kill anything, it should be almost all the time active. Defensive Scaling
Our defense relies on layering multiple defense mechanics to negate most of the damage, while lowering damage that passes though.
This build is a high evasion build, because we start in the ranger area of the tree. In addition to that, Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics are close by other things that we need, therefore we gladly pick up the Attack and Spell Dodge. We use a slightly higher level CWDT Immortal Call setup to mitigate bigger hits that pass by our chance based defenses. Because we are a Pathfinder, we have a pseudo immunity against elemental ailments. Master Alchemist provides that bonus during flask effects, which we can keep active permanently. We also make use of Wind Dancer. In 3.10 you have to take a Brutal Restraint jewel to transform a keystone into Wind Dancer. In 3.11 it should be included in the tree, so it is cheaper and earlier available, if it get put into the right position. Wind Dancer let's you take less Damage if you have not been hit in the last 4 seconds and boosts your evasion if you have been hit in the last 4 seconds. Divine Flesh converts 50% of elemental damage taken into chaos damage and boosts the maximum chaos resistance. Since we anyways stack chaos resistance higher than elemental resistance and convert physical damage taken into chaos damage, we gain a lot of defence from this jewel. If you can afford it, you can include Tailwind and Elusive by using Hunter and Redeemer influenced boots. Elusive is a buff which gives us additional chance to dodge as well as movementspeed, but it looses it's strength over the duration of it's effect. Tailwind on the other hand gives you 10% more action speed. Since we have to load up our attack, I include action speed as defense, because it makes it easier to stay mobile. Scourge Arrow Mechanics
Scourge arrow is a channeling bow skill which generates up to 5 spore pods which shoot secondary projectiles. The longer you channel the more damage each individual shot will do and the more spore pods you will spawn.
Now consider that a faster bow will load up quicker, therefore you massively benefit from having a fast attack speed, because you reach faster maximum charges, therefore you will do faster the maximum damage and shoot even more spore pods. Once you have some equipment you don't even need to fully charge it for mapping to clear screenwide. I suggest you start playing around a bit with how less charge up to you can come away during mapping. Now since the basic is set, we have to come to the biggest downside of this attack. Walls and other objectives can prevent the spore pods to spawn and therefore negate a lot of your damage. To prevent this you should try out the "minimum effective distance" to still spawn all spore pods or consider to shoot parallel to a wall. For tougher targets like the bosses you want to aim behind the boss to spawn spore pods in front and behind him to maximize thorn arrow usage. Multiple Projectiles bahave a bit different with this attack than with others. You will still spawn the same amount of spore pods, but they are divided between your primary shots. Your attack will spread out in a V pattern if your number of projectiles is even you will not have a centered shot. If you consider playing with multiple projectiles because you recycle equipment from another character keep this in mind. For some players having a V pattern can make bossing easier, as you can with a bit of practice spawn the spore pods even more efficient around him. In my personal opinion I advise against using multiple projectiles. Ascendancy
We choose the Pathfinder for multiple reasons which will be explained with each node.
1. Nature's Reprisal - It provides you with increased chaos damage and enables the spread of poisons, while you have flasks active. It's a massive clear speed boost. 2. Master Toxicist - You get a bit of physical to chaos conversion, extra damage as chaos damage, the Agony Crawler looses stacks slower and your poisons have a chance to deal 100% more damage during flask effects. 3. Nature's Boon - Passive recovery of flasks is massive. Other points in the skilltree even increase this node, so in the end it is even more than 3 charges per tick. The reduced elemental damage taken is a nice touch. 4. Master Alchemist - Provides us with immunity to elemental ailments during flask effects. This enables us to use more unique flasks without having to worry for ailments. If you play SSF and have not yet have access to some unique flasks it is a consideration to pick up Nature's Adrenaline as alternative. You can still swap Ascendancy nodes for 5 Orbs of Regret. Bandits
Kill them all! Passive Tree
You can directly go for the endgame version of the build, there is no seperate leveling tree.
Here is a Path of Building route, if you want to play around it yourself:
1. For leveling purposes we first go for Finesse, then we pick up Toxic Strikes, Farsight and Thick Skin. 2. Then we travel through Herbalism to Swift Venoms, while picking up one Mana Leech node for later, as I always forget to get later mana recovery. 3. We pick up Master Fletcher and the Acrobatics Cluster and travel then to the Shadow starting area, while picking up relevant nodes. 4. We pick up the good nodes in the Shadow Area of the tree and take flask nodes in the ranger area. 5. We travel to Bravery and after that we pick life and flask nodes in the Scion area. 6. We can use a Brutal Restraint to transform Perfect Agony to Wind Dancer, also we should pick up the mana reservation reduction, if we do not have a level 4 enlighten by now. After that we most likely pick up remaining health nodes. Pantheon
The pantheon is still personal choice.
For the major pantheon the choice is between the Soul of Lunaris for further defensives or the Soul of the Brine King to prevent yourself from being stun locked. For the minor pantheon, we should take Soul of Shakari, if we are using Darkscorn. The reduced chaos damage taken helps with defenses. Alternatively I suggest Abbarath for immunity to burning ground and Rhyslata, for flask recovery when bossing. Equipment
The build works already on just leveling items. But why stop there? Here are my suggestions for the endgame and some alternatives for people that prefer crafting.
Weapon Slot
1. We can get started on a simple physical and or chaos attack bow. If you have the budget you can craft an Elder influenced bow with high physical base damage and 60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage. Aiming for the Physical to Chaos conversion gives you the benefit of being able to run physical reflect maps. But keep in mind you want a "fast" base like Thicket bows. 2. Darkscorn has everything that we need. Good Damage, relatively fast attack speed, Physical to Chaos Conversion to be able to run physical reflect maps and the poison bonus damage. In addition it provides defense, if you have chaos resistance, which you should have. Quiver
Drillneck gives a nice damage boost since your Scourge Arrows always pierce.
1. You can go for a self crafted Life, Resistance helmet on an evasion base. Having hunter influence gives you the possibility of -chaos resistance for nearby enemies. The syndicate craft: increased duration of Ailments while being focussed helps with bosses.
2. You can take Starkonja's Head. It is a solid defensive evasion helmet, but it doesn't provide resistances. You have to make up for this on other slots. Chest
We want a Dendrobate on this slot. It provides increased poison damage and duration, if you meet the respective intelligence and dexterity thresholds. The build in lesser poison support translates into a bit added chaos damage for us.
We use the Embalmer for the added Chaos Damage, Poison Duration and relative solid stats. The use of Vile Toxins for our curse Stormbrand is nice, but overall a drop of water on a hot stone.
This is a defensive slot. Just fill up resistances and life. A stygian vise is the prefered base for the use of abyssal sockets. If you want, you can use Hunter influence for flask improvements like Flask Recovery rate.
1. You can use either a rare evasion base with movementspeed, life and resistances. If you are rich, you can aim for Elusive and Tailwind boots with Hunter and Redeemer influence.
2. The alternative would be Atziri's Step. They provide life, spell dodge and movementspeed, but they lack resistances. Rings
Choose one ring for defensive stats like life and resistances. The channeling skills have -x to Total Mana Cost craft is a nice touch, but not necessary to get going.
If you use a Cinderswallow Urn, it is important to have Fire Damage to Attacks either on the ring or on the amulet to be able to ignite and benefit from the damage bonus of the flask. The other ringslot is reserved for a Circle of Nostalgia with increased buff effect and increased chaos damage. Amulet
Here we use a defensive amulet with life and resistances. Reduced mana cost to channeling skills is nice, but not necessary.
If you do not have Fire Damage to Attacks on the ring, you need it here. Jewels
1. Glorious Vanity - Pick it in the name of Xibaqua for the Divine Flesh node. It converts 50% of elemental damage taken into chaos damage, and since we have despite the nerf higher chaos than elemental resistance, it boost our defenses. Also the increased chaos resistance cap boosts our defense in general.
2. Rare Jewels - You want to fill those jewels up with life, poison damage and poison duration. The fourth affix is not necessary. 3. Medium Cluster Jewel - A +5% Chaos Damage over Time Cluster Jewel is a nice addition to our build. Circling Oblivion is the must have node, Brewed for Potency or Wicked Pall are nice additions. Flasks
You don't need to get immunity against ailments, if you took Master Alchemist.
We use some flasks in all cases and some specific to mapping and bossing. General Flasks
1. Life Flask - I recommend instant recovery here. Try to get Bleed removal here.
2. Cinderswallow Urn - It is a nice damage boost and gives insane recovery while you kill stuff. 3. Sin's Rebirth - It's a damage flask, nothing more to say. Mapping Flasks
4. Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline - You gotta go fast.
5. Jade Flask - More evasion during mapping. Try to get Curse immunity. If you feel too squishy the added evasion can help during bosses too. Bossing Flasks
6. Atziri's Promise - This is extra chaos damage.
7. Coralito's Signature - Only during bossing you really need the added duration for poisons. Overall it is a good flask for poison builds, that don't pick up Perfect Agony in the tree. Anointments
1. In the beginning phase Freedom of Movement is a nice choice. It needs a Clear, Sepia and Violet Oil.
2. Once you have phasing through an Abyss Jewel, you should consider the huge damage boost of Dirty Techniques. It uses two Amber and a Silver Oil. My gear at the end of 3.10
I did not have a big budget to invest, so there are a lot of less than optimal choices done. Flasks: Gems
If the mana reservation is too high in the beginning, you have to leave some auras inactive.
Chest 6-Link
Scourge Arrow - Infused Channeling - Deadly Ailments - Unbound Ailments - Poison - Mirrage Archer (maps) / Vile Toxins (bosses)
You want to put your main skill in the chest, if you use Dendrobate, as you get that way the additional chaos damage from the Lesser Poison Support for free. Gloves 4-Link
Storm Brand - Curse on Hit - Despair - Blind
This way you benefit from Vile Toxins in the gloves. If you are rich, you can use an Awakened Curse on Hit 5 and replace Blind by Temporal Chains. 4-Link
Wither - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems - Faster Casting
Immortal Call 5 - Cast when Damage Taken 3
You can also adjust it higher or lower, just make sure that Immortal Call still gets triggered. Dash - Second Wind This movementskill is really great against Delirium slows, but can cross all gaps. You might want to use Mirror Arrow during the leveling phase. 5-Link Weapon
Herald of Agony - Summon Skitterbots - Precision - Flesh and Stone - Enlighten 3+
This leaves you with a possibility to use a Portal or Vaal Breach gem. Leveling
Normally I do not really do this section, but since you get Scourge Arrow at level 28 I wanted to include a way to get there for newer players. Act 1 (1-12)
Start with either Split Arrow or Causic Arrow, whatever you prefer.
Both skills prefer a 3 green socket item. If you use Split Arrow, you want to link it to Pierce or Volley and to Mirrage Archer. If you don't get a 3 green socket item, you can use maim for a red socket. Should you have a 4-linked item, you can include onslaught. If you use Caustic Arrow, you want to stick with Pierce and Void Manipulation. Act 2+3 (13-27)
As soon as you can get it (Quest: Intruders in the Dark / Chamber of Sins), you want to use Herald of Agony We switch to Rain of Arrows for stacking up poisons. The Herald will carry us. In addition we support Rain of Arrows with Mirrage Archer, Added Cold Damage and Onslaught. At level 18 we switch Added Cold Damage for Vicious Projectiles. Level 28+
We kill General Gravicious in Act 3 and unlock Scourge Arrow.
We need at minimum 3 green sockets for using (Lesser) Poison and Mirrage Archer. If you have a buddy that can get Infused Channeling, you want to get it from him, otherwise you have to do the library quest in Act 3. Depending on if you have another green or blue socket, you want to link Deadly Ailments or Unbound Ailments to your setup. If your bow is extremely bad, you can consider using Added Chaos Damage. In general, I advise you at this point to play around a bit and find out what you like during leveling. FAQ
to be added
15.09.2020 Why did I forget to include Divine Flesh? 15.09.2020 Updated forgotten Bandits 10.06.2020 Created Guide Wishes/Suggestions
Insert the items as icons
Editado por útlima vez por exultheinsane#5487 en 15 sept. 2020 7:20:56 Reflotado por última vez en 18 sept. 2020 10:41:33
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How would you rate this build performs as league starter / in weak gear?
I wanted to try scourge a couple of leagues ago and then Darkscorn was 7ex+ early league and I had to scrap the plan. Same with high level elder bows I don't expect them to be available early on. How does the build fare without helmet enchant? I heard it's mandatory for scourge arrow and I hate builds that require helmet enchants to function (old tornado shot, molten strike, etc.) Is the build squishy, especially with dendrobate? I always had problem with channelled skills (like stormburst for example) because you end up with the "sitting duck" feeling so if you aren't very tanky you get slapped. |
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" I would say, that it is a really good starter. I played due to lack of currency in Delirium for a while with just a bad physical attack bow, but it was still very enjoyable. Of course you are a bit equipment dependent, like any bow skill, but the build works totally without uniques. For going strong on Sirus A8, Shaper or other endgame, you have to invest a bit, but not too much. " I expect Darkscorn to be expensive in week 1 but to drop it's price fast. During that time a physical bow can work out, it doesn't need to be a high end craft. " I played without enchant. T16 is definitely easy going without enchant. " For mapping you reach a point where you do not have to channel to 5 stacks to clear screenwide. For bossing you will have to adapt the rhythm of the fight. A fast bow helps with standing less. |
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I've made up my mind to leagestart with a SA Pathfinder but can't decide on the build. Would you say that it's difficult to stay alive with lower gearing or while leveling? Looking at other builds they appear to have higher defenses.
Thanks for taking the time to put together a build guide, either way I'll be sure to reference it and will have to remember the smart combination of stormbrands with curse on hit. |
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" I can't remember having trouble staying alive, except for blindly running into Delirium on death effects, that were stacked. |
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It is now written in the Youtube clip description: kill them all. |
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Sorry, I totally forgot to update the Bandits.
We kill them all for the two additional skillpoints. While I do not start 3.12 with this build, I will on Thursday update the written guide to reflect the patch notes. |
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Hi, are you still updating the PoB? the link in the Video description and the passive tree section doesn't show any items
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