Venom Gyre Path Finder for my Homies
Passive Tree Progression
Lvl 34
![]() Lvl 63
![]() Lvl 89
![]() Bandit Choice
Kill All
Acendancy Progression
![]() Skill Gem progression
(#) the # indicates what level you can pick up these skill gems (after completing required story quest)
Level with (1)Cobra Lash – (1)lesser poison/(18)deadly ailments – (18)vicious projectile – (8)lesser multiple project When you can get 100% chance to poison from weapons/Passive/gems without lesser poison, drop lesser poison for a different support from the main skill set up When you hit level 12, you can get venom gyre but don't play with it yet. It feels kinda bad when you don't have pierce. Get the Gem and equip it in an item in your off hand until you can pick up pierce in your passive tree (search for keyword pierce to find it). Alternatively, you can pick up the pierce support gem and use it whenever. Main Skill Gems
(12)Venom Gyre – (18)Vicious Projectile – (38)Greater Multiple Projectile – (18)Deadly Ailments – (8)Unbound Ailments – (31)Vile Toxins Support Skill Gems - (The less geared you are, the more value these gems will provide)
(16)Herald of Agony (when you have high virulence stacks, you'll notice huge spike in dps when your minion attacks) (24)Plague Bearer + (38)Increased AOE (for increase dps on bosses) Defense Skill Gems
(38)Cast when Damage Taken – (drop)Vaal Molten Shell – (34)Summon chaos golem (lvl1)– (16)Tempest Shield (lvl1) (Pick a CWDT level you're comfortable with and level molten to the max it can be supported. The other can remain as level 1 because the benefit doesn't change as you increase the level) You can buy molten shell skill gems and use Vaal orbs to try and corrupt it into a vaal molten shell Utility Skill Gems
(12)Whirling Blades – (18)Faster attacks – (31)Fortify – (18)Culling Strike (16)Herald of Purity (Minions for effective decoy) (16)Blood Rage (attack speed and frenzy charges on kill) (16)Enduring Cry (Try to get a much % quality here as possible for max QOL) Ancestral protector (More attack speed) (12)Flame Dash (to get over cliffs and space) (4)War Banner (for accuracy aim for 97%+ accuracy) (10)Precision (Drop Precision if you can pick up accuracy elsewhere like yriels fostering or wasp nest) Be careful of leveling up the precision gem, it'll reserve a lot of your mana. (16)Skitter bots (for chills and shock aura)(If you can drop war banner and precision with enough accuracy on gear, 97%+) Defenses include
High block chance (50-60% block chance) Passive 25% chance to evade (Higher if you use Jade Flask) Passive 25% reduce physical damage (Higher if you use Granite Flask) Resistance cap Instant life leech from weapon (Claw) AND the life saver CWDT Molten Shell (High amount of armor via Ahn's Heritage will provide molten shell ~800 effective HP when active. And you also have a panic Button VAAL Molten shell when you know you'll take a big hit or need some space to recover life) ITEMS Shield
![]() Gives you lots of base armor and good life. Requires a lot of strength which you'll need to get via heavy belt and amulet Body Armour
![]() There are 3 versions of this, buy the chaos version one. You don't need crit chance, if you can get nice accuracy and life rolls. Gloves
Rare gloves with Resist life Luxury = Resist life and Chaos damage overtime (end game) Can only get the chaos damage overtime stat from influenced items Boots
Rare boots with move speed, life and resists Belt
Rare Heavy Belt with Strength, life and resist Rings
Rare rings with life and resist Amulet
Rare Turqoise amulet with life and resist Luxury = life resist and chaos damage overtime (end game) Can only get the chaos damage overtime stat from influenced items Helmet
Rare Helmet with life resist Luxury = Get the helm enchant "Venom Gyre has a 20% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit" Luxury = life resist and Reduce chaos resistance to nearby enemies Can only get the Reduced chaos resistance to nearby enemies by crafting with aberrant fossil. Weapon
While Leveling Rare claws with the following stats High priority = 1.50 + attack per second High priority = increased/flat physical/chaos damage Bonus = accuracy, poison stats Or Mortem Morsu
![]() Late game claw
Budget (Wasp Nest)
![]() Good Base Damage, speed, leech, and accuracy End game Chase claw
Rare fossil crafted Claw (Can be cheap to high expense. But the good thing is that you can continue to farm with Wasp nest until you craft a good claw)
![]() How to craft end game claw
First Start off with the Base (Elder influence) Imperial Claw ilvl 83+ ***4.0 UPDATE THE BASE NOW MUST BE ELDER INFLUENCE*** Use 3 Socket Resonators found in delving (or bought) with the following fossils: ![]() Metallic fossil + Corroded fossil (this one is expensive) + aberrant fossil ![]() ![]() ![]() Crafting like this gives you high chance to roll for High Chaos Damage Curse on hit Despair 60% chance for poisons to deal 100% MORE damage Stats you're looking for: Red is High Value Green is Luxury ![]() Flasks
Path finder gets huge benefits from flasks. Mandatory would be: -Enduring Mana flask (Flask effect not removed at full mana) You can choose other defensive flasks as you feel I personally like Granite (3000 armor), Jade(3000 evasion), and quicksilver (movespeed) Annointment (From Blight League)
![]() Editado por útlima vez por Sooplex#2589 en 10 mar. 2020 23:03:23 Reflotado por última vez en 9 mar. 2020 20:40:31
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