[3.10] Herald of Purity Summoner | 36/40 | Deathless Sirus lvl 8 | By far my strongest Build
keep your eyes open for this jewel, its a "i want that shit"-type of jewel ![]() made a little change in the tree and switched out 3 life notes for 3 res notes because we lost the res from "bone barrier" ![]() Introduction Hey guys, In 3.7 i created a similar build with Herald of Purity but it had some troubles with bad A.I. and so it was a good boss killer, but also a terrible mapper. Last league i created a Carrion Golem Guide and it was pretty strong on its own. And now with all these Buffed and Nerfed Minion things with 3.8 and 3.9 i decided to give Herald of Purity another try and i have to say: Its a blast to play it. Ive never felt so strong with a Summoner from lvl 1-90+. In this guide i will try to give you a very detailed guide about the choices i made and will also add alot of videos and other stuff, like my other builds you maybe know ;) With this said i already got 36/40 challenges with this build and a deathless Sirus Awakening lvl 8 kill which you can find in the Videos section ;)
![]() How does this Work? Herald of Purity has minions which will be summon after You kill something or hit a rare/unique enemys. To achieve this we use Ball Lightning together with Culling Strike to be sure we will get the kill. Ball Lightning also have a very high hit rate and together with Slower Projectile it will hit and summon or Sentinels of Purity very constant and fast. This also means we have to aim on rare/unique monster while mapping and bossing ;) Table of Contents 1. Videos 2. Pro & Contra 3. Ascendancy 4. Bandits 5. Gear & Skill Gems 6. Skilltree 7. The Pantheon 8. Enchantments 9. Leveling Guide 10. My other Builds ![]()
Pro & Contra
Pro A good Life Pool (6k+) high life reg (1k/s+] can start very cheap and still clear all content with ez helm enchantment offers a HUGE dmg upgrade with 1 additional sentinel High Chaos resistances Sentinels of Purity are "immortal" because you respawn them nearly all the time 15k+ Armour with Flasks
very cheap items
Lioneye's Remorse = ~2c Grip of the Council = ~10c Essence Worm = ~4c The Jinxed Juju = ~1c Circle of Guilt = ~5c Helmet with Minion Life = ~1c Wand with +1 Minion Skill Gem = ~60c The Coming Calamity = ~1c (just socket, color and link them by yourself - cost depends on luck ofc) The rest of the gear depends on the resistances you need but shouldnt be more than some c too Only "expensive" items can be the watchers eye with ~ 1-2ex and the other jewels with 1-4ex, but this depends on daytime and how much are on sale Contra No reg maps are possible but i would avoid them Phys reflect not possible Ele reflect is possible but needs alot of caution (the minions will survive, but maybe not You) ![]()
![]() We start with Mindless Agression for overall nice buffs and take Bone Barrier in our seccond Labyrinth. This will be our most important defense spell and we try to recast it on cooldown all day long. Besides that it offers alot of additional Life reg and up to 30% to all elemental resistances. As our third Labyrinth we take Commander of Darkness because it gives us even more resitances also buffs our minions with some dmg. And with the last one we take Unnatural Strength. This gives our minions a HUGE dmg boost ;) If you have enough resistances on your gear (or picked some in the tree) you can switch Commander of Darkness with Mistress of Sacrifice for a nice selfbuff. But you will loose some Minion dmg.
20% all res in tree
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We kill all Bandits and take the 2 additonal skill points ![]()
Gear & Skill Gems
Detailed with Skill Gems
Our weapon will be a Rare crafted Convoking Wand. On this wand we want some Minion Modifier like the +1 to all minion gems. Together with some minion attack/cast speed. The selfcrafted "Trigger a Sockted Spell when you use a Skill" helps us to alway keep up our Offering and the Golem (so we dont need to recast him manually if he dies). Try to focus on the +1 Minion Modifier or a +1 to all Spell modifier, which will also work. The Wand need an open Suffix so we can caft the Trigger Craft on it, so keep that in mind ;) Because the Offering Spell need corpses to work we also put in desecrate so the spell will always have corpses to cast on. IMPORTANT: The Skill Gem order in this Wand (together with the Trigger craft) is important because it will use the top gem first and than the followed ones. This means in our case we want Desecrate first, so it cast Corpses. AFTER that we want the Offering Gem because otherwise the Offering cant be casted because there are no corpses which the Offering Gem needs ;). And last we put in the Carrion Golem. So the cycle will be: Desecrate (corpses) -> Flesh Offering (buffes our Minions) -> Carrion Golem (also buffes our Minions with additional physical dmg) Gems: Desecrate -> Flesh Offering -> Carrion Golem The Best in Slot wand would look like this (dont look at the gems, its from a different build): Our Body Armour will be The Coming Calamity. There is no other 6L option here because this Chest says that our Herald Setup always reserves only 45% Mana. Without these Chest we would reserver over 100% Mana which onviously dont work ;). Until you get yours you can use another armour on a 5L and without the Multistrike Gem. But this will prevent you from using ANY other aura (because of the high mana Reservation) and only work if you dont use the Essence Worm Ring ;) The Skill gems are sorted in the correct gem order for 1-6L Hitting 4 Red 2 Blue can be a bit anoying because its a 144 Int Base. So i recommend to craft White Sockets on it via the Syndicate or use the Crafting Bench.
Crafting Bench
Follow these Steps will be the easiest way to hit 4 Off Colors 1. Craft 3 Sockets 2. Craft 3 Red 3. Craft 4 Sockets (you will get an additional random color socket) If you hit a red socket go to step 4. If you hit a Blue or Green Socket craft 3 Sockets again the remove the 4th and craft 4 sockets again) 4. Craft 6 Sockets and pray booth are Blue (if not you have to craft 4 Sockets again to remove the last two and craft 6 Sockets again) If you cant craft 3S and 3R start with 2S and 2R etc Gems: Herald of Purtiy -> Minion Damage -> Melee Physical Damage -> Feeding Frenzy -> Maim -> Multistrike Our Shield shield will be the Lioneye's Remorse because it gives us a very high Life roll and much Armour. You also could use a very good crated Rare with similar results. Here we take our Movement Skill Setup. The blood magic is important because we will only have very few mana left and this allowes us to cast it always if we need it. Gems: Flame Dash -> Faster Casting -> Blood Magic For our Helmet try to get an Elder Base. The most inportant Mod here is the Socketed Gems are Supported by lvl 20 Minion Life. This will help our Zombies and Spectres to stay alive. I also recommend some Life and Resistances. The best Enchantment we can get is the +1 Maximum Number of Sentinels of Purtiy. If you want these enchantment i suggest to look for such an Enchanted base and than craft the other stuff on it by yourself. Here we use our Spectres and Zombies. Because they are only Supporter for us we link them together with Meatshield and give them Bloodmagic so they always have enough Mana for casting their abilitys. Thrust me in case of the Spectres Blood Magic really helps alot (they may kill themself in early stages but later they are always alive). Our Spectres are in this order to get: Carnage Chieftain (They cast Frenzy Charges for our Team) found in Akt 2 "The Old Fields". We take 2 of them as soon as we can summon up to 3 Spectres Host Chieftain (They cast Power Charges for our Team) found in Akt 6 "The Riverways". The Zombies are a great Meatshield and also help us to kill the first enemys in a map to trigger the Minions from our Herald. Gems: Raise Zombies -> Raise Spectres -> Meat Shield -> Blood Magic Our Gloves will be the Grip of the Council. These Gloves gives our minions a nice dmg boost via the 20% phys as extra cold dmg and also gives us good cold res too together with some life. I would look at first for a high Resistances roll and than for Life. The Gems in it can be switched with the ones from the Boots, just look at which you get the right colours first ;) We link Cast when Damage Taken lvl 1 together with a Convocation lvl 1. In this case our Minions will jump to us to protect their master as soon as we get hit. We also use the Vitality Aura here for more life reg for us and our Minions together with a Portal Gem (the Portal Gem slot is free so you can also use something else if you want and it fits into the build). IMPORTANT: Dont link a Portal gem together with Cast when dmg taken or you will spam yourself with Portals in Maps etc. This was never a good idea :D If you can, try to get some with Elemental Weakness or Vulnerability Corruption (i was lucky and got a ring with this, but thats NOT the normal case ;)) Gems: CWDT -> Convocation -> Vitality -> XXX Our Boots will be some Rare ones with alot of Resitances, Life and if you can an open Prefix for "Cannot be Frozen" or additonal Life. Try to get the "Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you were Hit Recently" enchantment on it. The Gems in it can be switched with the ones from the Gloves, just look at which you get the right colours first ;) This will be our most important Setup. We use Ball Lightning to trigger our Sentinel of Puritys because we need to Kill Enemys (in this case culling strike helps alot) or hit some rare or unique enemys to spawn them. It also triggers Elemental Equilibrium and our Curse on hit (if you have such a corruption). Try to recast this as often as you can and aim to the rare/unique enemys ;)! Slower Projectile helps to hit our enemys more often and Blood Magic allows us to cast it as often as we want. Gems: Ball Lightning -> Culling Strike -> Slower Projectile -> Blood Magic Our Belt will be a Stygian Vise with the resistances we need together with a high life roll. If you can, try to get some chaos resistances too. In it we put a Ghastly Eye Abyss Jewel with Max life and Minion Physical Damage. The Taunt also realy helps alot and i would try to get at least on Jewel with such a Modifier. We will use two Unique Rings. One of them will be the Essence Worm Ring which allows us to use Hatred as an additonal huge dmg boost for our Minions and cast this Aura for free. The downside is that it say all our other Auras will reserve 40% increased Mana. But because our Body Amour says Heralds always reserves 45% Mana it stay the same and it only effects our Vitality Aura. The other ring we take will be the Circle of Guilt. here we look for a high "Sentinal of Purity deal x% increased damage" roll (70-100%). The implicit of these Rings will be random so you will notice i got one with a Curse on hit. These will be very rare, so better try to get such a curse on hit on your gloves via corruption ;) Our Amulet will be The Jinxed Juju because if offers use some Aura Effec, but more important it gives some nice dmg reduction through "10% of Damage from Hits is taken from your Spectres' Life before you" and also some nice chaos resistances. You can also use a rare Amulet if you have problems to cap your resistances. Blight League Oil Enchantment: I prefer Golem's Blood for additional "+10% Maximum Life" & "Regenerate 1.6% of life per second" We have a lot free Jewel Sockets which we want to fill with Ghastly Eye Abyss Jewels. We focus on a good life roll and a high Minion Physical damage roll. if you can try to get at least one with Blind and one with Taunt on hit. These booth gives us ALOT more defense. Other good modifier are attacks speed or chaos res for your minions. For the Watcher's Eye we use one with one of these two modifiers: 20-30% increased Life Recovery Rate while affected by Vitality or Regenerate 100-140 Life per Second while affected by Vitality. If you have some exalted and dont know where to spend you can also try to get booth rolls together on your Jewel or additional the +20-30 Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality modfifier. Our flask will be a Life Flask with Bleeding Immunity, Sulphur Flask with crafted Life reg (or freeze Immunity if you dont have the "Cannot be Frozen" Mod on your Boots). A Granite Flask with additional % increased Armour. A Quartz Flask with Curse Immunity and a Quicksilver Flask with additional Movement Speed on it. ![]()
Skill Tree
What is Path of Building
Path of Building is a great offline build planner for Path of Exile. Just download the latest version and dont forget to hit the update button for the newest version. After that you can import the Link i posted:
![]() I highly recommend to use the fork from LocalIdentity. You can easy switch to his PoB by editing a single line. All the infos you need are found HERE Path of Building pastebin Link PoE Planner Skilltree - Level 93 We need Avatar of Fire to porc Elemental Equilibrium. Otherwise we would have Lightning+Cold Dmg (because the herald adds physical to spells and hatred gives phys as extra cold dmg) on our Ball Lightning and could not reduce the Cold res from our Enemys like we want to. So with Avatar of Fire our Ball Lightning only does Fire damage and we are good to go. ![]()
The Pantheon
Major Pantheon The Soul of Lunaris gives us up to 8% physical reduction against groups of enemys, but it really begin to shine with the addtional Avoid Projectiles that have Chained because we fear chained projectiles and our minions let them ez chain to us. Minor Pantheon The Soul of Shakari is also a good Chaos reduction choice together with the upgraded Immune to Poison. ![]()
For DMG: +1 to maximum number of Sentinels of Purity (this buff our zombie dmg) Flesh Offering grants an additional 21% increased Attack Speed For Defense: / For Others: +36% to Raised Spectre Elemental Resistances Raised Zombies have +36% to Elemental Resistances
For DMG: / For Defense: Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you were Hit Recently 8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken Spell Damage Recently 10% Chance to Dodge if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently For Others: 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently
Best in slot would be curse on hit corrupted Gloves. Trigger Commandment of Flames on Hit (fire dmg on hit) Trigger Commandment of Fury on Hit (fire dmg on hit) Trigger Commandment of Light when you take a Critical Strike (consecrated ground on critical hit) Trigger Commandment of Reflection when Hit (summons a minion on hit) Trigger Commandment of War on Kill (summon your weapon as minion on hit) ![]()
Leveling Guide
All gem links can be found in the Detailed Gear & Gem section. I prefer lvling with Summon Raging Spirits which are linked together with Melee Splash, Minion Damage, Minion Speed. I normally use this setup until i can run the Herald of Purity in at least a 4L and have Ball Lightning to proc it. If you feel the puritys dont do enough dmg, just take the SRS until you think it feels good enough ;) Unique Gear which helps while leveling: Goldrim is nice for Resistance problems The Tabula Rasa is as always BIS Body Armor for lvling because of the free 6L. All other Rare armor is also good ;) The Seven League Step are Perandus League exclusive Boots but can maybe obtain through Zana's map device. Easier to get are the Wanderlust Boots wich you can take until the endgame (or better Rares) ![]()
My other Builds
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383 Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf Editado por útlima vez por guggelhupf#2310 en 11 mar. 2020 22:10:49 Reflotado por última vez en 15 sept. 2020 4:54:39
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My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf |
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Hey, how you could compare this build to :
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2108003 What are pros/cons? I'm using build mentioned above and I'm thinking about respeccing to yours? Should I? :) Editado por útlima vez por Duskhorizonggmu#2025 en 29 dic. 2019 4:30:17
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" After a short look at his Build i would say in terms of EHP it seems his is a bit tankier. He write he comes to 8-10k and my build "only" comes to ~6.5k. on the other hand he has very life reg compared to mine with over 1,5k. And he doesnt have much physical dmg recduction even if he would use a granite flask he would only come to under 10k and we have can reach 15k+ with flasks. In terms of dmg i cant really say something because ive never played skeletons by myself and have no idea how much you can min-max them. When it comes to gear i have to say im not a friend of full rare builds. because mostly it require some very specific item with res, attributes, dmg etc. Said that im more the Unique gear guy because it makes gearing very easy. just buy the uniques with some good rolls = done :D i hope i could help you a bit, if you have other questions, feel free to ask ;) btw new video: General Mapping Experience My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383 Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf Editado por útlima vez por guggelhupf#2310 en 29 dic. 2019 5:01:18
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Given that you are converting a fair portion of your damage to elemental would Elemental army on your heralds not be better than maim?
currently leveling this to try it out. seems really fun! Thank you |
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" not realy. Let us compare booth skills at lvl 21/20 with a base dmg from 100: Maim gives 30% More Physical Dmg, which result also in More Elemental Dmg because you increase also the Dmg which can be added via the Gloves and Hatred. This means with 100 Phys dmg you add 20 elemental [gloves] and 27 elemental dmg [hatred] aka 47 Elemental dmg. Now if we add 30% More with Maim we come to 130 Phys 26 elemental [gloves] and 35,1 elemental [Hatred] aka 61 Elemental. Together this result in 191 dmg. Additional you do 15% more physical dmg, with the mod "Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take 15% increased Physical Damage". Notice: we do more physical than elemental dmg. So now we take a look at Elemental Army. 100 phys, 47 elemental. Add 30% more elemental you come to 61,1 Elemental. overall 161,1 dmg. Additional you do 10% more elemental dmg because Elemental Army gives "applying -10% to the Elemental Resistance matching highest Damage type taken by Enemy" Maim = 191 dmg Army = 161,1 dmg i hope this was understandable enough :D My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383 Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf Editado por útlima vez por guggelhupf#2310 en 29 dic. 2019 15:48:06
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I'm leveling this now and having a lot of fun with the build. I'm hoping this is going to get my Awakened 8 Sirus kill for me this league so I can get 40/40. I'll report back with how I go when I get to maps. Thanks for posting the guide, Guggelhupf!
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" thank You for giving it a try ;) i waiting for your feedback after some time how it goes :) My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf |
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Lets try) Change my Baron build ( dnt like anymore ) for this
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" While I've been taking some small breaks I've been looking up some of the gear we use for the build and I'm noticing some pretty exorbitant costs. I would love to see some more 'budget' options which are still good for pushing this build and farming currency. I can see some of them (like 6L Unique Chest) are non-negotiable but would love to see some other alternatives. |
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