Trace End | Cold Wild Strike Raider [WIP]
Welcome this build is made around changes on Combat Focus in 3.8 to work on Wild Strike, blocking the fire and the lightning element of the spell leaving only the
cold part this is not a veteran or in depth guide but what i have found making and playing this character also help and suggestions to make this build even better are very welcome. Showcase
Nothing for now.
Pros & Cons
+Fast clearing speed +Icy weaves look amazing +Shatter sound -Can feel squishy -Slow at beginning Skill Tree
level 95 -
Combat Focus (Viridian Jewel) and Combat Focus (Cobalt Jewel) are a MUST so Wild Strike can only choose cold. Ascendancy
Start with Way of the Poacher (U can use silver flask to get Onslaught) -> Avatar of the Slaughter (This will make Frenzy Charges worth more)
Rapid Assault (After u get this point u can ditch the silver flask)- > Avatar of the Chase (Making Onslaught even better also giving more evasion) Bandits & Pantheon
Alira is the best choice here with some Mana Regen,Crit multiplier for damage and resists for easier capping.
Major:Soul of the Brine King(prevents against stunlock), Soul of Lunaris(Physical damage reduction for maping) or Soul of Solaris(Physical damage reduction for boss fights).
Minor:Soul of Garukhan(If u want to have more evasion), Soul of Gruthkul(Physical damage reduction), Soul of Ryslatha(Life flask recharges are good for long boss fights) Equipment
You will want swords with combination of high Increased Physical Damage, flat Cold/Fire/Lightning Damage, Crit Multiplier, Attack Speed and for shaper bases Damage penetrates
elemental resistances is very strong aswell Physical Damage as Exta Cold/Lightning/Fire damage. For bases u can start with Fancy Foil/Spiraled Foil and end with Shaper Jewelled Foil those bases have high base attack speed. Helmet
For helmet you want to have life and resistances(Until capped) some uniques can work i'm currently using corrupted Starkonja's Head with maximum life if u want a lot damage u can use Abyssus
but i personaly felt way too squishy with it. Body armour
Honestly for start Tabula rasa and Skin of the Loyal(With the right socket colors) are great and for end game elder base with Attacks have #% to Critical Strike Chance and Socketed Attacks Have -# to Total Mana Cost is best especially if it has life on it too.
Anything with Life, Resistances(Until capped), some Attack Speed / Adds # to # damage to attack will be ok for end game i think the best choice will be corrupted snakebite with +1 Maximum Frenzy Charges a lot of damage and they help with accuracy.
Again rare belt with Life, Resistances(Until capped) will be good, getting stygian vise with additional Elemental Damage with Attacks and good abyss jewel is good for more damage.
Like every another item Life and Resistances(Until capped) are priority but u must have Increased Movement Speed, chance to Dodge Attack/Spell hits is also nice
For rings u can use rare ones with Adds # to # damage to Attacks and maybe some strength but later u will want rare shaper ring with Assassin's mark on hit once u have this one u can combine it with
mark of the elder for more damage. Amulet
Stats like strength and intelligence are not bad if u need them, combination of life,crit multi,Adds # to # daamge to attacks/damage penetrates elemental resistances/physiscal damage as extra ### damage is optimal.
Gem Setup
Main link
Wild Strike - Elemental damage with attacks - Multistrike - Close Combat - Ice bite - Ancestral call is what im currently using for mapping u can swap Ancestral call with Ruthless for single target.
Rage support is realy good for maping after u charge it up but always felt slow and not good for bossing so i dont play with it. Auras/Buffs
Hatred, Herald of Ice are main later with elder base with - mana cost and ring enchant u can add Herald of Purity with Enlighten support.
Ice Golem and Precision(level 1)for some Crit Chance and Accuracy. Movement
Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks support - Fortify support(For little tankiness)
Totems/Vaal skills
Ancestral Protector is great for blight encounter and some damage increase.
Vaal Ancestral Warchief and Vaal Haste can be used for burst damage against bosses. Leveling
For leveling i'm always using this cheat sheet
They will be added with time.
Changelog & Updates
14.10.19 build is posted. Editado por útlima vez por Vyary#6930 en 13 oct. 2019 18:44:19 Reflotado por última vez en 13 oct. 2019 18:25:35
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