[3.4] The Undying Aurabot - Mid-Endgame Aurabot - Survive everything
![]() Hello ladies and gents, As there seems to be a lack of comprehensive guides for Aurabots out currently, I've taken the time to throw something together myself that should help everyone who has had issues deciding how to build out their Aurabot. I've taken ideas from every guide I could find the past several leagues, along with personal experience from running Aurabot the past few leagues, and put this together.
Pros: -Super tanky late game -Very versatile / capable of working around your group -Easy to start -Sanic speeds -Undisputed MVP of most groups Cons: -Requires a lot of farming / currency to reach late-game viability -Relies on a strong group to be powerful -Unable to do solo content -Very difficult / complex near end-game -Lots of math -Good helmet enchant is very difficult to come by on a well-rolled Alpha's Howl
Path of Building
Leveling solo is quite easy if you go the traditional Poet's Pen way about it. Leveling as an Aurabot is impossible, as the entirety of the Aurabot idea revolves around having the very specific items, skill gems, and passives. Unless you are leveling with a group, this is the fastest and most reliable way to level. Additionally, it is very smart to have: Lochtonial's Goldrim Wanderlust Karui Ward And possibly a Tabula if you can. You unfortunately won't be able to even think about trying your Aurabot skills until you reach level 70-72, at which point you will be able to farm maps, uber lab, and equip all of your gear.
Gearing your Aurabot:
So here we are, the real "meat and potatoes" of the guide. Here we will discuss all of the gear that is viable and the gear that I currently use. In my eyes, there are no wrong ways to build out an Aurabot, but there are some things that you need to keep in mind when doing so. You'll first need to ask yourself the following questions: 1) Is my group more built around spell damage or attacks? 2) Does my group value damage over defense or vice versa? 3) What kind of content are we looking to complete? 4) How much are you looking to invest? All of these questions are relevant to your success. It's important to know what your team is going to consist of so that you aren't layering auras or using aura that aren't benefiting your team. It's important to understand how your team views their success. It's also important to know what you (and, if you're lucky enough to have your team pitch in too) plan on spending?
My current setup:
Now, you will find dozens of debates about what the best gear build is for Aurabots and, again, it heavily relies on what your group is looking for. Here is my gear breakdown and why: This is the only one-handed option available to us that gives us Energy Shield. It's important to make sure that your ES roll is max, preferably uncorrupted, so we can swap out skill gems as needed. Here is where most of the arguments come in: Victario's or Shavronne's. I went with Shav's for a more defensive option. This gives a nice ES boost, faster recharge start, and the ever-important "Chaos damage does not bypass Energy Shield". This allows us to eliminate the need for the Coruscating Elixir. Always aim for 6-link and try to get the highest ES roll possible. This is another staple in any Aurabot build. This gives it all: +2 aura, evasion, Cold Res, Freeze immunity, and 8% mana reduction. Provided you can land one of the 15% aura Uber enchants, this will be your saving grace as an end-game Aurabot. (I'm still pretty sure I have one of the best ones ever.) This one is huge. Having the +2 implicit is nice to have, no doubt, but not completely necessary. They come very cheap max rolled. Very easy to come by. Skyforth tend to be another arguing point for a lot of Aurabots. Some individuals find it a hassle to have no passive life (ES) regeneration, but if you can manage your flasks well enough, it is no big deal. Again, a nice enchant is great but ultimately not completely necessary. I've crunched the numbers and found that these are ultimately your best choice in gloves. They provide a nice boost to ES & armor, while giving you additional stats based on your attributes. Win-win if you ask me. This makes stacking Strength and Intelligence a big deal. A big +1 if you can land a "+2 to AoE" corruption as well. Again, I've crunched the numbers and found this to be great for having an overall larger ES pool. Max out the ES rolls and you're golden. I have yet to find a worthy alternative for this ring. It gives you great Intelligence (more ES), more flat ES in the implicit, and great ES per second. My latest addition. I recently replaced my Pariah with this bad boy not too long ago. This allows me to keep my +2 to socketed gems, but get a larger overall ES pool from the stats (notice the flat ES + ES from body armor). This gave me about 150 more ES over the Pariah with no downside, other than missing an Exalt or two. Again, another staple in the build. This has what you need. High ES conversion, cannot be stunned, chaos resistance, and all attributes. If you're crazy enough, you can Vaal it and hope for a nutty implicit, but not really required. All pretty self explanatory. It is important to make sure that you get your immunities on your flasks because you sure will need them: Bleed, Burn, Curses, etc. As far as jewels are concerned, we need to be focusing on 3 "Energy from Within" (see PoB for placement), Conqueror's Efficiency (with or without -1% implicit), and a nice Watcher's Eye, preferably with -#% total mana cost of skills. This helps IMMENSELY with using our Shield Charge.
Cute Alternatives:
So, as I mentioned before, there are obviously alternatives to all of the gear I'm using or mentioned, but unfortunately I won't be talking about those because we want to be the best. Right? Just kidding. Like before, there is a lot that goes into making a proper Aurabot. Mostly math and migraines, but also a lot of preparation. Path of Building will be your savior in many cases, testing and mathing out everything. Now, this build isn't a budget-friendly build. The helmet alone, including the enchant, is currently going for 20-25 Exalts, and those even have bad rolls. I may very well produce a budget-friendly and alternative build once Betrayal hits, but for now it is not necessary.
Skill gem setup:
I'll break this down into two different parts: The necessary and The optional Weapon: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Culling Strike* Shield: Vaal Haste - Vaal Grace - Vaal Discipline Body Armor: Wrath - Hatred - Anger - Generosity - Enlighten - Empower Gloves: Curse on Hit* - Smite* - Empower* - Conductivity* Boots: Determination - Vitality - Purity of Elements - Enlighten Helmet: Purity of Fire - Purity of Lightning - Purity of Ice - Enlighten Unset Ring: Clarity Items marked with a * are optional and have little input to the overall build, but I will explain why I use them. Everything else is pretty much static. SORRY. Culling Strike - This is an overall great finisher for bosses and what not. Very useful for pushing hard, but you can replace with Fortify if you wish. Glove gems - These are all completely modular. Some individuals like to run an Animate Guardian setup, whereas I prefer a Smite(which is a very nice skill to be able to spam) setup that also curses with whichever curse I prefer. (Conductivity was nice for our TornadoShot teammate) Ultimately, what you choose to run is up to you, but you must keep in mind that you WILL be running Blood Magic with VERY LITTLE health to spend. Unless you get a great Watcher's Eye with -10 to skill costs, you will be hurting yourself.
Bandits, Ascendancy, and Pantheon
Kill all bandits - +2 passives is big news. Ascendancy : Necromancer and Guardian Pantheon : Soul of Lunaris and Soul of Shakari - full upgrades
Mechanics and Understanding your Aurabot
There are many facets to the Aurabot that many people don't pay attention to. A lot of individuals feel overwhelmed with building out an Aurabot, but it's really not that bad. The biggest thing we need to understand is that an Aurabot is one big juggling act. We have to juggle auras, our health pool, and our Energy shield. Sure, you can run max budget gear with great jewels that all have -1% mana reserved, but in the end what will that all mean if you're maxxed out and still 3 HP away from using your last aura? Planning and execution are huge and Path of Building is a must. First, we need to understand that an Aurabot only exists because there are multiple ways to reduce your total mana reserved, regardless whether it's gear, passives, skill gems, or jewel implicits. I am currently running 13 auras (14 if you include the Smite aura). This means that I currently have every skill gem based aura available to me. I can still work things around and use a United in Dream if I really wanted to, but the issue with this, however, is that while I do gain another aura, I lose out on a lot of ES. I've already crunched the numbers and it's simply just more beneficial for me to keep my Energy Shield. Another big problem with my build was Energy shield regeneration. Skyforth prevents us from passively regenerating Energy Shield, which means we need to rely on our Guardian ascendancy to top us off. We can roll "faster recharge" and "recharge rate" to help with this, but ultimately we will need to dodge, dip, duck, dive, dodge before your regeneration begins. I can typically go from near-dead to full in less than 1 second once regen begins. Nice to have.
Tips and Tricks
So, as a new Aurabot, there are going to be a few things you will need to know to be successful. 1) Be fast. Currency will inevitably drop, but unless it's (arguably) Chaos or higher in value, don't bother. Your team will slowly but surely leave you behind and will have to continuously have to stop and wait while you Parkinsons-click your way to that Alchemy that dropped on the other side of the screen. 2) Invest time into a good loot filter. Your screen will be demolished with the drops, especially if you're rolling good quant maps with a quant team. You will get frustrated and quite irritated with the trash on your screen. Make a custom loot filter and save yourself some headaches. 3) Get good with smashing your flasks. I find that I can keep my flasks up 100% of the time with our runs and it is imperative to your survival that you keep them up. 4) Understand that dying is a part of the game and sometimes you can't help it. You may very well Shield Charge into a pack of bearers while lagging in Lockstep and unable to get away. It happens, but it's important to know that the time you lose can always be gotten back. Don't stress about it. Enjoy the game for what it is every second at a time 5) Make a habit of memorizing layouts. Certain maps have some very static layouts and it's important to memorize these. It makes predicting the movement of the team very easy and makes your job much easier. If you know where you need to go beforehand then you can spend the extra time picking up currency. 6) Don't be afraid to ask for help. I love theory-crafting and helping individuals with their builds. I know several others that are the same way. Ask for help in the subreddit or in global 820. Someone will eventually make their way to you. 7) Yes you're tanky, but don't test it. I've personally tanked three to four volatiles at the same time and it barely oof-ed me, and then other times I got decimated by one. It's difficult to know what you can and cannot survive, so think twice before you run through that huge group of bearers in a map with reduced max resistances and Vulnerability.
Stats and screenshots
![]() ![]() This should conclude the Undying Aurabot build guide. I'll be putting more work into it as I go along, but this should be a great basis to start with. I am free to conversation and would love to hear feedback from you guys. Editado por útlima vez por Assailance#5096 en 20 nov. 2018 0:49:37 Reflotado por última vez en 30 nov. 2018 8:23:24
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shav is good to keep ur survi . but not good as boost dps . and u right / is for mid - endgame aurabot not min/ max aurabot / still good . rate 8/10 for that :P keep going bois
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Some decent information in your post.
From a hardcore point of view, I most definitely find Skyforths a hassle to use. In my opinion, a well crafted pair of rare boots end up being much more comfortable to use. If this means I would have to drop an aura, so be it. Things like vitality and purity of elements don’t offer too much anyway. As for the belt, I haven’t done any math on this yet but I once again think a well fossil crafted crystal belt will be better. Additionally, I really don’t think a Shaveronne’s revelation is worth it. Ironically, a cheap Lori’s Lantern would be a better option - especially with incursion coming back with those juicy double corrupts. This ring is deceptively strong. The Vivisect Unset Ring also seems pretty good. I’ll have to take a deeper look into it once I get some free time. I guess another thing I wanted to say was that Ephemeral Edge isn’t the only option we have for swords. I think a Sai rolled with “Auras from your skills grant 2% increased damage to you and your allies” and maybe with “Movement skills cost no mana” can be a very good alternative. I don’t really know if this mod scales with aura effects. Please let me know if you know the answer to that. This sword would also remove the need for a -mana cost Watcher’s Eye. Up next on the chopping block is Alpha’s Howl. While I do understand the freeze immunity and the 8% reduced mana reservation is useful, a 5% reduced mana reserved ES helmet with a freeze immune flask should give you a better bang for the buck. Additionally, it should be easier to get a desirable enchant on these types of helmets. If you are valuing the +2 to auras on the Alpha’s Howl, don’t. I find it best to socket your purities into a corrupted +2 Shaper’s Touch. Gone are the days aurabots are restricted to mostly unique items. With all these new mods and crafting methods, rares seem to outperform most of the uniques we’ve been used to. Now if only we can get “chaos damage does not bypass energy shield” on rares... Again, all of this is off the top of my head. I haven’t messed around in PoB yet and I haven’t played much of Delve. So some of the things mentioned above might be wrong and I probably also missed some better alternatives. Editado por útlima vez por Ravi#7624 en 29 nov. 2018 23:55:50
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OP did I just read you rely on Time of Need to get your ES topped off?
That should not work Skyforth, as Time of Need Increases your Lifereg which is set to zero by Skyforth. On the Discussion of 1hand Options. Wouldnt use a Sai necessarily. I mean with Shavronne's it doesnt matter, as you are chaos Immune but Life on Hit (Claws) is very nice to have with Victariou's. The Problem however is that you cant smite with a claw -.- |
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" Victario's is kinda risky for hardcore. Unless I am playing a CI aurabot, I just prefer Shavronne's. And I totally forgot about Smite. So I guess I would just roll the mods I talked about on any sword. If you really want the best of both worlds, you can just get "life gain on hit" on a ring or something - or you can just use the Watcher's Eye as OP mentioned. I don't find this to be a problem because I don't get blood magic. Editado por útlima vez por Ravi#7624 en 30 nov. 2018 8:26:14
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