Freezing Blizard Dual Weild Frostblades Rider (endgame content viable)
![]() Hey guys. Im trying to make this guide for long, I finally found the time to do it. I present you the true dps frostblades !!!UPDATE!!! Because I am trying to level up the character, I needed some changes to be more tanky. So I decided to lose some DPS into tankiness. So I replaced my Herald of Ice with Purity of Elements. This way I changed the Watcher's Eye that I was using with a new one. I converted some of the deadly physical damage into elemental damage. Since my resistances are over capped, I'm reciving less dmg. With the new settup, now I was able to change some items, into dmg or tankiness. I changed the amulet that i was using with another one, that is just a low price replacement, untill ill afford to buy one with Elemental damage to attacks. I also replaced the boots with 3 resistances into high life ones and the belt To explain why i chose not to add movement speed on my boots: 1st: With movement speed they were very expensive with this amount of life. 2nd: Im really fast with or without movement speed. 3rd: Im only running the maps by spamming the Whirling blades, so i didnt see the need to play 10ex more for some movement speed. I also have to let you know that I'm replacing the Purity with the Herald everytime when I'm doing Elder/Uber Elder/Shaper/Shaper's Guardians, I'm comming back to the damage settup. Helps more, everything is about dodging. That's it for now fella players, I'm gonna let you know when I'll come up with new crazy ideas about this build! Have fun trying what I'm doing here! Cya around! HIDEOUT TOOLTIP DPS
![]() ✔ PROS:
✔ Fast clear. ✔ Atractive DPS. ✔ Easily mastered. ✔ Able to do endgame content. ✔ Incredibly good leech even without any insta leech. ✖ CONS:
✖ Highest life you can get is between 4-5k. ✖ Towards endgame it gets expensive (very). ✖ Not an amazing boss killer. ✖ Can get oneshoted by normal monsters, if very squishy. ✖ Unable to do elemental reflect maps. It was love on first sight. The moment I started to lvl this build, I felt a special connection. I was ment to play it. Its an amazing leveling build, with decent damage at low levels and nice clear. And here I am, presenting you the build that stole my heart, hoping that will steal yours aswell. This build can be budget friendly, but the DPS I showed you isn't with the budget gear. LOW BUDGET BUILD
Low budget requierd uniques: WEAPONS: I prefered to replace one of them with: which gave me the insta leech I needed (culling strike isn't a must) BODY ARMOUR:
Best choice by far is the Belly. You can also get a rare one, with life/res, more about that in higher budget build. HELMET:
If you want to deal the damage, this is how you do it. Abyssus is the best helmet in slot. Also, best enchant will also be 150% effect granted by the ice golem, which provides more damage then forstblades enchants. With all the pros there is always a con, and on Abyssus is the deadly phys (legacy Abyssus is preferable, but not necessary). A very good and less deadly helmet, but also a lot less DPS helmet is:
Also preferable with 150% increased ice golem buff effect. Second best enchant is the Frostbite curse effect. Rest of the items are preferable as rare items, this way you can max your resistances and gain life. JEWELS: For the low budget build is recommended to grab 2x Fight For Survival Crimson jewels I started aswell with this low budget presented build, aand then i started remaking it untill it became what it is today. MY CURRENT GEAR
Touch of anguish is still the main item on this build, as you can see i didnt replace it yet. First of all, its an Imperial claw. Leech is very important for frostblades. After Vaal pact got nerfed, I decided to replace one of my Touch of anguish with a Bloodseeker. Its a very good claw in case you can't afford Legacy Atziry's Acuity. I chose culling strike as an implicit because frostblades at begining isn't amazing against bosses. Even if in maps it feels amazing, aint good for single target. Not long ago I replaced the Bloodseeker with a rare high dps claw, also imperial. My dps doubled, which means my leech also doubled, this way I didnt feel the need of the insta leech. If you also decide to replace one of your claws with a rare one, i recomand to be Imperial claw. Since the build is kinda squishy, you will need to feel the leech and base on it. As I said before, best choice as helmet is Abyssus I recommend to be with at least 200% crit multiplier, in case you want to feel the real damage. Once you decide to wear an Abyssus, you should know that physical damage will be a big problem. I recomand to get an Abyssus with maximum 45% increased physical damage taken. Also, if you want to level up fast, replace it with a Starkonja or any other good rare helmet that provides you what you need (ressistance/life). As the body armour, belly is the best budget body you can get. If you decide to play frostblades like me and choose the dps in place of the tankiness, belly is a very good choice, giving you the life that can save you. In lategame I changed my belly for a bit of more dps on bosy armour. I recommend only changing the belly in case you can affor a high life body armour that won't more than 100 life when used. On gloves and boots, if you want to reach high dps you have to add some damage, as attack speed on gloves and elemental damage to attacks on boots. Dont forget to max your resistances and add life on everything. Armour is more important on this build than evasion. so grab some armour on everything. As rings you can always use 2x Opal rings with some resistance, life and necessarly Elemental damage to attacks. As an alternative for Opal ring, you can get The Taming which povides a huge amount of damage. Crit multiplier is very important. So make sure you will get it on your amulet. Also complete with some life, resistances, or more damage, in case you are already capped with the resistance. On the belt there always has to be some damage next to res/life or armour. I prefer Stygian because I can always add a dps jewel. You can also add resistance/life/armour, depending on what you're missing. To replace the Fight for survival jewels for more dps, I recomand abyssal jewels with claw damage/cold damage and some life is possible. If you can afford, get fast one of the Hatred Watchers eye jewels. Best one you can get is the crit while affected by Hatred or added cold damage while affected by Hatred As a last jewel, eighter keep the Fight for survival or choose another rare one. ASCENDENCY: Way of the poacher, Avatar of slaughter, Quartz infusion and Avatar of the veil. BANDITS: I chose not to pick any bandits, but, if u wanna help one of them i recomand to go for Alira for the crit multi and resistances, or Oak for the additional phys reduction and %phys dmg. SKILLTREE
I wont't be presenting you a leveling skilltree, since it isn't a difference between other leveling skilltrees for frostblades. I just going to present you my final one. THE PANTHEON As wearing Abyssus, the most important point you have to pick in Pantheon is Soul of Solaris as major god, also i recomand capturing all the souls for this one. Every damage reduction its very important.
![]() As minor god best will do Soul of Gruthul, also for the damage reduction.
AURA/GOLEM/HERALD: WHIRLING BLADES SETUP: ] I prefer to use Blood Magic Support for easy maps runs as im using no mana. FROSTBLADES SETUP: CURSE SETUP : Also thats how you will gain the 3x Power charges. ANCESTRAL PROTECTOR SETUP: No disponible The ancestral protector its very important on this build, as it provides the attackspeed you need. It can be replaced with Ancestral Warchief, but I prefer to use this one. The Empower isnt needed, I jsut decided that for me is the best choice. You can replace it with Melee Physical Damage support. IMMORTAL CALL SETUP: Frostbomb its a very good choice against boss fights. It reduces their resistance, and you will deal increased cold damage. THAT SHOULD BE IT FELLOW PLAYERS. IF THERE IS SOMETHING I FORGOT TO ADD, PLEASE ASK, IM ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOR YOU GUYS. ALSO IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, IM ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO ASNWER HERE OR IN THE GAME AS YOU WILL FIND ME ONLINE MOST OF THE TIME! THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! AND GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR BUILD! Editado por útlima vez por Nicolex2#6209 en 24 ago. 2018 17:52:14 Reflotado por última vez en 17 feb. 2019 6:33:09
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Interesting you made a build thread about this. There aren't many around, and I'm playing a Frost Blader myself. Much of the tree is similar, but I happened to go about it a bit differently. Our FB setup is identical -- except that I've gone for Increased Critical Damage instead of Icebite.
When it comes to chest pieces: the Belly obviously adds a good deal of life, but what do you make of Loreweave? I'm wearing that and it's a very solid damage booster, and has some other nice bits and pieces too, like moderate extra life and mana. It fits the build really well in my opinion, with extra flat damage, and fairly hefty additional crit chance and elemental damage. Obviously not cheap, mind you. I was lucky enough to 6-link it myself (first time!), but even so it cost around 1 ex to buy, and 6-linked versions go for ~8 ex and up (at least the ones I looked at, with 79% max resistance). Single-target damage is the build's (or skill's) weakness, so for the moment I'm using Molten Strike in a separate setup (had both in a Tabula Rasa earlier). By now, around level 80, Frost Blades is pretty powerful on its own, but while levelling it can be brutal against bosses. I kid you not, I spent 15 minutes to take down 2nd Lab Izaro, and about the same on Innocence (much running about, trying not to die). I'm nowhere close to your bonkers damage values, but clearing is piss easy anyway. That's where Frost Blades truly shines. Anyway, thanks for the guide and good luck with it. Hopefully it will be viable in Delve, because right now I'm thinking about trying it out there too. Maybe not the best league starter as it can get expensive, but what the heck :o |
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Im really glad you found this guide interesting. Im also happy that you told me how are you running your build. I see you are using Increased Critical Damage in place of ice bite. Im using icebite because its adding soo much more damage than anything else due to the damage per frenzy charge, since im running 7 frenzy, thats a lot of damage. You should try it in place of the critical damage. Not the tooltip damage is the most important. You can have 5 million dps but if u dont have penetration, chance to freeze/chill you wont deal the same damage. Also i never tought about trying the Loreweave. I dint think about it since im very low on life (4.2k life) and loreweave aint adding much life. which is a problem. But since you told me about it, ill try it first time i will get one. I know i said its hard against single target, and yes, its true. The leech aint the same, also the damage kinda low. But dont get me wrong. My build is oneshotting bosses untill tier 15. From tier 16 starts the problem. I did Shaper with no problem, many times, its actually dealing amazing damage. But thats only for what damage im having right now, with the 550 dps claw. For this build is better to use rare items in place of unique ones. Also, i wish you good luck for trying this build in the next league. If you ever have another question, ill be here to answer. Alsoo im available in the game, so ill return with answer anytime !! Good luck ^^ |
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" Thanks for the reply (and PM). I looked at two of your characters in PoB. The lvl 86 Incursion one lacked a few gear pieces so I loaded up the lvl 94 Standard one instead. Lacks a belt currently, but the damage is frickin' nuts lol. Much more than I have, even without charges and flasks enabled. which appears to be largely due to Abyssus and the incredible rare claw. Life is a little low for my liking (but a good roll on a belt would obviously help), but I suppose you kill everything before they know you are there. You also have good physical reduction where I have nothing, which probably outweighs some of the danger by wearing Abyssus? Is that particular Watcher's Eye the best for the build you think? The critical strikes one are damn expensive. The Loreweave is very expensive too, but I do think it fits the build pretty well. The one I 6-linked has pretty good life, which helps, but the other stats are more important. No resistance can he hard to deal with though, and I struggled something fierce with that, so have taken 15% from the tree for now (plenty of respec points anyway). Do you die randomly here and there due to the Abyssus? I'd be worried about that, but then I'm not that good either, heh. Being fairly new to the game and all, and not able to keep flasks up all the time and such. |
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Hello again!
Well, i gave my belt that i was using to my friend. I just bought today a new one, im gonna update the guide with it. The body im using i crafted it myself. I was interested in a bit more damage, even if i lost a bit of life when i changed the belly with it. Its all about the damage haha! This kind of body elder with crit its the best choice you can get. I also have a Watchers Eye with crit while affected by hatred, but im not using it on this build. Actually, im thinking to buy a jewel with crit while affected by hatred and 2 rolls for purity of elements. Those 2 rolls will be: phys damage as extra damage of one element. Thats also good while wearing abyssus. So im thinking to get rid of the herald of ice, use that new jewel and in place oh herald of ice to put purity of elements. So my phys reduction will be even higher, even if i lose some damage. The good part is, using the purity of elements, i will be able to get rid of some resistances on amulet and ring and buy more damage. so my damage wont get so affected. But i will be more tanky. The caracter in incursion is the basic one. Didnt had the currency to upgrade it. Was just very usefull for easy farming. And yes, happens to die randomly cuz of abyssus. That was mostly at the begining. Its hard to get used to abyssus. Bleeding is the biggest problem. You can insta die form bleed. Now, after 1 year of playing only this build with abyssus, i got used. I actually managed to level it this month from lvl 91, to 94. And im still going untill 97. All you have to do is to be carefull and activate potions. They will save you. Good luck friend ! |
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Hi! What about this armour
![]() lot of flat cold, dodge and evasion. |
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That armour is based on evasion and dodge, my build is based on armour and not evasion or dodge. I dont think i would pick it, but if u try, lemme know how it worked! ^-^ |
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