[3.3 SC Inc] MF Windripper TS Deadeye. Go from <50c to 1 Mirror
Hi everyone, I've been playing this build for not too long. Since then I've played around with it, switched some things around. In the end, it isn't very much different from other MF TS Windripper builds. Being one of the fastest and most popular builds, it has many variants. This is my take on the build. Included is a section for how to start farming with under 50c investment.
I want to emphasize again that the main point I'm trying to bring out with this guide is for newer players to begin farming with under 50c investment and eventually work their way towards a strong MF farmer efficiently. As my experience is in SC, as with the possible fragility of this build, I will not recommend this in HC. As such, I encourage questions, suggestions and sharing of experiences in the replies. For the more experienced players: The end goal of this build runs Elemental Weakness as a curse instead of Assassin's Mark, providing us more damage if needed. While farming, there are options to run 2 inspired learning, up to 6 frenzy charges and 4 power charges. General Overview Fast, ~170% movement speed with flasks 4k+ life, 60%+ Evasion, 40%/30% Dodge Smooth clearing, satisfying explosions and loot rain once you get around the 5-10ex mark. Go from 50c to 1 mirror Might be hard to find the off-screen loot drop that you heard from your loot filter. You tend to skip bosses since it's usually not worth the time. Might die every once in awhile. Cannot run Elemental Reflect or No Leech(Not present on BC/ShapedBC). May be difficult to get shaper's orbs or to complete yellow/red maps for atlas bonus and additional sextants. These are optional. Bandits Kill all for +2 Passives or Alira. This is up to you. I personally pick +2 Passives. Pantheon Soul of the Brine King, aim to capture The Forgotten Soldier. Soul of Shakari, must capture Terror of the Infinite Drifts. This is to prevent us from getting chain stunned to death and to provide us with a source of immunity to poison. Ascendancy Gathering Winds -> Far Shot -> Endless Munitions For your fourth ascendancy, take Fast and Deadly IF you do not have a 6 link. When you have a 6 link, refund Fast and Deadly and take Ricochet. Skill Tree View these in the browser or use the 'Import Tree' function at the bottom of Path of Building to view these.
Basic tree. Start with this.
You place a Fertile Mind in the jewel socket. You must do this to have enough INT! More on when to transition in the next section.
Cheap - Leech
Expensive - Leech
You place a Lioneye's Fall in the Jewel Socket above Acrobatics The skill trees below bring your Frenzy Charges up to 4, and Power Charges to 3. Optionally, you can opt to go for 6 Frenzy Charges and 4 Power Charges. More is explained in the next section
1 Inspired Learning
Inspired Learning goes above Fervour here. You want to get Fervour first to enable Inspired Learning, and the remaining charges last.
2 Inspired Learning, 4 Power Charges
At this point, you can refund one +30 Int node. The second Inspired Learning goes above Power Drinker
End Goal Skill Tree
90 - http://poeurl.com/b1CZ
95 - http://poeurl.com/b1C1 Here, you remove all Inspired Learning, place Fertile Mind above Fervour and refund all +30 Int nodes. From here on, I suggest taking the additional life node behind Bravery, the two life nodes at Revenge of the Hunted and after that, you may opt for the 4th Power Charge at Infused, more movement speed from Quickstep or more damage from Claws of the Pride. The sockets by Golem's Blood and Blood Drinker will be socketed with abyss jewels. MAIN CONTENT - Gear and Gem Progression This is what I consider to be the true content of this guide. Increased Item Quantity will from here onwards be referred to as IIQ. I would like to stress and advise players who aren't total beginners to read the Further Reading section below after reading the main content. What will I be farming? (Atlas strategy)
Complete all T1, T2 and T5+ maps, as well as their bonus objectives as much as well as possible to your capabilities for the atlas bonus but do not worry too much about this. Aim for a T4 shaper's orb and shape Relic Chambers. It is likely that you have completed a number of T3 and T4 maps during this period. After you are able to shape Relic Chambers, seal all T3 and T4 maps other than Burial Chambers. (Note that Relic Chambers is now a T9 map and need not be sealed.) This may be costly as each seal costs 3 apprentice sextant and 1 scouring orb.
The best map you want to be farming is Burial Chambers. Including those that you may have dropped, you want to buy some Burial Chambers maps so that you have about 10-15 before starting. This strategy will allow you to continuously run Burial Chambers and sustain the map. Make sure you alch every map. Chisels, Vaal and Sextants are not mandatory, but I recommend Sextants when you are able to. If you get any drops of The Doctor, it would be better to sell them early on to fund your build so that you can farm faster. Your main source of income will be selling fusings (4 jew each from vendor), chisels and excess maps. You can set your loot filter to show Imperial Bows for chancing. If you get lucky you will have a Windripper to start off with! Or sell if it's worse rolled than yours! Don't hog the bows in your inventory, this will take up too much space. Instead, carry a stack of chance orbs with you. Whether or not this is worth the time depends on how fast you farm and of course - your luck! Under 30c for all basic items. 37+% IIQ Here, you start with the basic skill tree, transitioning into the cheap leech option after that. Remember to fully quality any item you are spending fusings/jewellers on. Talisman with IIQ implicit: 3c-60c (Get the 10% one if you can afford it) Bisco's Leash: 5-7c Sadima's Touch: 0.5c Hyrri's Bite: 0.5c Goldwyrm: 4-6c Devoto's Devotion: 1-3c Queen of the Forest(QoTF): 4-6c Chin Sol: 2-3c Remaining 10c to get a 4L and any needed resistance rings.
Basic Skill Gem Links
Tornado Shot - GMP - Added Cold - Ice Bite Wrath Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark Summon Ice Golem Blink Arrow
4s Gloves/Helmet/Boots Skill Gem Links
Tornado Shot - GMP - Added Cold - Ice Bite Wrath - Enlighten(Optional if not using Faster Projectiles, level this to sell later or keep) Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Faster Projectile(Optional, choose between this or leveling Enlighten) Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark Summon Ice Golem Portal - Faster Casting - Vaal Haste - Increased Duration
Gem link progression
Tornado Shot - GMP - Added Cold - Ice Bite - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Chain Alternatively, some people with enough damage can go faster with Mirage Archer. (This means you run past while Mirage Archer one-shot packs for you) Barrage 6L, Increased Critical Damage is of the lowest priority. The next 35c to spend First, I recommend getting a quiver with additional arrow. Either as an implicit or as a shaped explicit. The cheapest ones go for 5-10c The flasks I recommend are Jade Flask, Diamond Flask, Stibnite Flask, Wise Oak, Quicksilver Flask. The most important things to look for here are Staunching, Heat and Warding on your Jade, Diamond and Stibnite flasks. You want Adrenaline on your quicksilver flask. You want to have the Alchemist's prefix wherever possible, but do not spend too much to get these. You can use alterations to roll these, but it may be cheaper sometimes to search on the market. I recommend getting a 16% IIQ Sadima's Touch if you haven't already as they are relatively cheap. You can often find corrupted ones for even cheaper - just make sure they are 4L with the correct colours. The big next goal, 2-3ex, 52%+ IIQ A Windripper. Try to look for one with high critical strike chance and attack speed. Here, you want to 5L your Windripper and add Elemental Damage with Attacks into your link. In your QoTF, run Barrage - Added Cold Damage - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Elemental Focus. Note that is is likely cheaper to attempt to 5L it yourself. The next 4-8ex Here, you get 1 Inspired Learning and 1 Lioneye's Fall. This is where you transition into the more expensive leech skill tree and the 1 Inspired Learning skill tree. Optionally, some players would like to run with 2 Inspired Learning. This is an option you could try but I will not recommend it. The path to 86% IIQ From here, I recommend upgrading to a 10% IIQ Talisman and a 20% IIQ Goldwyrm. Look for higher resistances as well, as those will be important. Similarly, look for a Bisco's Leash and Queen of the Forest with high resistances and evasion. Next, you want to look for two ventor's gamble. You can choose to go for cheaper 7-9% IIQ ones or save up for 10% ones. These are not going to be your end-game ventor's. You will be replacing the The Wise Oak with Dying Sun. It is extremely important that you make sure you look for resistances and ensure that using both ventor's, you are able to still cap your resistances. While doing this, look for a shaped quiver with additional arrow that may have resistance or open suffixes. The most important thing to look for on a shaped quiver here is Additional Arrow and Chance to gain Onslaught on kill, then resistances and life. Now what? At this point, look to 6L your QoTF. Once it is 6L-ed, place TS in your QoTF and add chain support. Some players may find it preferable to replace added cold damage with mirage archer. This is the time you spend 10 regrets to refund Fast and Deadly in favour of Ricochet. You can also opt to go for a Devoto's enchanted with Tornado Shot damage or Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance. From here onwards, you should have 81% IIQ, a 6L and Dying Sun. You may also want to 6L both your Windripper(Sell and buy a better Windripper if you wish, or just buy a 6L one) and QoTF, adding Slower Projectiles and Increased Critical Damage onto Barrage. Begin saving up for a Headhunter, and then a Rigwald's Quills. Most people like to get Rigwald's Quills first - this is up to you. After that, you may decide to get a better shaped amulet with 10% IIQ instead of a talisman as you can mastercraft on those. Look for accuracy, movement speed or cold damage as the priority. You can refund Survivalist and Chain and Cloth when you can afford Ventor's good enough to cap your resistances (example my gear below). The final luxury item is to have Tornado Shot fires 2 additional secondary projectiles enchant on your helm, translating to approximately 66% more damage. Look for Elemental Weakness on hit corruption on gloves. Getting this allows you to swap out Curse on Hit and Assassin's Mark for Increased Critical Strikes and Power Charge on Crit. As far as maps go, you can choose to complete all T3 and T4, unshape Relic Chambers, shape Burial Chambers and seal all other T8 and T9 maps. While currency is not affected by map tier, higher tier maps can roll more difficult mods, allowing for maps to have higher IIQ. You also gain more XP this way. FURTHER READING
Note on Blood Rage
Some people prefer to use Blood Rage for leech instead of taking nodes on the skill tree. With this, there are also people who prefer to use Vaal Pact or not to use Vaal Pact. Personally, I don't like dealing with the degen of Blood Rage and prefer to keep Vaal Pact. If you choose to use this, you could place it in the Faster Projectiles/Enlighten gem slot. However, I will list down some pros and cons below. Benefits Using Blood Rage means you have greater attack speed. It can potentially save you leech nodes on the tree, but we do very little physical damage and you will highly likely not. This saves you 2 points on the basic leech skill tree below. However, it is more important to note that since you have leech from Blood Rage, you will not be taking the claw nodes to Soul Raker in the more expensive leech tree, and will likely not need Lioneye's Fall. Instead, you can use this currency to purchase other things, such as a strong abyss jewel. (Note: When you are starting out, ignore the 3 skill points for the jewel socket altogether). 5 extra skill points + an abyss jewel with 3 T1 damage mods will beat out the claw nodes. Cons If you do not take Vaal Pact, you may not be able to leech fast enough to outregen the damage you are taking while fighting some tankier rares or uniques. If you do take Vaal Pact, stopping at any point or passing through droughts of enemies will leave you with only slightly more than half health, making yourself more vulnerable. Since we do very little physical damage, you will highly likely not leech enough to reach the maximum leech per instance. This can be dangerous and lead to deaths. Note on Lioneye's Fall However, from the above, we can see that whether or not to take Lioneye's Fall is debatable. You can get something stronger than the combination of Lioneye's Fall and 5 passive points elsewhere. After spending 2 points on life leech and mana leech respectively below Vaal Pact, you have 3 points remaining. This allows you to take Elemental Focus, and the 1 minor node towards Quickstep. A strong abyss jewel with 4 T2 flat added elemental damage mods combined with the 3 additional nodes will be able to beat the Lioneye's Fall combination. Not to mention, it is far cheaper than Lioneye's Fall and will scale even higher with a stronger abyss jewel. Similar abyss jewels for equal damage would be any 4 mods of T1/T2 flat added elemental damage, Attack Speed if Crit, T1/T2 Crit Multiplier Where's the mirror? Okay, I may not have been completely clear when I said that you will have 1 mirror. While you may not have looted a mirror during your farm, you would have a total character valued at approximately, or more than 1 mirror. I would not recommend selling all your character's gear unless you are extremely tired and bored of this build and would like to play something else. Instead, I suggest using all excess currency farmed by this character instead. At the time of this post, a mirror is valued at 100-110 exalts. Below is the current gear of my character and the estimates in value.
My current gear
1ex 6ex 60ex 1ex 1ex 5ex 10ex 5ex 13ex 14ex 2.5ex 7ex 1.5ex 3ex Estimated total value = 130ex FAQ Why are you using Power Charge on Crit and Increased Critical Strikes? What should I corrupt in the temple? This is mentioned in the "Now what?" section. It allows us to run Elemental Weakness on hit on our gloves. Thus, you will be looking to corrupt Sadima's Touch in the temple, and use Lapidary Lens on your main ability, Tornado Shot and its links. Why do we not use Bisco's Collar? A Bisco's Collar with 50% IIQ is estimated to be around 10% IIQ overall on a normal map. This is because it applies only on normal enemies, which drop very little loot to begin with. When you start using alch and sextants, the percentage of normal enemies in a map become much lower. Thus bringing Bisco's Collar to below 10%. Not to mention, we benefit from whatever random stat is present on a rare amulet. What about item rarity? Item Rarity does not affect currency as currency has no rarity. Rarity refers to normal, magic, rare and uniques. Often, IIR is given very little priority and does very little compared to IIQ. Do not bother about IIR. Why not Perandus Blazon? Rampage from Bisco's Leash provides bonuses that far outweigh that of 3% IIQ Why not Lightning Arrow? Lightning Arrow is very weak on Single Target situations. Tornado Shot is able to kill rares and uniques that may pop up from Incursions, Beyond and Exiles, with the help of point blank. While Chain Support makes Tornado Shot weaker on Single Target, it is still sufficiently strong and you will have barrage to use when you switch to Chain. Additionally, Tornado Shot covers a far greater area than Lightning Arrow as it fires in all directions. Version History 9/7 Updated skill trees. Chance suggestion in Atlas Strategy section. 13/7 Added linked graphics for skill gems. 14/7 Added further reading section. 3/8 Reworked passive skill tree. 9/8 Reworked passive skill tree. Editado por útlima vez por Kessa_713#7168 en 9 ago. 2018 17:22:03 Reflotado por última vez en 7 jun. 2019 14:19:28
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I'm thinking of making my first MF character and this build seems pretty good. My question is how do you recommend go about leveling with this build?
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" There's a pretty good levelling guide by RaizQT that I would recommend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELzY5jwWEqw&t=18s Start with Split Arrow, then Lightning Arrow. I would suggest to level Tornado Shot in the weapon swap when it becomes available as it's not strong until you are better geared and have the links for it. Storm Cloud, Hyrri's Bite, Thief's Torment, Wanderlust, Blackheart, Goldrim, Karui Ward, Meginord's Girdle, Prismweave and Lochtonial Carass are all cheap levelling items you could take a look at. |
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Thank you for this! I had been looking for something like this! I started the league as a Witch with the hopes of gathering enough currency for a Windripper. With this guide, I can go ahead and play my Ranger! Thank you so much! <3
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been looking for something like this :)
looks good i'll try to league start with it next league |
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Hi, cool guide. This league is my first time with MF. Only thing that bothers me is my lootfilter cause it shows a lot of rares and stuff that i dont wanna pick up.
Can you recommend a specific loot filter for this playstyle? Also how will i ever play a slow build after this? It will feel so shit lol Editado por útlima vez por imperiialm#4579 en 7 jul. 2018 12:23:15
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" filterblade.xyz is a good website for customizing your loot filter. At the moment, my own personal loot filter has all rares hidden, and I only pick up non-unique items which are 6 socketed/linked to vendor for Jewellers and Fusings. I also have jeweller orbs, chromatics, alterations and below hidden. I pick up uniques if they have value or can have value if they roll well. You may also want to hide divination cards such as The Betrayal, Gambler, Her Mask and The Witch. |
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" oh damn, i was picking up all these cards. how to waste time i guess :D thx for the answer ill change my filter then |
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hey man. going great so far. its my 2nd day and im pushing for maps already.
Im having a hard time sustaining mana tho. im following Raiz build for leveling with some resistance rare rings. Do i have to have a special ring/unique or a special node in the tree to sustain it? thanks alot |
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