[3.2] Era of Sundering Cat - Sunder crit build

Hey Exiles,
I decided to give melee a spin in Bestiary and I always wanted to try Hegemony's Era, so that was my choices for Bestiary. I have never played Sunder build so that was my pick of offensive skill.

I took some inspiration in Unstoppable Judge build and I used this build as benchmark for mine. I'm rather surprised how far I managed to push my build, as my expectation before league and before GGG announced reworked Ascendancies were that I will probably do a lot of damage, but I will have hard time reaching even 6k life. Apparently not :)

Build can be used as league starter (I did so), but getting endgame gear won't be cheap, I think I spend ~6ex on my initial gear (fuses for 6L not included) at time I finished 6L.


I have around 430k dps with only charges and self cast buffs, more than 1.1M dps with flasks. All that with 40%+ life regen of hefty life pool (7.1k now, can go higher, but there's no need). I can run anything game have to offer.

Offensive layers:
  • High crit
  • Frenzy charges
  • Power charges
  • Onslaught

Defensive layers:
  • Endurance charges
  • Fortify
  • Enfeeble
  • Knockback
  • Massive effective regen (as long as you fight, leech is effectively another source of regen)

  • can do just about any single map mod there is, only exception is No leech + No Regen combination.
  • very fast clear
  • great lab runner
  • can easily deal with endgame bosses
  • immune to all hard CCs

  • not a tank (character is very durable though), slams'n'stuff will oneshot (f.e. dps modded red map Dominus' slam)
  • rquires many unique items, can be hard to gear for the endgame, but the more you invest, the nastier it gets
  • lot's of knockback make group play somewhat harder for other melee group members
  • Chaos damage - this league I had no luck in getting some chaos resist on gear, so that's major weakness of the build. Map content is no problem, but scorpion beast is very dangerous (I killed him, but he got me once with his big explosions)

PoB export

The jewel slot below Scion is not part of the build, I just took it to emulate Aspect via jewels (it appears PoB does not calculate AotC into DPS).


Passive tree can be found here.

I suggest you do all the pathing in tree as soon as possible, just pick major nodes along the way and perhaps some jewel sockets (I took sockets as soon as I had something to put in them). Take more of scion HP wheel until you'll get all your jewels and items (or if you feel you could use more life).

Alira - Crit multiplier is great, resistances helps a lot and mana regen is very useful to sustain Leap Slam (especially now that I have only little unreserved mana). It's also great help in no leech maps.

Acendancy and Pantheon:
Raider -> Slayer -> Path of Duelist

Major God:
Lunaris - Upgrade both projectile effects.
Minor God:
Tukahoma - Upgrade first, this is great defensive option.


You need one piece of gear with mana leech, doesn't matter if jewel, gloves, ring, etc.

Required Uniques

Build defining weapon, get it. As high pdps as your budget allows. Do Q30 beastcraft recipe as soon as you 6L it.

Recommended Uniques

Amazing boots, makes you immune to hard CCs, lots of life on top of that. No speed though ... no big deal, Leap Slam does not scale with movement speed. Turns the pesky curse into great buff.


Tons of life. Friend of mine gave it to me on like 4th day of league, so I did not bother to test any other armour.

Belt of the Deceiver
Budget defensive option, some resistances, some life. Get +1 end charge corruption.

Expensive option, get jewels with life / phys damage / attack speed if crit / crit multi. Expensive, but lot more powerful option.


Massive DPS boost that comes with life.


Look for Life, Accuracy, Attack speed. I beastcrafted Aspect here.


Try to get life, resistances and any dps you can fit in.

** Hmmm, apparently you can't link jewels from passive tree, use PoB for examples of jewels**
Look for life, crit multi, phys damage or attack speed, resistances.

Abyss jewels
** Hmmm, apparently you can't link jewels from items, use PoB for examples of jewels**
Pretty much same as standard jewels, but look for attack speed if crit recently, that is super strong in Darkness Enthroned.


Main combo is Diamond flask, Atziri's Promise and Lion's Roar. I got my first Taste of Hate drop, so I'm using it too, it's amazing and you should get it too.
Life flask is pretty much optional, I just have it there as panic button for big hits (disengage for sec or two is also an option).

Helmet - Sunder damage.

Boots - Life / Mana regen is imho the best, (it makes no leech maps possible. Only other useful option is +1 frenzy charge corruption, but damage increase of this does not justify problem with getting max frenzy at boss fights if you've lost them.

Gloves - X of Light. Great defensive option.


Sunder - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage - Concentrated Effect - Maim - Ruthless
Nothing to say here really, get the gems as soon as possible. Quality matters everywhere except Sunder.

Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Ancestral Protector
Get Q20 Fortify as soon as possible.

Enduring Cry - Vaal Haste - Blood Rage - Increased Duration
Get Q20 Blood Rage asap.

Herald of Ash, Hatred, Aspect of the Cat, Lvl 4 Enlighten
I finally got rid of resit in gloves, so I did the beastcraft for aspect and I like it, it looks cool and my DPS with Cat's stealth is awesome.

L1 CDWT - L5 Enfeeble
I tried higher level of CDWT, but it did trigger so rarely I switched back to level 1. I use it mostly because it looked as good idea on paper and it seems it does have it's uses against archers... and I did not think of anything else to use instead.

Ice Golem / Lightning Golem / Stone Golem
All three can be used, I prefer Ice.


No regen
Start Blood Rage after you kill 1st pack (max leech is more than enough to keep it running). Now that I also have Aspect, I just turn off Herald to have more available mana.

No leech
Swap Ruthless for Life gain on hit, be careful. Now that I also have Aspect, I just turn off Herald to have more available mana.

Build is immune to physical reflect. Ele is pain.
On 5L: all that was enough was to turn off Hatred and take antireflect pantheon. It's worth to mention here that I had much different gear when I used to have 5L, ele reflect is probably no go even on 5L with my current gear, so you should do what I suggest for 6L.
On 6L: swap Herald for Vitality, Hatred for Artic Armour and swap Taste of Hate for your favorite Sulphur flask (or any other flask you like).

Elemental Weakness
With all ECs up, I'm overcapped to run even this mod without any additional changes. Just keep your ECs up all the time. I can run -X max resistance maps without any problems, so it's not really necessary to be overcapped so much that you'll stay on cap under EW.

Slower life gain
No build chages required, just be careful. I learned the hardway that this is actually much more dangerous than No regen.


Guardian of Chimera
He becomes dangerous only with more than one extra damage as X map mod. Beware of his adds, that is only thing that is dangerous in this fight.

Guardian of Hydra
Second easiest guardian, dodge-attack-dodge-attack-loot.

Guardian of Phoenix
Watch out for his spin, that can be dangerous. Watch out for his explosion. Else tank'n'spank.

Guardian of Minotaur
Now, this f*cker is dangerous if you let your ECs drop and try to face tank him (which is safe only with flasks). Watch out for slams, do NOT try to run this in group, I hate the aggro switching and following burrow attacks.

He's not that hard, swap golem for Purity of Ice, swap one ring for Romira's and beat the crap out of him. His only deadly attack is the yellow ball volley. He managed to hit me with slam two times, survived on both occasions :) His minibosses can be safely ignored, they are not dagerous.

T15 Elder
This is my favorite fight in game, it's though fight, arena becomes very deadly during 3rd phase. He's rather easy up to last 25% of 3rd phase. Up until then watch out only for his slam, I did not survived it even once. Because of Multistrike auto aim, only way how to do this fast is to stand below him and tank everything that comes in your way. This build can do that up to last 25% of fight, after that the dps is enough to kill me (slowly), so I had to move once in a while to get rid of projectiles coming in my way so I could regen to full. Don't let all the tentacles hit you, while few hits are nothing, they can easily kill you if let all of them smash you.

Free loot. Watch out for mirror clone, that ele reflect sucks and is only thing that can kill me.

Uber Atziri / Elder
Have not done these yet.

Honorable mention
Uber Izaro
He's weak, just look at him and he dies. Should be safe to ignore all his mechanics, he dies so fast that they don't matter. I don't do Lab on charge disruptor days, because I can't tell when he has enough charges to drop key.
Reflotado por última vez en 19 abr. 2018 19:04:56
Can you fix your Path of Building link please? Thanks!

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