[3.2] Aspects Aura Support | Avian (17+2 Auras) / Spider (13+3 Curse+2)
Greetings Exiles!
Had a lot of requests to post a guide on my aurabot using Aspect of the Avian or Aspect of the Spider for end game mapping with groups so here it is. This is still a work in progress but for the most part is finished and play-tested. Catch me running with one of my carries on his stream: https://www.twitch.tv/itsmartini Aspect of the Avian 17+2 Aura Support (14 auras + 3 AG Auras + 2 Vaal)
Total initial Cost: 16ex (alpha howl's and chayula are super expensive)
w/ United in dreams: 24ex Maxed: 100+ ex (Only if you are shooting for the moon on ES and chaos res ![]() ![]() ![]() tl;dr Uses new unique Saqawal's Nest and crafted Aspect of the Avian for the rotating aura. (Double damage proc or movement speed) This DOES mean you need to use Coruscating Elixir Ruby Flask to handle chaos damage. Chaos damage has not been an issue in large part do to practice. You need to manage flask charges or you will be a dead aurabot. Passive Tree + PoB
POE Skilltree- https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAAOWCdkNfA48EVAXLxmKGjgajxslHaoi9CW8JwsnLydzKPovbzQKNZI1uTboN2Y3gzpSOtg7KDxLQ2NDyEZxSbFKyEuuTeNPBFXWV8lYF1ivWfNcil-wYENhUmTnZlRmnmjybAttGW49bqpvO2-ecLtxTXIPeA14x3vDfLt_xoCkguSDCYO2hmCG0YqvjHaQEZBVkyeUb5itms-btaEvoj6m66crqW6vbLQMtfK3Mb6Avoq-vMAawcXDOsWKykbKSsrT1l3Xz9i92RPZW9tP37_gVeDD4YjirekC6rrsGO-I9tr3wfk3-tL7Cf5J_o8=?accountName=Nuzio&characterName=NuziAura
POB + Notes (100 Tree) https://pastebin.com/kbGMqE06 Notes: The northern witch ES nodes traveling from guardian and the ES/Evasion nodes are last priority and should be traveled to for your last points. Bandits + Pantheon
Kill All for +2 Skill Points
Pantheon Major: Soul of Lunaris or Soul of Arakaali Minor: Soul of Shakari + Captured Terror of the Inifinite Depths (Poison Immunity) Mandatory! Gear + Explanations
Standard aurabot Alpha Howl with reduced reserve on 50% aura. The reduced reserve enchant for an aura is required but only a level 3 enlighten is required. Envy Aura + 3 white sockets to make swapping damage auras for EE proc for my carries. You will see empty sockets of corresponding gems to quickly swap out. You can use Ephemeral Edge Dusk Blade and run Purity of Elements instead if you wish to not run the Envy damage aura. Brightbeak + Purity of elements is also another go to solid choice. Avian Buff to Aura converter + 10% Reduced Mana reserved. Typical prism guadian vaaled for +1 level to socketed gems Nothing new here either. Voideye + Discipline and Eleron -8 reduced mana cost for free shield charge/flame dash High ES sorc gloves is what we are looking for in this slot with chaos res. Again shooting for high es rolls with chaos res though a shaped crystal belt would be best in slot. All that ES BABY! You must have an open suffix on the boots, belt, or ring to craft the Aspect of the Avian buff! Flasks: Self-explanatory Gems+Links
Helm: Triple Purity + Enlighten 3
Weapon: 2 damage auras + Generosity Body Armor: CWDT Bone Offering + Stone Golem (3 link) and Vaal Haste + Vaal Discipline if you can get another red socket you can put animate guardian in here instead Shield: Grace + Haste + Vitality Ring 1: Voideye - Discipline Ring 2: Unset w/ 3 or 4 clarity Gloves: Determination + Damage Aura (One that isn't super beneficial to your carry) Open correctly colored socket for damage aura swap for EE for your carry. Boots: 3 link Shield Charge (Lvl 1) + Fortify and Flame Dash for gap crossing. Keep an open socket for the other colored damage aura swap for EE Animate Guardian Items: Leer Cast (Helm) Dying Breath (Weapon) Bloodbond Bone Armour (Body Armour) Victario's Flight (Boots) Decent Life/Es Gloves with res Aspect of the Spider 10 Auras + 3 AG Auras + 3 Curse
![]() ![]() This is another take of the aura using aspect of the spider! I'm still play-testing to see which version is better though I think they both are comparable. Explanation:
Required Gears: This DOES mean you need to use Coruscating Elixir Ruby Flask to handle chaos damage. Chaos damage has not been an issue in large part do to practice. You need to manage flask charges or you will be a dead aurabot. Passive Tree + PoB
POE Skilltree- https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.2.2/AAAABAABAQOWCdkNfA48EHsRUBcvGGoZiho4Go8bJR0UHU8dqiLqIvQlvCcLJy8ncyj6L280CjWSNbk26DeDOVI6UjrYOyg8S0NjQ8hGcUmxSshLrk3jTwRV1lfJWAdYF1ivWfNcil-wYENhUmTnZlRmnmjybAttGW49bqpvO2-ecLtxTXIPeA14x3vDfLt-WX_GgKSC5IMJg7aGYIbRiq-Mdo9GkBGQVZMnlG-YrZrPm6GbtaEvoj6mV6crqW6vbLQMtfK3Mb46voC-ir68wBrBxcM6xYrKRspKytPWXdfP2L3ZE9lb2xrbT9-_4FXgw-GI4q3pAuq67BjviPba98H5N_rS-wn-Sf6P?accountName=Nuzio&characterName=NuziAura
POB + Notes (100 Tree) https://pastebin.com/SpRQ3Uqx Notes: The northern witch ES nodes traveling from guardian and the ES/Evasion nodes are last priority and should be traveled to for your last points. Bandits + Pantheon
Kill All for +2 Skill Points
Pantheon Major: Soul of Lunaris or Soul of Arakaali Minor: Soul of Shakari + Captured Terror of the Inifinite Depths (Poison Immunity) Mandatory! Gear + Explanations
Standard aurabot Alpha Howl with reduced reserved. The reduced reserve enchant for any aura with a 50% reserve is required and a level 4 enlighten is required. You can use Ephemeral Edge or Brightbeak depending on your needs. Spider Debuff to boost effectiveness, Typical prism guadian vaaled for +1 level to socketed gems Nothing new here either. Though a nice shaped amulet could be better and allow another reserve at the cost of a lot of ES. Voideye + Discipline and Eleron -8 reduced mana cost for free shield charge/Flame Dash Spider Debuff provider. Again shooting for high es rolls with chaos res though a shaped crystal belt would be best in slot. All that ES BABY! Gems+Links
Helm: (4 Link) Triple Purity + Enlighten 4
Weapon: (3 link) 2 damage auras + Generosity Body Armor: (3 link) CWDT Bone Offering + Stone Golem and Vaal Haste + Vaal Discipline + Animate Guardian Shield: Grace + Haste + Vitality Ring 1: Voideye - Discipline Ring 2: Unset w/ 3 or 4 clarity Gloves: (4 link) Blasphemy + Ele Weakness + Temporal Chains + Enlighten 4 Boots: (4 link) Shield Charge (Lvl 1) + Fortify + Flame Dash + Reduced Mana Flasks: Self-explanatory Animate Guardian Items: Leer Cast (Helm) Dying Breath (Weapon) Bloodbond Bone Armour (Body Armour) Victario's Flight (Boots) Decent Life/Es Gloves with res Leveling:
Highly recommend leveling with a buddy.
If you are going to level solo I have done it using poet's pen with volatile dead/unearth and just followed the support tree equiping haste, determination, and vitality as I went. I dove up to witch reserve then down to duelist reserve then after my labs went to guardian reserves and blood magic. Hardcore:
Go the traditional Shavs aura support. I do not recommend this build as with so much life reserved and no shavs a potential one shot is high from chaos damage. You can make either work but giving yourself a larger health pool by removing auras but that just defeats the point. Use either version at your own risk in hardcore.
Editado por útlima vez por Nuzio#6155 en 9 abr. 2018 20:27:07 Reflotado por última vez en 8 abr. 2018 14:44:40
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Nice guide, I will bookmark this and try it out at some time.
I personally think that envy is really weak and you should use a brightbeak instead. It lets you move around faster to stay with your partner and most builds aren't concerned with the added chaos damage from envy. |
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I agree but the idea is wear as many auras as possible.
As far as keeping up with your partners I haven't ran into an issue regardless how fast they are moving with haste and vaal haste. Though it is something to consider depending on your needs. If you do wear another weapon purity of elements can be worn instead of envy |
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Updated and edited items
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Updated prices per request.
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So i have been following your build for a while now, but i cant quite seem to understand the EE aura swap that is mentioned. How exactly do i proc the EE corretly, without messing up the res on the mobs for my friends?. Thanks in advance. |
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1 damage aura is left out of generosity allowing us to proc EE with shield charge
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Updated with curse version
There is another version coming soon which has more auras and a curse. |
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Added extra information on version 2 curse support.
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