3.1 FB QOTF (Budget Friendly and Uber lab viable)
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2092392/page/1#p15296708 IS THE NEW FORUM \:D/ First build ever \:D/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-lgF22jOJA&feature=youtu.be OMG A VIDEO OMG This is shit quality and I suck so... enjoy :D *Pre note* If you have a question PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post it here. I'm usually afk or offline since I am incapable of playing Path of Exile for more than 1 hour per sitting (with a few exceptions of course). PLUS, if other people have the same question, they can go through this post to find the answer. Thank you :) ALSO this build uses FB for clearing though I mention another possibility for faster bossing. Hey guys, Pi here. I know there already exists another wander finder that uses Queen of the Forest and is meta. However, this build is a different take on that, though this build is in part inspired by Toma_Hawk's wander finder, so shout out to Toma_Hawk \:D/. I'm dividing this guide into quite a few sections and I do not plan on completing this guide for a few days due to the numerous sections. 1. Passive Tree This passive tree is obviously at a point where it could sustain itself without being connected to the scion start. Make sure to respec after leveling for a free 10 points. I myself was EXTREMELY slow with leveling so I will not share my way of leveling. 2. Leveling Though the passive skill tree cannot be done without leveling, the core elements of this build can be used while leveling, A.K.A Frenzy, Poet's Pen, Cremation, Fireball, etc... 3. Bandits I decided to go with Alira since Oak doesn't help us at all, Kraityn provides buffs that we can easily get on the tree, and killing all bandits provides 2 passive skill points which, if you look at the passive tree planner, I ended up not using 14 passive skill points, meaning this build is practically done at level 86. 4. Acendancy Ascendant duh First, path towards pathfinder and the ranger's starting point. On the actual passive skill tree, you should reach close to the ranger's starting point give or take a few levels. This covers normal, cruel and merciless lab. For uber lab, you want to take the slayer ascendancy. Since damage against normal and magic mobs is not an issue, we only care about damage towards rare and unique mobs. Slayer provides the best boost for this as for all other classes provide 0-30% extra damage as compared to 40%. Moreover, the no leech cap is always nice to have since we are pairing with warlord's mark. 5. Pantheons I chose Soul of Solaris as the major god and Soul of Garukhan as the minor god. These are ultimately up to you to choose but these worked best for me. 6. Gear Gearing for this build is fairly easy as for most of the gear are uniques. The ones I used are AND of course Sadly QOTF in this case is a stat stick :( but hey, free slots for whatever you please :D As on Rat's nest and Atziri's, I enchanted them with +1 to cremation geysers and +#-# fire damage. Feel free to point out better ones if you can think of one :D The other pieces of gear were rare items that were to cover for resists, provide a little more damage, or what not. I am considering using Lightpoacher as a another BIS for helmet as for the heals can be extremely useful. Plus, it doesn't require any off color sockets vs. the 4 off color rat's nets \:D/ Another good option, for the amulet slot, is Eye of Innocence Though you have to play extremely cautiously as for you will burn yourself to death if you run into masses of mobs. The flasks that I use are though I do plan on changing one of the evasion flasks later on to something else. If you look at the tree, you may notice that I have only ONE socket for a jewel. Either you are thinking "Huh, only one jewel? I usually see 3-4 on other people's builds" or "Is that a mistake? It's such a random assignment". To answer both, no it is not a mistake and as a wise man once said "If you do not have good jewels, it is best that you leave those for last while leveling." It just happens so that I found an okay 3 crit mod jewel so \_o_/ There are 4 spots that are "close" on the tree that you could path to for the sockets so that is up to you. If you do have the currency, you may want to invest in a Watcher's Eye with the "#% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while affected by Anger." which is where the jewel goes. If you decide to do this, however, keep in mind that you can drop warlord's mark, dropping your ability to gain endurance charges. An option to regain the defense is arctic armor, though extremely expensive of a workaround. 7. Gem links These links are not at all complete because I don't know what to put so.......... yea.......... GMP-Unearth-Cremation Amazing for dealing damage, especially for bossing, goes on weapon. GMP-Fork-Fireball Great area damage, goes on weapon. Fork is unnecessary. You can replace this with another support or even volatile dead, since it fits into this build's passive tree. *NOTE* Single target sucks so... just pray that your cremation is good enough :) Frenzy-Culling Strike-GMP-Power Charge on Crit Frenzy and Power Charge on Crit are there to generate charges, increasing your damage. GMP increases your chance of hitting and criting since we do not stack accuracy on gear anywhere. Culling strike helps with... culling... and is very easy to use since it's attached to your main attack. If you have one with culling, you can replace the culling link with something else. Anger-Empower-Enlighten Provides a good amount of damage no questions asked. Warlord's Mark-Blasphemy Used to generate endurance charges when mapping (to avoid one shots) AND provides good leech, you can't lose. BETTER YET, THIS BUILD TECHNICALLY COSTS NO MANA SO MANA RESERVE IS NOT A PROBLEM Summon Flame Golem Damage. Also, if you're feeling frisky enough, you can go for a 4 off color rat's nest and link anger, empower, and enlighten to it \:D/ *NOTE*Originally I did not want to use Volatile Dead-Increased Critical Strikes-Concentrated Effect due to how much of a bandwagon combo it has became. However, it seems as if damage is better with this combination on the second wand instead of fireball. Use this when bossing and swap to fireball for speed clears. Shoutout to NoorGirl for selling and crafting vorici 8 for me on this wand! 8.Pros and Cons Pros: ZOOM ZOOM EVERYTHING viable (I think) except for elemental reflect. Does not require a 6l, most that is required is a 4 link. My Frenzy setup with faster attacks is purely for QOL and even then is cheap as balls. Very good defense against crazy damage Extremely cheap! Though I was stupid with coloring my socket setups. Uber lab viable FLASK SUSTAIN IS GOOD 50% chance to gain a flask charge on critical strike Cons: Bossing is slow due to lack of single target DOT hurts a lot *Will add more later on if i can think of any blatant problems* 9.FAQs
What did you think would be here? This is a new build lol.
Things to do: Make this post more appealing Maybe a video would be nice... if my laptop can handle it... *psst* (would be ever so grateful if someone could post a video of this build in action) *psst* Hope you guys enjoyed my janky ass build \:D/ I most definitely will develop this further if it is received well :) Editado por útlima vez por PiMaster123#4191 en 26 feb. 2018 1:15:51 Reflotado por última vez en 19 feb. 2018 23:07:45
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This build is good for clear speed and boss? i can build this i have poet
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I'd say it's pretty good for clear speed BUT rares and bosses are gonna be EXTREMELY tough to deal with before you take the slayer ascendancy. Even after bosses are a slow process, though this build can withstand if they constantly savage hit you.
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Hey there!
Thanks for sharing your build, but unfortunately it seems to have some glaring issues that are definitely hindering it. For one, you have a lot of stuff that affects your wand's attack (Twin Terrors and the Wand attack wheel, mostly) which will do very little for your damage. Maybe try taking out your spells and seeing what kind of damage you're doing just with your wands' attacks, just to see how effective they are? If they do only negligible damage, then the passive points you've spent on them are definitely not worth it. If you respecc'd out of all the sheer wand attack stuff you would lose 15% attack speed but gain 15 passive points to put into other areas! I would suggest grabbing "Harrier" and its easy Jewel socket, and also getting the crit multi by the Scion start and then the "Heartseaker" node with its nearby Jewel socket. Looking at your flasks, do you have any freeze/chill? Even though the QOTF is really fun, I think you'd find an Atziri's Promise, Wise Oak, and freeze immunity far better for offense and defense, and then of course dropping the QOTF entirely. Most QOTF builds I see tend to go for the Raider or Pathfinder so that they can get elemental immunity through their Ascendancy, freeing up all their flasks for high evasion ones. The Scion's Pathfinder Subascendancy does not allow for this, unfortunately. To my understanding, your boots enchantment does not affect spells--I'm pretty sure it works the same way that "Adds x Damage" on rings work, where it only affects attacks. Speaking of rings, I'm not sure how you get yourself to become ignited in order to activate Mokou's Embrace? Eye of Innocence can do it, but like you said it's pretty risky considering your life pool. Anyway, I hope some of that is helpful. Good luck! *Edit* Here's what I think a better Skilltree would look like, assuming you dropped the QOTF and got some good jewels to use: Editado por útlima vez por rut#1661 en 9 feb. 2018 15:36:01
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" Regarding the wand attack nodes, Twin Terrors was intentional as for I am using frenzy to generate power charges with power charge on crit. However, the wand wheel, I did not know that it didn't apply to spells, so I will be sure to modify that. With this, I think you put out a great path on the north east side of the scion start which I may incorporate (though I do not plan on taking the socket :P) since a socket is very conveniently placed right there. " I feel as if freeze immunity is unnecessary though that is personal opinion. Other flasks do however sound nice, but I intend on keeping movement and evasion flasks on as I will describe further down. Though you are right, Atziri's promise is definitely a damage booster and a half. " For the boots enchantment, I read on another forum (after quick research) that it does apply to spells and after swapping those boots out lightning damage if you haven't killed recently while in my h/o, my damage on the spells increased. " Originally I was planning to use eye of innocence and I mentioned it in my guide. It is fairly risky so I mentioned that previously. I will be sure to think about fixing a better ring in Mokou's embrace slot. About QOTF, the main problem I was trying to fix was movement and the increased evasion rating. If you replace QOTF with another possible option, such as Kaom's, movement is a pain since wands have sucky movement skills and I do not wish to use body swap as for it felt clunky and did not work for me. Plus, I specced my build around evasion rating. However, Atziri's promise does fit nicely with this. Thank you for pointing the massive problem with the skill tree though :) you're truly is a build saver! (I hope I got all the points, will edit if I'm missing anything) *Edit: I looked over your tree and I kept twin terrors since there is a hefty life wheel (Thick Skin) and onslaught (Graceful Assault) nearby. Moreover, the crit multi (True Strike) doesn't feel worth pathing too. To my knowledge, "Increased Critical Strike Chance" only applies to attacks (i think), which is why I did not path that way.(**NEVERMIND, I misunderstood that node. This might be more optimal than Twin terrors**) Plus, Twin terrors would be a more effective choice for frenzy. At Melding, I felt as if the benefit pathing there wasn't worth it since it is only 15% maximum life for 5 extra nodes, which averages out to 3% per node, where as Thick skin does the same job just as well, if not better, and is closer to more optimal nodes. I noticed that the pathing to Doom cast was slightly changed and I think its a better idea to take the critical strike multi so I will be sure to change that. *Edit 2: Heartseeker, after confirming critical strike chance does affect spells, seems to be a good node to take, so thank you :) Editado por útlima vez por PiMaster123#4191 en 9 feb. 2018 17:15:44
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