[3.1][ASC] Blade Flurry Scion Full Abyss Gear - Shaper/ Red Elder down
EDIT for 3.2 : The build stays the same, Shroud of the Lightless is even cheaper on Bestiary.
Hello everyone, i just wanted to share a build i had a lot of fun with this league. I wanted to kill Shaper with all the Abyss gear, with that done, i think the build has done its job. It features all the Abyss uniques(except the belt, but you could use it with appropriate jewelery) and a lot of Abyss jewels, so it fits the league very well. ![]() Although the items i propose are quite expensive (The Shroud Body Armour is already around 10ex and more but that's the priciest), you can run it on a budget really well and if you don't like Blade Flurry, you can use Molten Strike or Frost Blades : we stack lightning damage on jewels, so all those attacks are strong anyway. You can get the items i listed for about 15ex, and this is almost my only character, so i made them from scratch with this build. Short list of pros and cons :
Pros : - Easy to get going, you can start using attacks that fit the build really early. Without Abyss gear, the build is as strong. - Scale well to endgame : the more currency you get, the more powerful will be your jewels. - Endgame viable : the only things i didn't kill with this build are : Hall of Grandmaster , Uber Atziri, Pale council, Chayula. However, as i just killed Shaper, i guess you could kill U-Atziri and Pale Council. - Abyss thematic to fulfill your Lich experience. - Good Clearspeed thank's to Lightpoacher. - Close to 1M Shaper DPS, with reasonable gear. It kills boss fast. - You look badass without MTX, which is awesome, isn't it ? Cons : - Cannot run Elemental Reflect Maps. - Not the best clearspeed for tier 13 and after : you rely a lot on killing a first mob to get Lightpoacher going. -A lot of min/max to do on jewels : with up to 12 jewels, you can sink a lot of money in it - Not the tankiest : You have some evasion, some block but not a lot of defenses. You rely on Vaal Pact to sustain really well (although you can do without it). We have the Shade Form from the body armour, but that's about it. -Not the highest DPS : you can get 2 to 3M Shaper DPS with reasonable gear, but you will miss the "all abyss gear" part of the build. For example, Abyssus is a good helm. The PoB Pastebin : Just the PoB to my character
https://pastebin.com/kpSit3zC The Skill Tree : This tree is for lv90. To me it's a reasonable amount of xp to say your build is maxed. We go Slayer for the overleech and Raider for Frenzy charges and Onslaught against uniques. This choice ensure us to get a good DPS vs Bosses. You could go Assassin to get more critical chances and free Power charges while mapping (because you get free frenzies with Blood Rage on kill anyway). This choice is overall better for mapping, but you will struggle to get frenzies on Shaper for example. The tree is basic, around crit and lightning damage : We get the Lightning nodes and crit next to Assassin, and the Crit/Sword nodes starting from Slayer. We grab all the jewels we can at 2-node distance. You could take more, but you'll loose life or crit IMHO. For Bandits, we can take 2 skill points to get jewels early or Alira for more EleRes and CritMulti. Tree :
https://poeplanner.com/AAsAAQcACxAAAIA7KAOWbj2-gIUONCAiJmBDgwlGcbQMytO-iqEvkyd_xjBbrJcdg60zGdeiow_EO3y4yhGWDkhd8ioLcFKJ04w2VUth4iaVFr_jhBvIz93xijY9napsjGKsvryC5JARe8OKr0rIbqq18jWS2L3-Cv6PTeObLV85ivDEgrCrvqdlTb02GbRqk0z_QzHawXTtBS1OKiPTbyeaao9gLlPTb6ZXW68NjYd2Sn38xbcXgOHiXu4Oo4oj9o19TZIwfNRSdKAGohfcBiB_K_1uft14-Y25UUc31O0_51Qk_f_eb57xs0tXwOOcpIcTdwcqOAJfpAxg3qi7RCX3fXtulyHBfCHQAAAAAAA= Gear : With the "all abyss gear" constraint we must use : Those items do some work for the build : - Lightpoacher is a very good boost to our clearspeed. If you don't want to use that, a 4-Link Frostblade in a Starkonja is a really good option. - Shroud of the Lightless gives us free elemental penetration, and Shade Form. I used a 2 Abyss socket one (4-Link) because they were cheaper, and killed Shaper with it, so DPS isn't capped at all. We also get up to 22% life with the jewels. - Tombfist gives us Intimidate with a Murderous Eye jewel in it, so 10% increased DPS. The attack speed is nice too, and the Abyss socket of course. - Bubonic Trail is nice for the move speed and the 10% damage for each type of abyss jewel we use. However, we only use Murderous and Searching Eye jewel for the stats we need on them. The rest of the gear is straightforward, as we want to cap our elemental resistances, get the stats we need for our gems and get some Crit/FlatDmg/Life. We also want a Stygian belt for the socket. Those are my items, you could get whatever item you want as long as they give you the stats above : We use a sword for this build, so we need a Rapier with Flat elemental damage, Crit chance, Crit multi, and elemental damage with attack skills. I found this one for 2ex, not the best but does the job : As it's super hard to cap res, get life AND get accuracy, we get rid of the accuracy problem with Lycosidae. Again, if you don't use Abyss gear, you can can all these stats a bit easier, and get a good Shaper/Elder stat-stick to get insane damage with Blade Flurry, but we want the Abyss gear. Gems : For our Blade Flurry we use :
Mapping : Blade Flurry - Increased Area of Effect - Elemental Damage with attacks - Elemental focus - Added lightning Damage (if 5-link Shroud) Boss : Blade Flurry - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Damage with attacks - Elemental focus - Added lightning Damage (if 5-link Shroud) if you use a 6-link amour, just put lightning penetration as 6th. To support the Spirit Burst from Lightpoacher we use :
Volley - GMP - Power Charge on critial hit. That way we can get Power charges to map faster. We use Shield charge as our movement skill :
Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify The buff we use are :
- Wrath, for the raw lightning damage - Herald of thunder, for the same reason - Ancestral Protector, for the attack speed - Blood rage, to get attack speed, more leech and frenzies On the defensive side we use :
- Decoy totem, when things get too spicy - CwDt-Immortal Call, regular safe setup Jewels : We have more than 10 jewels, and they are really core to this build. We are taking Abyss jewels because they combo with the Shroud and flat lightning damage is insane. The stats we want are :
(In that order) - Flat life - Flat Lightning Damage - Flat Lightning Damage to Sword Attacks - Attack Speed / Attack Speed if you've crit recently - Crit Multi - Crit Chance - Resistances if you need some The jewels i have were around 10C at the time i bought them, most are ~5c. You can look at those on the PoB or the pieces of gear i linked. They are some very good jewels on the market for 1-2 ex, and they increase our DPS quite a lot. Flasks : No question for this build, we get cheap and effective ones : Lion Roar is an option too for mapping, but it makes you run after bosses. Pantheon : Major God :
All are good depending what you do but the Brine King is nice to avoid permastun. Minor God :
Tukohama is nice to tank some hits while we Blade Flurry. Remarks : - The build is not cheap, but not that expensive either. You can really start with 20c of gear and building up currency to upgrade it : That's almost my only character this league, i started Molten Strike, then switched to Blade Flurry once i had Lycosidae and the sword. - As i said earlier, you can switch Blade Flurry with almost any melee skill : Frostblade, Molten Strike, Reave, the list goes on. Just replace the appropriate gems. - The build was made around the Abyss uniques, but you can do something very similar without them. You can surely upgrade your defences without them, maybe even your DPS. - The DPS in the PoB is not a lower bound, but you can clearly go to something like 2M DPS with better jewels, weapon, jewelry, and a 5-link Shroud. - For leveling, you can go Molten Strike with Ancestral Call if you find Blade Flurry to slow before Lightpoacher. After, it should be fine. Conclusion : This build is quite potent, and fun to play, as you will Shield Charge trough maps with Lightpoacher and few Blade Flurry hits to clear, and kill Bosses with swiftness. You will look cool as duck without any MTX and beat Shaper's ass. Hope you had a nice time reading that and have a nice day ! Editado por útlima vez por Lapincompris#2283 en 22 may. 2018 11:08:47 Reflotado por última vez en 30 ene. 2018 16:15:27
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