Pure Lightning Tornado Shot/Barrage - Abyss league
Work in Progress - will try and add more detail. Not sure if will ever be a fully fledged build guide or if I'll ever add videos, but hopefully is some inspiration. Any suggestions on improving the build gratefully received.
Note this only works in Abyss league, or if you somehow have a source of ripped abyss jewels in standard. 1 - Build Concept
Basically I wanted to push the power of flat damage on abyss jewels along with a few new toys for getting base crit on a low crit but fast bow (i.e The Tempest). Also play with Mirage Archer. Scion for tasty bonuses and access to more jewel sockets Original plan was non crit, Imbula chest and using thief's torment permanently. Getting enough shock chance was awkward without going pathfinder so I went with crit and eventually dropped the other ideas. 2 - What can it do?
Anything basically (Well should be able to, I'm struggling with maps at the moment to tackle t15+ stuff). Quick map clearer, extremely high single target, insta melts Izaro and is fairly quick around the lab. Done yellow tier Elder without a hitch. 3 - My Character
Will have to nose at my character to see all the jewels etc for now, I'll pull them out and link in gear later. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Carlovski/characters Character is ElectricNightmares Path of Building Will add edited PoB setup - you can import my character but PoB doesn't understand Abyssal jewels socketed in gear yet, or the crit mod on my chest so the damage and life totals are off. Basic numbers 5.2k life (Life nodes from now, can drop a bit of dps to hit 6k+ easily) > 1 Million shaper DPS without too much PoB abuse 4 Pros/Cons?
Pros - Quick, chilled clearspeed. Mirage Archer cleans up for you while you run around grabbing loot. - TS does plenty of damage to bosses so don't even have to use barrage - Fast movement and attack speed. Feels responsive. - At shotgun range, with flasks and charges up does a high amount of burst damage. - Doesn't need to be that expensive - Can keep scaling with gear and levels, very high ceiling Cons - A little squishy - Not much leech - Can't fit in all the flasks I'd like. - This version was a bit pricey 5 Gear and explanations
Bow Storm Cloud > Tempest Windripper works too but would be best as a different build with flat cold as well. A GG rare too, but in the end, might as well just use a Tempest. If you are just sticking to Tornado shot, or don't mind using a weapon switch, I'd use an unlinked one and keep vaaling for +1 arrow. I tried mine and luckily it didn't brick. Armour Shaped chest with flat crit chance. In the end, it isn't actually that important, a normal rare, belly perfect form etc may well be better. Or you might get better luck on hitting a decent life roll. If you go 6l bow and just TS, Kaom's is an option too. I should divine this some more, but in the end the extra .25% base crit has very little bearing on total DPS. Helm I like Devotos. Was partially to offset the chaos res penalty of Oskarm at first but kept anyway. Rat's nest/Starkonja are other decent options, but enchants might be more expensive. I'd have gone with +2 TS projectiles but much more expensive atm. +1 barrage devoto's aren't too bad (I payed 80c for mine) Quiver +1 Arrow with as good stats as you can get. Ideally corrupt a shaper +1 arrow quiver for +2, but that gets very expensive very quickly. Shaped/Elder quivers can get some very nice on hit effects now as well as the usual mods (Maim isn't needed though, we already have 2 sources of it) Gloves I was using Oskarm for a long time before I found a 2 socket pair of Tombfists. The Ass mark doesn't actually do that much against bosses when we need and we already have power charge generation so Tombfist seems straight up better with decent jewels. Gave me 250 extra life and about 10% dps, before taking intimidate into account. Decree of reflection is great ebnchant wise, I had on Oskarm but not enchanted Tombfists yet. Boots Rares basically, we don't have many slots for life and resists. If you can squeeze them in, Atziri's Steps are decent. Wake of desctruction is good damage but don't recommend. Enchant wise, Attack speed if killed recently is good or penetrate if not killed recently. I got the flat lightning damage first try and don't really want to roll it away so stuck with it. Rings Life, resists. Flat lightning/WED if you can. If you can manage Diamond/Opal rings then great, but the rings have to do a lot of our resist carrying so they would be expensive. The Taming would be a big damage boost (Get a small bit of fire damage somewhere to ignite) but hard to fit in, and expensive. Amulet Intelligence, life, crit multi. Can't think of a practical unique option here. Belt Darkness Enthroned. Equip at level 1 and keep wearing it. Try and put your best abyssal jewels in here. Mine aren't perfect bu the belt + jewels give me 140+ life, and 12-258 flat lightning. A 50% ele dmage stygian vise with life etc may be better but a lot more expensive. Jewels You want 1 Pure Talent socketed somewhere. It gives 7% move speed, 0.5% base crit and 25 all attributes with our tree. Apart from that put Abyssal Jewels everywhere. Ideally Lightning damage to attacks, lightning damage to bow attacks, flat life + utility mod. Good mods are accuracy (Try and get at least 1, 2 if you don't have accuracy elsewhere), onslaught on kill (1 is enough for clearing), Attack speed if crit recently (really strong this one), movement speed on kill/not hit recently. One of the jewels in the gloves has to be a Murderous Eye - so can't roll bow mods. I got a generic % damage if killed recently mod instead. First few days these were dirt cheap. People have realised how good they are though. You can probably still sniper some bargains though. Jewels are huge for the build basically though. If you could get 10 with 50 life each, that's basically a Koam's Heart. Flasks I still like to have a life flask, pref instant+bleed removal. A diamond flask is mandatory. The rest are up for grabs. I'm using a wise oak, but an Atziri's Promise is possibly a better choce. I use a stibnite for defense - I'll swap to a basalt for Izaro if he has a mace and I like to run a quicksilver of adrenaline. A dying sun is a big damage boost, not sure what I'd drop for it if I get one. Maybe just use when needed and replace the quicksilver. Damage to attacks Vinktar is good, but I think a bit too clunky without immunity to shock, would need to roll another flask,so I don't use it. 6 Skill Tree
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAABeAO4DBAOWBS0FtQguFHUVIBa_GFYZjhm0Go0j9iT9JpUqTSzpLYMuUzB8Mfo1kjfUOdQ7KD8nQzFFfEd-SshNklFHVUtW-lsmYENh4mKsZU1sjG49bqpvO3BSdO11y3b3d9d4DXj5e257w311ft1_K3_7gwmE2YazhweJ04qvjDaNfY1-jbmNv5ARlKCXIZeXm12bjZzEnaqgn6TCpjKn1KhyqJqpSLFbtDi0xbXytyK3trvjvTa-gL6nwBrBfMLsxKLI3NLo02_TftQj2E3Yvdpi2sHlGeXm51TqYu0_7YPuDu968kXyl_aj-_X9bv4K_rr-yP_e?accountName=Carlovski&characterName=ElectricNightmares Few odd bits about the tree No King of the Hill/True Strike? The knockback can be handy, but adding more crit chance doesn't really impact the DPS that much. If you have spare points, get the scion crit multi instead. No Phase acropbatics? Would like it (And definitely would use if wearinf atziri steps) but can't spare the points. Drop a jewel if you really want it. 4 point jewel via life regen? Regen is handy. It also just stops blood rage degen so damage on full life stays up. Defbitely worth. 7 Ascendancy
Deadeye - gives us pierce that TS needs, extra arrow is great, mini far shot helps with point blank downsides Assasin - Power charge generation and base crit. Along with pure talent it's a +2 flat crit chance which is basically a free link Other options would be slayer for non stop leech and raider for move speed and frenzy generation. TBC Reflotado por última vez en 21 dic. 2017 6:36:09
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