Pseudo Vaal Sparker Theorycraft (help wanted)
Hey everybody, hope this thread finds you well. If the title grabs your attention and has got you thinking, "But Vaal Spark isn't good anymore . . . ?" then hopefully you'll be inspired to help me revive that great build, if in a slightly altered form.
So the way I plan to mimic the look of the old Vaal Spark builds is pretty simple, I'll use mines. Now I know what you're thinking, but before you close this tab hear me out for one more minute. With the new spark threshold jewels, and a minefield support gem, with two clicks of the mouse (or one if you've already placed a detonate mines totem) you could unleash 33 Spark projectiles at once, and that's just the bare minimum. here's some numbers Spark lvl20: 7 proj 2 Hazardous Research: +4 proj Helmet enchantment: +2-3 proj Deadeye ascendant passive: +1 proj And finally a minefield support gem to multiply all that craziness by 3, giving a theoretical maximum of 45 projectiles per click, with a totem. But wait, there's more! You're probably at least passingly familiar with the Tremor Rod Military Staff (maybe it dropped while you were farming exalts in a Vault map and you used it for the 5 for 1 uniques prophecy foolishly hoping Navaali would bless you with a free Kaom's Heart). But Tremor Rod is a thoroughly underrated item, even after ZiggyD's Glacial Cascade mine madness. Using a Tremor Rod, not only do you get an extra link because it has an in-built Remote Mine Support, you also get to detonate ALL YOUR MINES TWICE. That means for each set of three mines you drop, you could have 90 Sparks zooming around. Yes you read that right, 90. So basically a Vaal Spark. Not to mention that's only 3 mines, and as a Scion you can get as many as 9 placed at a time, which would triple your total Spark count. So yeah, those numbers are super fun and all, but the problem is a build like this is very complicated, and I'm not the best at building miners. There are a lot of questions to be answered, such as do we go crit, do we go Eldritch Battery/Zealot's Oath, do we try to go CI, and how on earth do we deal with spending 90 mana every time we drop some mines? I've managed to come up with a lot of trees and such, but none really had everything I wanted it to have. I'll post a few of my ideas here, and I would be super grateful to anyone who offered their thoughts on any of this. Unless those thoughts are "you're an idiot and give up on your dreams". No one needs that. Currently my best tree in my opinion is the following Deadeye/Saboteur Ele Overload Spark Mines Any crit trees I've tried to come up with are usually super point starved and have trouble getting anywhere near enough life, and even the one above is a little lower in that department than I usually like. But I'll post new trees I come up with in the comments if I think they're better. Hope this sparks some inspiration for someone. Reflotado por última vez en 4 oct. 2017 16:28:40
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I never played a mines build and this build sounds very stupid and complicated but i like it. What do you think about using Blood Magic keystone on tree? Get life regen, maybe use 1 Essence worm ring for an aura, travel to Ele overload then go to the right side of tree for some projectile damage. I never done a build of my own so im not so experienced but i think this could help. Gona level a scion then to put it in practice ^^
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