[3.0][Unfinished] Xendran's Dark Pact Clearspeed Scion
Dark Pact Clearspeed Scion
Unfinished Guide
After playing Dark Pact for a while on Berserker, I felt that it performed the best for boss killing, but when looking for clearspeed it seemed like a change of class was due. The 100% leech and free boss leech is overkill if you want a clear speed build, and I've seen quite a few Berserker clear speed builds around for Dark Pact. After looking at the options available, I feel that a Scion with Raider + Occultist ends up with the best mix between damage, health, and clear speed. This is designed to do maps quickly, and is not tuned for Guardians or Shaper. This is not the worlds fastest mapping build, however you are able to do more map mods and content noticeably easier than other builds of similar speed.
Character in progress, coming soon.
Gem Links
Chest - Dark Pact Dark Pact - Added Chaos - Void Manipulation - Controlled Destruction - Spell Echo - Faster Casting If you prefer, you can use Increased Critical Strikes + Increased Critical Damage instead of Spell Echo + Faster Casting. Helmet - Wither Totem This more than doubles our single target damage by causing enemies to take increased Chaos damage. Gloves - Movement Shield Charge - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Culling Strike Shield Charge provides a great way to move around quickly, while also buffing us with Fortify. Culling Strike both improves the speed of our charge, and lets us finish off bosses. Boots - CWDT and Vaal Haste Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Vaal Haste Weapon - Auras and Curses Blasphemy - Assassin's Mark - Haste Shield - Golem Summon Lightning Golem - Arcane Surge 11 - Increased Duration -
Path of Building
(Brightbeak / Rare Dagger) Brightbeak offers an incredibly high attack speed for Shield Charge to take advantage of. If you feel your damage is lacking, you can use a fast dagger with Spell Damage / Spell Crit / Multiplier. (Carcass Jack) Carcass jack trades out some damage in exchange for a larger AoE while still providing life and resistances. Bisco's Collar provides an absurdly high boost to item quantity and rarity. (Spell Damage Shield / Rathpith Globe) Now we start getting into rare gear. If you're ever feeling light on life, remember that a strength roll can add a bit of extra life to your rares. Shields provide a very nice boost to our damage and life, while also being able to fix resistances if necessary. As you get better gear you should look for a fully offensive shield Crit Multiplier / Spell Crit / Cast Speed, and no resistance. Rathpith Globe can be a very helpful entry item while saving for a stronger rare shield. Your Helmet should have life and resistances. (Rare Fingerless Silk Gloves) Your Gloves should be crafted with Essence of Insanity for 16% more attack speed on your Shield Charge. You're looking to use Fingerless Silk Gloves as your base, and get Life and Resistances. Your rings should have life and the necessary resistances. Use a Diamond Ring base if possible, in order to get the extra Crit Chance. Essence crafted rings with Chaos Damage or Critical Strike multiplier are a good way to boost your damage if you can afford them. Cast and Attack speed are also nice suffixes to have for improving your clearspeed. Your Belt should have life and resistances. As you get gear with better resistance, you should upgrade from a belt to one with Reduced Flask Charges Used and Increased Flask Duration. Belt of the Deceiver is great while saving for your rare belt. (Rare Boots) Your Boots should have life, resistances, and as much movement speed as possible. You want to get the labyrinth enchant that gives 16% increased attack and cast speed to further increase your clearspeed. If you are feeling light on resistances, you can use a pair of Two-Toned Boots. -
Ascendancy, Bandits, Pantheon
Raider & Occultist Raider offers us Frenzy Charges for damage and speed, as well as a nice 10% bonus to movement speed. Occultist gives us a very nice damage boost, especially in resistance maps, and gives us access to the extremely efficient Witch starting area. We gain 5 extra passive points from our ascendancy, as well as saving some passive points and being placed at the scion start for easy access to jewels and life. Since we aren't focusing on bosses, we don't need to stack as much life so these jewel sockets become very valuable. Bandits - Help Kraityn We want movement speed, cast speed, and attack speed. Kraityn gives movement speed, cast speed, and attack speed. Pantheon: Lunaris & Ryslatha Soul of Lunaris offers some nice movement speed around enemies, as well as some dodge that has almost no requirement. Ryslatha offers a massive buff to flasks when used on low life, and passively restores your flask charges. This restores much faster than you think, and is quite handy (especially in Uber Lab). -
Note: Replace "Grounding" with "Heat". -
Jewel Link Here You're looking for 3 damage mods. If you need to fill out resistances, find the best balance between using Jewels and Gear for resistances based on the slot. Spell Damage / Cast Speed / Multiplier are your best options in terms of damage. Editado por útlima vez por Xendran#1127 en 25 ago. 2017 9:09:56 Reflotado por última vez en 24 ago. 2017 17:20:03
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