The Flash 3C RF[Speedfarm,Uber carry]
Hi guys
This is not complete or detailed RF guide for that we have guys like This build was made because other end-game rf builds wanted from me unobtainable items or items worth 300+chaos each item,you can always switch from this one to more fancy build but I do not think you will want to do that any time soon. Pros High aoe dps MF setup viable Can change to different build with 10regrets because most of the builds are HP nodes so any hp based build will work high hp pool good survival big fun lazy gameplay Cost just 3 chaos to speedfarm t10+ maps and just few extra to do ubers safely[/spoiler]
Cons Is not immortal there are broken builds that can instant kill shaper on 2link not for map group play Item Core >Items that should not be touched because I tried every alternative ingame and this worked best and by every I do mean every unique,rare combination,craft [spoiler] [/spoiler] And that is It 2 items both cost under 1 chaos [today i seen them go 1alch each] Then you just wear as many blues as you feel comfortable with and let hidden potential do its magic Here is some useless text in spoiler: [spoiler]Here is me wearing only blue items except shield,weapon and one ring that we need to proc elemental overload passive It is easy to replace with just blue cold ring with cold resist and hp roll if you do not want to use elemental overlord or roll the cold/light dmg on your weapon [spoiler] Items used [spoiler][/spoiler] Yes chaos resistance suck and armor is on lower side but we run chaos golem for 5% reduction and chaos dmg is not really issue with our life pool,you can get enought chaos resist on your ring to make it 0 Then again,I do not tell you to run this crazy ammount of magic items vs some hardcore chaos dmg bosses,just showing you even going full blue-team is not that bad [intel jokes aside] you could always get just Str+Hp combination to reach about 8.5k hp and wear rare chest with 3res on poe trade search 2res craft third it is always cheaper I wear Because It helps with no-regen,degen and reduced %regen map modes I'm too poor to reroll maps so this is my FINAL SOLUTION along with That stun bonus is really just bonus,thing to target is long duration+high hp regenerated All in all to reach 165all resist 6k armor and high hp is possible and not hard Twinks in his guide tells us with his end-game gear he has Lev 91, 7.3k Life, 9.7k Armour, Res: F=130 C=115 L=124. So except the armour he has no advantage in paper defense but like i said,you can simply wear rare chest get about 10k armour with it and you are good to go [/spoiler] Here is what I wear to speedrun maps and carry ubers [spoiler][/spoiler] If I feel like Izaro has some hardcore roll that specific day I use [spoiler][/spoiler] For uber woman you should not care about your gear,with RF setup and You just gotta dodge few explosions and It is gg Now Shaper [spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler] Yes you can do even shaper and It is not so hard just takes considerably long and is pretty dangerous if you do not dodge compared to proper shaper build >6l Scorching ray in tabula rasa with +1 to gems or 5link without Swift afliction support I would not go any lower than 5l but if you insist you can >Blast his face dodging the worst stuff only The thing is,you get huge bonus for RAY from running RF,your passive tree already support SR dps Your hidden potential works on it too... all in all this is perfect build to combine these two. Great thing about SR is the base dmg and that it can be 8x60% higher+debuff Shaper is 99%elemental dmg so cap your res and maybe get movement skill to dodge "leap slam" [/spoiler] Yes kaoms are better yes 2res 100hp 30% more helm with 40% rf enchant is better I do not claim anywhere that blue gear>perfect rare items or most expensive uniques but what I sure as * do claim:It is cheap,It does ubers in reasonable time even if you carry someone,It jst wrrrks Just imagine that,you have 3 chaos in your pocket,you just finished act10 final boss and you can already speedfarm t11 maps for that pocket-change Find some more pocket change [about 30chaos] and finish your build. Then you can farm for the real deal for rest of the league Here is the "perfect" gear that you can aim for and slowly reduce your magic items to 0 [spoiler] Kaom chest or rare chest with about 200hp 2k armor 60+resistances Boots with 50str 130hp 100% resistance or magic find helm with 30% more 100+hp resistances or magic find +40% rf dmg Opal rings with 30%fire dmg 90hp + magic find or resistances+20%armor Belt with 120+resistances 140+ hp Scepter with 100%fire dmg 40% elemental 30% over time 30% burning Gloves with 120%+ resistance +critical strike chance for socketed gems[run the blade vortex in it] [200%] [/spoiler] If you want just 20%burning+7% life jewel prices are now about 30chaos so running this you also free up options on jewel slots as you already have nice %dmg bonus you can run %armor,%all resist,7%hp,Strenght,over time,area dmg,burn dmg,fire dmg,damage and any combination of above but I recommend to get that 7% everywhere because HP=DPS for rf. but more importantly bosses in this game are SHIT cheaply made thrill with boring mechanics that excite people only with 1shoting them. Say anything you want about d3 but before rifts you could kill anything ingame just by dodging a lot Here is athene killing diablo naked for 3 hours and even now you can do rifts naked,it will take 14months to finish one tho. [/spoiler] TL;Dr version: Get blue items with hp roll and cap your resists,use hidden potential jewel,get phoenix shield purity of fire,chaos golem,rf. 2str=1hp keep that in mind So 50str 50hp ring = 75 hp ring To melt ubers use scorching ray[but rf works just is slower] Things you do not see me explain here are in Twinks guide I use most of his gem set up and curse tree Only difference is that I took 15% all resist node because I find It totally worth it for elemental weakness maps with curses There is not any chance to go wrong just take HP nodes,HP regen nodes and closest jewel slots Because HP=DMG even if you do not take dmg nodes at all,you can still clean maps but I do not recommend to do so because some nodes are very close to HP nodes and give you MORE damage MORE damage>Increased damage I'm pretty much done with this league as not even I m no-life enought to do 36 challenges and idk who did this league rewards but they look like something my blue cat would vomit and i feeld cheated because you can not wear blue eyes and crown at once like on the pictures So now I just try to farm enought for kaoms and get 40% rf dmg enchant helm Final words: I will improve this build guide slowly including your feedback , I'm not happy with formating and information[or more of lack of information] And thank you to every single person that made RF variant because that we share our item/passive builds is that keeps RF alive. I used to play FB and It is pretty much dead[along with standard league] EDIT:ALL the gear links are broken because I did not realize It will use my current gear instead of gear that I had while typing it Too tired to fix it properly,so here u got the blues I use ![]() And the speedfam I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty and gay, And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today! Editado por útlima vez por CAKE#4700 en 24 ago. 2017 3:23:43 Reflotado por última vez en 24 ago. 2017 3:04:25
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So many broken spoilers,we are glad you do not talk about Game of Thrones or our favorite anime!
Also your english suck. Because formating is so broken here is gear that I actually use to speedfarm and kill ubers
Because I found about 300chaos while speedfarming I do not wear so many magic items anymore and soon none as I get kaoms and expensive jewels. I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty and gay, And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today! Editado por útlima vez por CAKE#4700 en 24 ago. 2017 3:21:11
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