KB LL Theorycraft
Item Setup:
Crown of Eyes - Mov Setup Shavronne`s Wrappings (1R/1B/5G) - KB - GMP - FA - SP - WED - PIERCE Atziri`s acuity - Blood Magic - Enlighten - Herald of Ash - Anger Skyforth - Enlighten - AA - Hatred - Wrath Wand Rare - CWDT Setup Shield Rare (Resists) - Enlighten - Discipline Rings, Belt, Amulet (Resist) Status: Total ES Base: 1843 (items + discipline) Total ES Increased (items + tree + int): 214% Wand: 1.64APS / 260pDps / 10% crit / 48% Spell dmg Passive - http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAVxBQUlBQVJBQWZ3bWdEWHdOMFJFUEVTOFJVQlN3RmtBWEx4bUtHbzhiSlJ2SUhSUWRUeDJxS2dzckNpMGZMYWd2YnpXNU93MF9jMFp4UzY1TUxWQXdVRUpTS1ZNMVZkWlY0RmhhV2J4Y2ExeUtYZkpmYWwtd1kwTms1MmFlYk9kdEdXLWVjRkp3dTNOd2R3ZF94b0NrZ2g2RENZUkloTVdGZlljVGlkT01Ob3gyajBhUC1wTW5sU0NhWVp1aG03V2NwSi1Jb1MtaW82Y3JySml4a0xRTXR6RzMxcjZBdm9yQnhjSHp3blBET3NOdHhTaktTc3JUem5EUDNkRFEyUlBaVzl0WjIxN2hpT09FNnJyc0dPX3I4WXIyV19iYTl1ZjMxX3JTLXduLVNmcnZfR1JLbXFJRTZRTHJZN1ZJd0p5bk5IdHVod2VYSWNGOHBxOEF3WVJUN18wUVluZmkACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA= i don`t have experience with wands or low life so idk if that wand is good, and how much ES i suppose to have. can someone give me a feedback, how bad its this build? and i`m thinking on use a rare helm instead of CoE and a Shavronne`s Revelation instead of one rare ring, for be able to use blood rage. i already have an Skyforth and an Acuity. Editado por útlima vez por Suzim#7534 en 14 ago. 2016 15:34:51 Reflotado por última vez en 14 ago. 2016 12:43:03
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