[2.2] Crit Dagger Wildstriker "The AssQuisitor" Evasion/acrobatics 100k+ dps on a 5L
I love the melee ability Wildstrike even though everyone thinks it's utter garbage I enjoy it a lot, I love the looks of the ability and it clears pretty damn fast. I got the idea to make this build playing a reave character and I got bored of reave so i looked at other abilities useable by daggers and decided on wildstrike, and to be quite honest, wildstrike clears waaaaaaaay faster than reave. Pros/Cons
Pros; Fun to play Clears Quickly Not hard to gear/inexpensive unless you want certain uniques that make the build way stronger Not too too hard on gpu, can be used on mid-range PC's (i have a r7 250 and its fine) Dagger = Dash around with whirling blades like a mad man And you get to be the "Assquisitor ;) Runs jewel sockets Cons; To get all the uniques i use youll have to try to cap resists (can be expensive) Evasion/Acrobatics if you get hit you get hit really hard PRAISE RNG Gems/link setups
For auras you can either run triple Heralds(lots of fun) or you can Run Hatred+Herald of thunder Helmet: 4L Curse on Hit-Assassins Mark-Herald of thunder-Herald of Ice Dagger: Whirling blades-Blood Magic-Fortify (can replace blood magic with Faster Attacks if you wish Chest; 4L = Wildstrike-multistrike-melee phys-added fire 5L = Wildstrike-multistrike-melee phys-added fire-faster attacks 6L = Wildstrike-multistrike-melee phys-added fire-faster attacks-Weapon ele damage Gloves: CwdT-immortal call-increased duration-ice golem Boots: Doesnt really matter here but i have Herald of ash+Hatred(if i wanna use it)-enlighten Shield: lvl 3/4 Enhance w/ Blood Rage (Quality gives more attack speed on blood rage) than throw in an increased duration or a gem you're leveling up to you. My Gear;
I dont know much about the new flasks but with what i know about the usual flasks is id run 1 bleed removal 1 freeze removal taste of hate atziri's promise and a jade flask Passive Tree Ascendancy Enchantments
The absolute best one for Wildstrike on your helmet would be +40% wildstrike damage farming for it could take a long time. I'm unsure about the best for gloves/boots at this time but i'll keep this updated Jewels
Jewels with all rest/life/crit/crit multi = best offence/defence
With full charges + buffs wildstrike is about 110k dps
Also i currently only have a 5L defence v ![]() auras w/o charges v ![]() unbuffed/ no auras v ![]() Ascendant specializations
Obviously Inquisitor + Assassin Inquisitor gives us really nice ele damage and also more crit when an enemy is effected by a status effect like Ignited or frozen or shocked, know if they are effected by all 3 i'm not 100% sure it triple dips giving us 360% more crit chance against that target or not but still 120% more is already nice. ALSO the concentrated ground is a nice little heal for when you are getting hit Assassin because of the flat % chance to crit chance to main (makes enemy's slower might actually trigger inquisitors 120% crit bonus) 10% chance to gain a power charge on hit when enemies full life and 40% more crit multi on full life enemies Videos:
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THANKS FOR READING!!! You shall now become the ASSQUISITOR EXILE !!!! Editado por útlima vez por GetRekz#6926 en 5 mar. 2016 21:00:23 Reflotado por última vez en 5 dic. 2016 16:32:20
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I think melee physical damage support will only affect the single target that you are striking and not the entire pack since the elemental effects are not considered melee. If so a better gem would be lightning to physical and replace added fire with lightning penetration. If you need the leech you could use life leech instead of penetration. Your tooltip dos would decrease signifcantly but I believe your clear sped would be greatly increased.
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" No. WildStrike gem converts 60% of your phys dmg to a random element. If u have more phys dmg, the conversion becomes stronger. |
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" I think he means it'll only affect the initial hit; MPD won't affect the effects that come after the initial hit (Arc, FP, explosion). |
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" That is right, physical to lightning probably will do more damage than mpd. |
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Bandits? I have a 66 Scion with 3 Oak helps but passive tree wiped. Could use?
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I think it was an ok build, but for me personally it just didn't click. Let me explain why. I used the same uniques (yes every single one) (great choices btw) and still had a lot of difficulty. This might be just be because I am one of the weaker players, but just try to keep an open mind.
Point number 1: The skill itself simply doesn't scale effectively. Using phys to lightning is recommended but the reality is that bosses usually have a ton of elemental resistance so it is basically worthless. What does that mean for wild strike? 60% of your damage is basically nonexistant. Picking a skill like lightning strike or frost blades solves this issue because it picks one element to specialize in and a penetration gem can be used to ensure a significant portion of damage goes through. Point number 2: Let's ignore the elemental issues and just focus on the ascendancies themselves. Recommending assassin is just flat out terrible because you simply don't oneshot enemies. Consider Izaro: can you honestly say assassin helps here other than the maiming? Inquisitor isn't bad, but unless you plan on attempting to strike him multiple times in a row consecutively, that 120% critical chance isn't really helping. The rest of it is pretty nice. However taking the raider ascendancy provides a lot more benefits. For one, you have flat out onslaught at maximum frenzy charges. Literally just use frenzy to gain maximum charges and you're going to deal much more damage plus you have a reasonable duration for frenzy charges. It also helps clear mobs + the 4% dodge is pretty good. Take slayer as the second ascendancy for 2 reasons. The first is the 30% increased damage allowing you more flexibility in a hit and run play style because of being acrobatics based. The second reason is culling strike: this makes your life so much easier because it kills unique bosses at 10% of their maximum health, huge if you consider how much of your damage they can ignore or mitigate. Overkill leech is also nice to have. I think this was a great idea but even with the improvements made to wild strike, it just doesn't scale. You can't just focus on one element: you have to focus on all of them. At level 77, it did become kind of fun but dying repeatedly reduced the enjoyment. Bandits: Remember the extra passive points. Picking Oak for 40 health or actually just using an ascendancy point for 40 strength means you have unique option as a Scion: 40 flat life or 20 life+8% melee physical damage. Bandit 2: Pick kraityn for attack speed. Bandit 3: pick Kraityn for frenzy charges. |
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I think it was an ok build, but for me personally it just didn't click. Let me explain why. I used the same uniques (yes every single one) (great choices btw) and still had a lot of difficulty. This might be just be because I am one of the weaker players, but just try to keep an open mind.
Point number 1: The skill itself simply doesn't scale effectively. Using phys to lightning is recommended but the reality is that bosses usually have a ton of elemental resistance so it is basically worthless. What does that mean for wild strike? 60% of your damage is basically nonexistant. Picking a skill like lightning strike or frost blades solves this issue because it picks one element to specialize in and a penetration gem can be used to ensure a significant portion of damage goes through. Point number 2: Let's ignore the elemental issues and just focus on the ascendancies themselves. Recommending assassin is just flat out terrible because you simply don't oneshot enemies. Consider Izaro: can you honestly say assassin helps here other than the maiming? Inquisitor isn't bad, but unless you plan on attempting to strike him multiple times in a row consecutively, that 120% critical chance isn't really helping. The rest of it is pretty nice. However taking the raider ascendancy provides a lot more benefits. For one, you have flat out onslaught at maximum frenzy charges. Literally just use frenzy to gain maximum charges and you're going to deal much more damage plus you have a reasonable duration for frenzy charges. It also helps clear mobs + the 4% dodge is pretty good. Take slayer as the second ascendancy for 2 reasons. The first is the 30% increased damage allowing you more flexibility in a hit and run play style because of being acrobatics based. The second reason is culling strike: this makes your life so much easier because it kills unique bosses at 10% of their maximum health, huge if you consider how much of your damage they can ignore or mitigate. Overkill leech is also nice to have. I think this was a great idea but even with the improvements made to wild strike, it just doesn't scale. You can't just focus on one element: you have to focus on all of them. At level 77, it did become kind of fun but dying repeatedly reduced the enjoyment. Bandits: Remember the extra passive points. Picking Oak for 40 health or actually just using an ascendancy point for 40 strength means you have unique option as a Scion: 40 flat life or 20 life+8% melee physical damage. Bandit 2: Pick kraityn for attack speed. Bandit 3: pick Kraityn for frenzy charges. |
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