(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง Rainbow Soul [2.1] CHEAP TO GEAR - 70k+ DPS - RUN ALL MAP MODS - TANKY


Hello folks! I am Titan and this is my Rainbow Soul build guide!

This guide will show you how to unleash your inner rainbow and lay waste upon the battlefield, leaving your opponents scorched, electrocuted and shattered.

The skill which we will be using is the brand new Wild Strike.

Our primary weapon of choice is a Soul Taker as this will allow us to use one additional offensive gem instead of BM. If you are unable to acquire a Soul Taker use a one handed axe with as high physical DPS as possible.

Unlike the other WS builds I've seen we will not be using a shield, nor a dagger, nor a claw.
Instead we will dual wield badass axes like the fabolous badass we have chosen to be!

That's right. We will not just use one badass axe. We will use TWO badass axes!
And seeing how badass isn't an additive stat but exponential, we will get Badass² which gives us enough badass to become a Fabolous Badass.

You still here? Alright, great! Let us move onto the pros and cons of this build!

Pros ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • High survivability!
  • Only needs a 4L to work!
  • You will get REALLY GOOD at a very affordable price (5-6ex)
  • You can gear for 74 maps on a 15 chaos budget.
  • Newbie friendly!
  • Multi layered defences!
  • Only needs a 4L to work!
  • Easily HC Adaptable
  • Fun and engaging to play!
  • Con nr. 3 doesn't really matter because Coil/Belly/Daresso is still amazeballs!
  • Never before have you been able to care so little about mana
  • 28k+ EHP

Cons ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
  • If you have angered the RNGods you will be very killable.
  • Requires you to look at screen while playing.
  • Can't use pure EV chest despite being EV/Dodge based.
  • No shield!
  • Con list is mostly made up and doesn't matter

Gems, Gears, Jewels and Trees

Gems... Gems... Gems are truly, truuuuuuly outrageous! -Taric
And we thank you for that input, Taric.

Anyways, gems are what makes you powerful. With a bad gem setup you will do bad damage.. With a good gem setup everything around you will die. Forever. (Zeref confirmed gem user.)
With that in mind, lets look at our gems of choice.

Wild Strike

For our main skill, namely Wild Strike, we will use the following setup, in order of importance:
  • Wild Strike
  • Multistrike
  • Life Leech
  • Weapon Elemental Damage
  • Added Fire damage
  • Hypothermia

If you are on a budget (10-15 chaos) and you are therefor unable to get hold of a Soul Taker, you will have to use the following setup. Once again in order of importance:
  • Wild Strike
  • Multistrike
  • Blood Magic
  • Life leech / Life gain on hit
  • Weapon Elemental Damage
  • Added Fire damage

Reasoning behind choices

Multistrike is used to greatly enhance our attack rate, pretty straight forward.
Weapon elemental damage and Added fire damage are used to increase our damage.

However, it should be noted that while Melee Physical Damage gives us a higher tooltip dps, weapon elemental damage gives us a higher true dps due to MPD not having any effect on the secondary effect of Wild Strike.

Life leech is also pretty straight forward, it makes sure that we don't die.

I use Hypothermia because it got great synergy with both Soul Taker, which allows our physical damage to chill, and Hatred, which adds a bunch of cold damage that chills. It also is somewhat defensive as it gives us 10% chance to Freeze a chilled enemy, as well as quality increases chill duration on enemies by 1.5% per 1% quality.

Blood Magic is only used when you do not have access to a Soul Taker, as we will have all of our mana reserved.

Leap Slam

"Gotta go fast!" -Sanic the Hog

If you have ever made it to endgame you will know for sure that mobility = survival, therefor we will get a ton of mobility by using Leap Slam! Links are as follow, in order of importance.
  • Leap Slam
  • Fortify
  • Faster Attacks
  • Blood Magic if not using a Soul Taker

I don't really feel like there is a need to explain the links here, so I won't.

Cats when damage Taken

"All these cats make me want to hurt myself even more!<3 -Crazy Catlady next door

Cats wh... Cast when damage taken (one could wish for cats) setups exists in like... 90% of all builds or at least close to that. And it's no wonder that they do, CwdT setups are just that good!
We will use two setups actually, one that's mainly for convenience and one that is for actual defense.

Setup One
  • Cast when damage Taken - Level 1
  • Blood Rage
  • Enfeeble
  • Increased AoE, Flame Golem or Temporal Chains if dual cursing

We use this setup to keep our blood rage up at all times instead of having to recast both BR and an aura when it runs out, so that's for convenience. We also use it to curse our foes with Enfeeble (and temporal chains if dual cursing) and thus greatly reducing their damage. We can also choose to either link iAoE to get more enemies cursed per cast, or a Flame Golem that re-casts itself and gives us more deeps.

Setup Two
  • Cast when damage Taken - Level... Enough so that it procs at 30-50% of total life taken
  • Immortal Call
  • Molten Shell
  • Increased Duration

We use this setup to survive though extra sticky situations. Having CwdT at a high level allows us to also have our IC and MS at a high level, which greatly increases their power. The level of IC in combination with the increased duration gem gives us 3-3.5s immortal calls.
Not permanent like in 1.3, but its something.

Vaal Haste

"GOTTA GO FAAAA...."- Sanic the Hogs last words before he died of a speed overdose.

Vaal Haste. How can you not like this skill? Brings us a TON of attack and movement speed, and it is rather easy to sustain! It's just a no brainer for any build out there without mana issues.
  • Vaal Haste
  • Vaal Haste
  • Increased Duration

Nothing special here really. We use two Vaal Haste and the increased duration gem to buff their duration from 6s each to about 10.5 seconds each. This gives us 21 seconds to kill enough mobs to refill the souls needed to use them again. Should be plenty.


The auras I choose to use are
  • Hatred for a massive damage boost!
  • Herald of Ash for a significant damage boost as well as increased AoE damage thanks to overkill.
  • Arctic Armour for some defenses and also a bit of offence as enemies standing on the chilled ground will take increased damage thanks to Hypothermia.

Trees and Bandits

"On the 6th day our lord and savior Chris planted a seed which immediately turned into a tree of proportions which to this day are unmeasured." -Book of Salt, Quarl 4:20

This is the part where I explain why I have chosen to traverse the Skilldrasil in the way I have and also how to traverse it for optimal leveling pleasure. Because why would you want to level and worry about efficiency?

Bandit rewards: Oak - Kraitlyn - Kraitlyn
For a grand total of 40 life, 8% iAS and one frenzy charge.

40 points

Tree here
What you want to do is to start off by taking the melee damage nodes and the entire scion HP wheel before heading straight to RT. By doing so you should have RT somewhere between level 19-21 depending on if you did the side quests for extra skillpoints or not.

Next up you grab the attack speed nodes and head over to dodge and phase acro which you will pick up at about level 35-40.

74 points

Tree here
First of all you want to go down and grab the herbalism cluster for 20% life, then you move up and grab all of the nodes in the shadow area, as well as the jewel node which is located on your way to Acrobatics.

In this node you want to slot fertile mind as that will give you about 80 int, which we otherwise lack, and that frees up gear choices.

After that you move down to the marauder area.
Pick up Vaal Pact whenever you feel like it.

109 Points

Tree here
Start off by going through strong arm and barbarianism and connect to RT, allowing you to remove two skill points. After that you can pick up your jewel slots if you got some nice jewels, or go for the duality cluster below the Scion HP wheel, giving you both phys damage and attackspeed.

You can also choose to pick up the last 2 ev/hp nodes, and the Hired Killer cluster of grab the axe circle below RT, you should also pick up your two frenzy charges. The order of allocating points isn't really that important, just grab the hp nodes earlier if you feel like you lack HP, otherwise save those for your late 80s.

120 Points

Tree here
Alright, so lets assume you decide to use this build up to 100.
Last 10 levels are just picking up the 2/3p jewel nodes and the Berserking cluster.

Gear and Jewels

In this part I will talk about what the BiS items for this build are and which stats to look out for in gear.
My Gear

Gear Choices

Before you read this take a look at my gear and it will give you a decent idea of what to look out for. Alright, checked it out? Great. Lets move on.

As stated before, you will use two axes. The BiS for one of them is Soul Taker as it allows us to bypass any mana issues we could ever have and it also lets us drop BM and gain more damage. If you can't afford a Soul Taker just use an axe with as high pDPS as possible.

The second axe should just have as high pDPS as possible. Really simple gearing here.

My helmet slot is currently a Devoto's Devotion as I managed to stumble across one in a map and it gave me a DPS boost, so I chose to use it. Another helmet that I have considered using is Alpha's Howl as it will allow us to drop either HoA or AA and run a purity instead. I would probably try to get my hands on an Alpha's if I was planning on using a Lightning Coil as it would help out a lot with the resists.

Otherwise when looking for helmets, try to find something with high evasion, life and resists.

There are a couple of different chests you could use. Either just a rare EV/AR chest with life and resists (not evasion because of colours), or one of the following unique chests:
  • Daresso's Defiance
  • Lightning Coil
  • Belly of the Beast

I'm currently using Daresso's as it helps me out with endurance charge generation and also gives extra dodge and life, and quiet some AR/EV. But both Belly and Coil are solid choices.
NOTE: When using any chest but Daresso's Defiance, you will either need to swap enfeeble for warlords mark, use enduring cry or have a friend with conduit who generates endurance charges in order to get any endurance charges. Therefor I find Daresso's to be the best in slot chest for this build as it gives us a reliable and free source of endurance charge generation.

When searching for gloves try to find gloves with
  • Life
  • Physical damage
  • High evasion
  • Attack speed - Level 7 Haku craft
  • Resists

For boots you want Darkrays or Atziri's Step. I prefer Drakrays as those always give one extra frenzy and are really cheap. Also they give you 12-14% dodge, while Atziri's give you 16% spell dodge.
But either Drakrays or Atziri's, won't get a equal rare for the same price.

You want to use a belt that looks like mine, but with life instead of ES.

You want a neck with phys damage / WED / life / resists.

Rings should preferably have phys damage, attack speed, life and resists.


Jewels are really simple. Just get a jewel with as much attack speed as possible, and either damage or life. You might also want to throw in a Fertile Mind in the jewel slot between Shadow and Ranger, as it will give give you 76-84 int, allowing for easier gearing. This can of course be switched out for an offensive gem if you can get enough int from gear.

A perfect jewel for this build should have the following mods
  • (6-8%) Increased Attack Speed with Axes
  • (4-6%) Increased Attack Speed with One handed melee weapons / While dual wielding OR (6-8%) life
  • (3-5%) increased Attack Speed
  • (8-10%) increased Damage

For a grand total of either
  • 13-19% increased Attack speed and 8-10% increased damage
  • 9-13% increased Attack Speed, 6-8% increased life and 8-10% increased damage

Leveling gear and tips
When I leveled up I was using Frost blades and a 2h Weapon up until level 31, where I switched to Wild Strike with Blood Magic and Life Gain on Hit, while still using a 2h Weapon. Reason behind this is that 2h leveling gear is just so much stronger than 1h leveling gear, and Frost Blades is a really solid skill to level with!

I did something along the lines of
  • Dual Wielded The Screaming Eagle from level 6 > 14
  • I then used a Shiverstingfrom level 14 > 33
  • From level 33 > 44 I used Reaper's Pursuit
  • From level 44 > 51 I used Rigvald's Charge
  • From level 51 > 59 I used Terminus Est
  • Once I hit 59 I equipped my Soul Taker and another axe. If you can't afford a Soul Taker just use the best 1h axes you can afford with 250+ pDPS and as high attack speed as possible, Siege axes are preffered. These should cost about 1-3 chaos.

However, you can't reserve all your mana until you are level 31 and got the blood magic gem.
So you will have to chug them pots until then!

Other than the weapons listed above good leveling gear includes
  • Tabula Rasa
  • Briskwrap
  • Wanderlust
  • Wake of Destruction
  • Lioneyes Paws
  • Asenaths Mark
  • Goldrim
  • The Ignomon
  • Atziri's Foible
  • Astramentis
  • Meginord's Girdle
  • Wurms Molt
  • The Magnate
  • Prismweave
  • Blackheart
  • Kaom's Sign
  • Le Heup of All

Offensive Stats

4L Wild Strike . BM , Multistrike , Leech

No Buffs


Auras, Frenzy and Onslaught

6L Wild Strike, MPD, Added Fire, Multistrike, Hypothermia, Leech

No Buffs


Auras, Frenzy and Onslaught

Defensive Stats

No Charges

7 Frenzy and 3 Endurance

WED Setup

74 Jungle Valley + Waste Pools https://youtu.be/HByOnVEjATs
74 Mine https://youtu.be/eN95NZjFVzM


11th December 2015
  • Updated tree for 2.1!

15th August 2015
  • Added leveling section!

12th August 2015
  • Uploaded 2 videos for WED setup

8th August 2015
  • Skilltrees didn't work. Updated to PoE website and they should now work properly.

6th August 2015
  • Replaced MPD with WED for more damage, tooltip went down but clear speed went up.

5th August 2015
  • Added two videos
  • Added stats

4th August 2015
  • Replaced Innervate with Hypothermia to gain more consistent damage.
  • Replaced WED with Leech for much greater survivability.
  • Removed Curse on Hit setup because of the replaced gems. Survivability is enough with leech
  • Because of CoH changes, Herald of Thunder was replaced with Arctic Armour.
  • Changed the low level CwdT setup. Arctic breath and GMP were replaced with enfeeble.
  • Added gear section.

Editado por útlima vez por Titan_Uranus#3874 en 11 dic. 2015 14:46:25
Reflotado por última vez en 24 may. 2017 12:57:40
nvm i'm blind
Editado por útlima vez por Starshine_Buzi#1032 en 31 jul. 2015 20:35:38
Bump again!
Cats when damage Taken :) Imagine that!

Nice build, tempted to try it out at some point.
mistaix escribió:
Cats when damage Taken :) Imagine that!

Nice build, tempted to try it out at some point.

Cats when damage Taken, Cats on Crit, Cats on Melee Kill... I would throw so many monies at GGG just to make this happen lol :>

Will also add videos soon (today maybe?) which might tempt you further into trying it out ;)
Bump! Added videos!
Stats added!
More videos added!

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