Filtros de objetos de Vexivian

Vexis Personal Lootfilter

Plataforma: PC (Última versión válida: 3.24.1)
Creado por : Vexivian
Última actualización : 12 dic. 2023 21:30:26

My OG filter updated through the ages. Edited sporadically. Just check whenever there is a patch. If I'm currently playing it will be updated. The first section is personalized to my needs so either edit the BaseTypes or disable that entire section.

Versión : 3.19

Vexis Public Lootfilter

Plataforma: PC (Última versión válida: 3.24.1)
Creado por : Vexivian
Última actualización : 25 ago. 2022 9:48:36

This filter is the same as my personal filter except you don't have to remove the personalized first section. I can imagine this will be updated less frequently.

Versión : 3.19